
Wedding Royale

She is the most wanted fashion designer in the fashion world! Her name is known far across the nation and in the top countries of the world. She is hardworking, smart, witty, the wealthiest designer in the entire nation, kindhearted, warm and beautiful both inside and out. She is no one other than Miss Caroline Martinez! The most famous and the best fashion designer that ever graced the lands of this beautiful earth. Being at the pinnacle of her career, she is requested to design the wedding attire for the Royal Wedding of the Crown Prince Adrian and his wife to be Princess Jasmine. A task that every designer would die to have and yet she has been chosen for it, amazing right?. But what would she do if suddenly the Prince is someone she can't help but fall for__his charms, charisma and his aura entices and enthralls every fiber of her being. Will Caroline be able to fight her desires and focus on the task at hand or will she follow her heart and risk everything she has ever worked for?. Enthralled by this, add to your library, read and follow the amazing path and decision she makes as you read each chapter!!!.

Starr_light · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter Ten

"Thanks!" She had a warm smile on her lips as she accepted the cup of coffee from the guy behind the counter.

Turning around, she left the cafe. The cool night breeze greeted her as soon as she stepped out.

Sighing, Carol looked at the night sky. The moon was at its brightest with the stars sparsely besetting it.

She smiled and took a sip of her coffee. She had so much work to do at least the coffee will last in her system for some hours.

She strode the opposite direction heading towards her parked car when suddenly a hooded man bumped into her. Spilling her coffee to the ground.

"Sorry!" He mumbled and hastened his footsteps.

Groaning, she searched her pockets for something to wipe the few stains on her shirt when she realized that something of hers was missing.

'My purse!' she thought.

Her brows knitted as she looked around for the stranger that bumped into her. He glanced back quickly, their eyes meeting for a split second.

Realizing, that she had discovered him he quickened his steps breaking into a run.

She clenched her fist as she ran after him, screaming words and curses at him. Words that left passerbys stunned and kids alarmed at what was coming out of her mouth.

At the other side of the busy road, a motorcyclist on his motorcycle was watching the scene unfolding on the sidewalk and decided within himself to help the poor lady, who knew the important things that were inside her purse. He cut through the busy road causing a bit of a traffic and receiving some angry words from drivers.

The hooded man made a sharp turn to the right, noticing an open back door of a club, he took it as his escape route, he smirked beneath the hood. He was about to run in but luck didn't seem to be on his side because his path was immediately blocked by a black motorcycle.

The motorcyclist got down and approached him with light steps. It looked like he was floating on air and the aura he emitted was illustrious.

He definitely didn't look like an ordinary man. The hooded guy thought for a while since the strange guy was the only thing between him and his only way to escape from the lady. He just had to take him down.

Not a problem right?.

All he had to do was just… It happened so fast! He felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, like he was hit with something so big like a rock. He couldn't see the look on the stranger's face because of the helmet he wore. Was it him?. No, it couldn't be!.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy and his surroundings looked like a blur. The next thing he saw was total darkness. He fell to the ground with the woman's purse still in his grip.

Adrian stared at the unconscious man in front of him. He didn't even have to lift a finger and the man was down. A few feet from the unconscious guy was a black heel. His brows furrowed as he stared at it.

'Was that what hit him?' He pondered.

He looked up and to his surprise was a limping Caroline. She was panting so hard as she approached him.

He removed his helmet and kept it by his side, smiling at her. She was definitely full of surprises.

Carol gasped at the sight of him.

"Your Majes… I mean Adrian!" She corrected quickly.

He placed a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet.

"He might still be awake!" He whispered.

Carol just nodded still in a state of shock.

A few minutes later, the man was dragged to his feet by two officers who arrived at the scene after a brief phonecall was placed to the station, they pushed him into their car. As soon as they drove off, Adrian turned to Carol with a smile.

"That was unexpected!".

"What was?".

He looked down staring at her heels.

"The flying stiletto!" He pointed out.

Carol let out a laugh.

"Well, you steal a woman's purse you will get the heels!" She said comically.

They both laughed heartily.

"What brings you here? To this part of the capital!" She asked when the laughter died down.

"I am actually here for you!".

She raised a brow at him curiously, pondering why he wanted to see her.

"Have you had dinner?" He shoved his hands to his front pockets.

"No, not yet!"

"Do you mind having dinner with me? I need your help with something!" .

She was quiet for a moment.

"Um. Sure!".

It was just dinner right?.

* * * *

"So why do you want my help?" Carol asked as soon as their food was brought to the table.

The waiter gave a light nod before leaving them, glancing at Adrian for a moment. He looked like someone who was oddly familiar, 'Was it because of the glasses the guy wore?'.

Removing those thoughts, she left them.

"Do you always carry those with you?" Carol asked, referring to the glasses.

"Yeah, it is a precautionary measure!".

She nodded, recalling that he never wore the glasses when they met.

"I can remember you not wearing them when we met!".

Adrian facepalmed "Oh, I forgot them that morning, I only realized it after I met you!".

Carol smiled. She had never imagined having dinner with him. It felt like a date. Was it a date? It didn't seem like a date.

"I really wish it was!" The words flew out before she could take them back.

"What was?"

She looked at him her cheeks were a bit flushed.

"Nothing! It is nothing" She said quickly, fumbling with the food on her plate "You said you needed my help!" She reminded him, changing the subject.

"Yeah!" Adrian dropped his cutlery, his face suddenly looking serious.

"I need your help in knowing everything about your hometown!".

Her brows knitted forming a thin line.


He sighed, running his hands through his hair with a worried look on his face.

Carol gulped. That was so hot! Did someone increase the temperature of the air conditioner in the restaurant. Why did it become so hot all of a sudden?.

"It's my Father, he is planning on turning the entire town into a resort. He says it will help the Country's popularity and it will get more tourists to visit. If he does that a lot of people will lose their homes and I can't let that happen. I am trying to change his mind but I need to figure out a way to make a good proposal that will make him see the beauty in the town and its people!".

"Was that the reason why you were there a few days ago?" She asked.

"Yes! I wanted to see how the town looked like before making my first move!"

"Which is?".

He gave a half shrug "Getting to know the town folks!".

"So, that is why you need my help!" She said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I thought since you were brought up there. You could help me connect to the town and its people. You know, see the beauty in the darkest of places!".

Carol was silent for a while. Adrian tapped his fingers on his laps, hoping that he was able to convince her.

"Sure! I will do it. It is my hometown. Even if they are poor. They are still people and the town is my home. I have every obligation to save it!" She said confidently.

He beamed at her. He felt a little lighter now that she accepted to help him.

Carol chuckled.

"Can we start tomorrow? There is a lot for you to know and see!".

"Tomorrow is fine by me!" He replied with a smile.