
Webnovel reward system: Arcane kings online

As a web novel reader for over 4 years, I am quite proud of my novel reading hobby. But I never thought that one day my hobby would be the cause of such a life-changing event. [congratulations reader you have been randomly selected to be the first participant of the WEBNOVEL REWARD SYSTEM. Do you wish to participate YES or NO] Of course, I said yes. Only to find myself thrust into the world of the last novel I read. Arcane kings online. finding myself in a weird test created by an unknown powerful being, I was given only one mission, survive!!. So accompany me on this awesome journey of sexy elves, hot demons, fire-breathing dragons and yeah did I forget to mention that I plan on beating up the original main character of the novel? stop wasting time and join me, David as I make a legend that will be only mine DISCLAIMER: the picture of the book cover does not belong to me it's just a pic a saw on google and decided to use if you are the original owner just tell me and ill remove it. This is my first ever novel, and my grammar isn't the best so please help me to find my mistakes as I improve in this story. And please help me find any inconsistencies in the story

Zakeria15 · Games
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

CHAPTER 7: Preparation for AKO


10th December 2022, Saturday, 12:46 pm, South Park City, Albert town

David can be seen standing in front of his house with the sleeping Abigail in his arm. " Damn it, I lost my keys," David says with regret. During the whole kidnapping incident, David's bag got lost. That includes everything in it. Sweat can be seen on David's face. Carrying a 20-year-old girl is not easy. David's arms are aching in pain. But David won't stop carrying her until he places her somewhere comfortable. As David is lamenting about his situation. Samuel arrives behind the gate. He looks at his brother in shock. " David you brought a girl home? How is this possible? Please tell me you didn't kidnap her," Samuel says full of suspicion.

David's gaze turns cold. " You have 5 seconds to open this gate. 5...4...," David threatens his brother. Hearing these words Samuel's facial expression changes and he takes out his keys. He begins opening the gate while he speaks. "Yooh bro don't be so serious. Is she your friend?" As the gate opens David walks into the house. " David, mama is here. You have to explain to her what's happening." Samuel says. David sighs in defeat. His mother Sarah is a very caring person. But she will ask a lot of questions until she gains all the information she wants. David is not worried. He is just mentally tired from everything that has happened today.

They walk into the house and David sees his mother watching TV. She turns toward him with a smile. When she notices the girl in David's arms. She gets confused as to why her son is carrying an unknown girl into their home. She opens her mouth to ask questions but she is interrupted by David. He places a finger on his lips and moves to his sister's room. Seeing this Sarah decides to wait for her son to return before she asks her questions. David soon arrives at his sister's room and gently places Abigail on the bed. Sandra is out today at one of her friend's birthday parties. After making sure Abigail is fine David goes back to face his mother.

Returning to the sitting room. David sees his mother waiting for him while sitting on the couch. " David please explain yourself," Sarah asks. Although it took some time David eventually told her a made-up story and she believed him easily. He told her that Abigail is one of his old friends that has come to Albert town. He said that Abigail needed a place to stay for a while as she will go to one of the universities in the central city. He lies and says that Abigail fell asleep on the bus and David carried her. Sarah is a kind person. When she thought of young Abigail living all alone she couldn't let that happen. She trusts David the most out of all her children.

----- 6:15 pm

As the sun begins to set Abigail's eyes open slowly. She looks around the room in confusion. ' How did I get here' Abigail thinks to herself. Soon the memories of what happened today return to her. 'Where is he?' She thinks to herself while searching for David. ' Did he leave me?' Abigail's heart begins the beat faster. Ever since the incident where she confided in David. She had begun to see him as a protector. But now that he is not around. The fear that had been suppressed has begun to rise back up." I have to find him" She says and gets off the bed. ' Calm down Abigail. You are safe'

Alina's voice resounds in her mind. Abigail stops her actions and looks around the room to find the source of the voice. ' Don't waste your time. I am not in your world. I am talking to you through our contract using telepathy 'Alina says." So you are talking in my head?' Abigail asks. ' Yes that is right' Alina replies. " Wait I know this voice. You are that snake lady from before, aren't you?" Abigail says with confidence. ' I am not a snake lady. I am Alina Niru. Enough of this. Go out of this room. That boy has been waiting for you to wake up with his whole family' Alina says.

Abigail decides to trust Alina. She walks to the door only for it to open on its own. Behind the door, David appears. " Good your awake. How do you feel Abigail?" David asks her with a smile. Abigail begins to calm down seeing him. " I'm fine aah..." Abigail says only to realize that she doesn't know David's name. " Oh yeah, my bad. You already told me your name but I haven't told you mine. My name is David nice to meet you...again," David says. A smile is still on his face. Seeing his bright smile Abigail felt comfortable for a reason she can't explain. " I am Abigail, nice to also meet you again," Abigail says with a small smile.

" I guess I have to explain everything that has happened so far," David says, 15 minutes quickly pass. "Do you fully understand our situation?" After 15 minutes David has explained everything that has happened to her ever since she fell asleep and even the Arcus blood pact and their cursed gears." So you are telling me that I am now contracted with a demon and that right now I am in your house?" Abigail asks. " Yep, that's right. Now get up, you have to meet my family. Everyone is about to eat, so you can join us for dinner," David says and invites Abigail. He stretches out his hand for her to hold on to.

She accepts his hand and they leave the room. As they approach the dining room David says. " Don't forget about the story I made up, okay," Abigail nods at his words. They arrive at the dining room and everyone turns their heads to the new face. Standing in front of David's family. Abigail begins to feel more nervous than she thought she would. "Hello everyone my...my name is Abigail. I am very grateful for you taking me in. Please take care of me" Abigail says in a loud voice surprising even herself. " Hahaha!" Everyone begins to laugh including David. " Don't be so nervous Abigail.

