
the attack

Today i was just walking but suddenly i hear an explosion sound

Then after that the sounds of water magic follows.

Then rose and all the guards surrounds me.

"Are you okay rein?"says rose worrying

"IM okay. But what is that explosion?"says me to rose

"I think there are three explosion" says one of the guards

After the guy said that i was Suspicios of the guy. And the guy turns out to be .....


"How do you know there are three explosion if you only here protecting me?"says me

"I just Heard the sound"says romn

After hearing romn explanation i began to believe him.

Then suddenly Mellisa my mom and Lily comes to this room.

They hug me tightly.

I was shocked

Because Lily and Mellisa Should be outside the kingdom with Raul.

"Thank God we arrived at the castle in time"says Mellisa

"After we Heard that you are being attacked yesterday i and my majesty want to visit you. But we don't know you gonna get attacked again."says lily

Then 2 days after that a few Suspicious person tries to enter the castle. But obviously the guards gonna not let them in right?. No the guard especially romn suggest they should let them in.

After the few guys come in the castle some starts to walk around but with a weird magic sign in their hand. There are 4 guys and all of them stand at the corner of the guest area. Then suddenly booom!!! A sudden loud explosion makes me off guard so my hand almost got slash but suddenly rose appear. When the smock clear rose and i can see a romn holding a sword but his body look like a demon with wings and horns.

Then romn try to attack Raul and Mellisa but rose jump to the front of Raul and Mellisa.

Romn attacks from above making rose have to use agility style. Then rose attack with a strike on romn leg impaling romn right leg. Blood Spread every where but romn with ease heals it fully. Rose decide to retreat and save the other but ITS to late.

Raul which has a better rank then helps rose fight romn but his sword instanly breaks because ITS not the usual sword Raul choose so Raul got captured and Mellisa and Lily also. "Rose you have to escape the rein with you" says Raul before captured.

"How about you"says rose.

"Ill be fine "says Raul.

"Okay" says rose

rose manage to escape with me to the forest. But when we are running i just can think about why my reincarnation become a mess and because off that i triped

"Rein quick get up"

I try to get my leg out but ITS stuck on the small three branch

" I cant do it!" Says me panicked

Then i finally gets my leg out but rose have to fight back romn and here army.

"Rose sensei let's go!!!" Says me

"I cant go i have to hold them back here"says rose

Rose then toss a bag full of money

"Survive with that money buy a house in livik kingdom okay?. Now RUN!!!!!"says rose

I then run as fast as i could i was crying and even almost trip again but i keep running until i see a town it has pink flower ITS different from erangel because erangel always have green or orange Tree but this is weird ITS pink.

Then a person comes to me and said

"Who are you why do you want to enter this kingdom"

Then i replied "what kingdom?."

" Are you serious this is livik of course it is you don't know?"says the person who turns out to be a guard

Then i think in my head if i reveal my Identity i migth be force to come to erangel again.

"Ummm IM try to visit my grandma" says me lying

"Oh what's youre name? And youre age you seem young to travel alone like that.says the guard

"Umm IM lost can i go inside?"says me

"Ok you can come but first youre name and age" says the guard

"IM 5 years old and my name is rein"says me

"What's youre lastname? Is youre name only rein?" Says the guard

"Ummm i forgot "says me lying

"Ok you can come in"says the guard

I walk in the kingdom and the inside is beautiful the trees are pink the kids are playing and the wind is nice. Then i try to find the place to sleep soo i rent a hotel and at that hotel i was start thinking for a fake lastname.

Then i remember there is orphanage that is very famous in livik. ITS called churchwood.

So i decided to use churchwood as my fake lastname.

Then i sleep waiting for the next day i hope i can addapt to this place until somebody like rose or Raul or Mellisa or Lily comes to livik. I just hope it is Soon

please give me rating for a better story.

de_m_oncreators' thoughts