
Webnovel test long


ruoqu1 · Sci-fi
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252 Chs


Bye bbhd bbhd bhudCHAPTER 120: WARNING In a bright office, in contrast to the room he was previously seated, the King sat in the presence of a few subordinates. "Boss actually, we failed to report to you earlier. Chamberlain forced Stallone to work for him." The first subordinate said solemnly. Te King as impassive as ever questioned,"What kind of work?" "So far it's increasing the company's profit. I'm confident that's not all." The first man answered. "Oh…"


In a bright office, in contrast to the room he was previously seated, the King sat in the presence of a few subordinates.

"Boss actually, we failed to report to you earlier. Chamberlain forced Stallone to work for him." The first subordinate said solemnly.

The King as impassive as ever questioned, "What kind of work?"

"So far it's increasing the company's profit. I'm confident that's not all." The first man answered.