Come, child. Join us, there's a lot of food," David's father Pascal says in a loud voice. " Come eat!" Everyone says. Abigail stands motionlessly at the door, too shocked to say or do anything. David looks at her. He grabs her hand and leads her to a chair and they sit next to each other. Samuel notices this small action and smiles but he keeps his thoughts to himself. Seeing everyone at the dinner table eating together so happily makes Abigail feel envious of David. As a girl that has never had a family of her own. Abigail has finally seen what a real family looks like.


Soon it was time for everyone to go to bed. Abigail was assigned to sleep with David's sister. An extra bed was provided so there are no problems. Abigail and David can be seen in the backyard. " I think everyone is asleep. I want to talk to Amarok and Alina. We need to get stronger. Those guys are incredibly powerful and they can train us how to cultivate and gain strength," David says to Abigail. " Are you sure about this? Can't we just hide and not get involved with cultivators at all?" Abigail asks. It's clear that she wants to stay away from cultivators. " Unfortunately we can't.

In the next 5 years, this world will change greatly. Only by having strength can we survive and not be taken advantage of again. Don't think that just because Alina and Amarok are demons, they are evil" David replies to her. After hearing this Abigail's heart begins to fill with suspicion. " How do you know all of this?" she asks him. David looks at her straight into her eyes. "It's pretty simple, I know the future," David says to her seriously. Abigail is shocked by his reply. Honestly, she did not think he would even answer her. " What do you mean?" Abigail asks full of curiosity.

" I can't tell you more than this. I will tell you later when we are stronger." David tells her. Disappointment fills Abigail but she is at least happy that David has told her some of his secrets. David then proceeds to speak into the empty air. " I'm sure you guys have heard all that" no one replies. Abigail looks at David in confusion. " We have heard everything" Alina's voice resounds in both Abigail's and David's minds. " I want to ask both you and Amarok to create a mental link between us," David asks. "Buzz!" Abigail and David both feel an electric shock run through their minds. " Now then what is your plan boy?" Amarok says.

Due to the link. Everyone can speak and they will all hear each other. " As you both know. I and Abigail are both normal weak humans. So I ask of you to please teach us your race's cultivation method." David says. Beings from the spirit realm are unique in their ways of cultivation. Unlike other races, they don't have to learn a cultivation technique to be able to cultivate. Other races have studied how spirit energy works and have created special techniques to cultivate spirit energy. These techniques comprise of breathing patterns and chants to be able to attract more spirit energy into their bodies.

Techniques are divided into different levels. The higher the level of the cultivation technique the better the strength received and the faster the speed of cultivation. The levels from lowest to highest are Earth, mortal, and sky. These are the levels available to Ethan but they are higher levels in stronger worlds in higher realms of this universe. But beings from the spirit realm and monsters cultivate naturally and passively. They all cultivate in different ways depending on what race they are born into. But due to the Arcus blood pact, David and Abigail have a chance to receive this passive cultivation ability.

Once the contracted creatures have 50% compatibility or more with each other this can be possible. But this comes with a price. The only way to do this is to transform into a hybrid between the race you are and the race of the creature which the ability will come from. Or you can fully change your race to have the maximum benefit. In the novel Arcane kings online Abigail completely changed her race to a Jaryū since her body was recreated. " Do you know the consequences of what you are asking?" Amarok asks. David had explained to Abigail everything about this. She is prepared for the consequences.

" You are one smart boy. Did you know all of this would happen?" Amarok asks. David smiles and says nothing. David knows how to ignore the consequences of the procedure. If the compatibility is at 100%. Then the contractors can switch their races at will. This applies to the demons as well. This is a benefit of 100% compatibility. " the process will hurt" Alina says. " We know," Abigail says. " But that is not all we need. We need you to train us how to fight and use our cursed gears." David says. " We already made plans for that," Alina says proudly. "Tomorrow, at sunrise we will send you your mentors. So prepare yourself. It will not be easy," Amarok says and then the link breaks.

" Is that it?" Abigail asks expecting the ability transfer process to start. " It should begin..." David began speaking only to be cut off as a red barrier suddenly appears around his body. A similar barrier appears around Abigail but the color is violet. " Aaaaaah! what is, aaaaah!" David begins screaming in pain. Confused by the source of the pain. He lifts his shirt only to open his eyes wide in shock. On the side of his stomach, a bite mark appeared. With each passing second the bite increases in size. Strangely blood doesn't come out of the wound. The wound looked horrific as if a monster had taken a big bite of David and sunk its teeth into him.

David's body collapses, unable to move due to the pain. The ability to scream leaves him. He could feel it. Something was sinking its fangs into his body. In the violet barrier, Abigail is in the same state. Her body is on the floor while the veins in her body can be seen from the outside glowing bright yellow. Her body trembles in pain and after a few seconds, she loses consciousness. Unfortunately for David, he did not experience such an easy way out. Two hours quickly pass and it's midnight. The two barriers dissipate and two bodies can be seen.

Abigail is unconscious with sweat all over her body. Our hero David on the other hand has his eyes wide open. ' Please tell me it's over' David tries to speak to Amarok through his mind. His body is too tired to speak. ' It is over David. Go and sleep you deserve it' Amarok's voice resounds in David's mind. David smiles and closes his eyes sleeping right there in the yard."Buzz!" accompanied by the sound of electricity a portal appears in the yard. Two figures emerge. They then proceed to carry the two unconscious people and bring them into the house.