
Webnovel's Only Apostle: The Immortal Cultivator God With His Sister

Well, I didn't know playing some mobile Chinese Cultivator game for so long turned me into one. Nor did think my Yandere Little Sister came along for the ride. All and all, I think this new life of mine is going to be interesting. Well, as interesting it can get, being the Husband of the Personification of Webnovel: Alaya. [Alt Title: I Became A Immortal Cultivator God Through My Phone With My Sister?!?] \∆\∆\∆\∆\ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially on the grammar and sentence structure side of things. Even though I only know English, I fuck up my own language sometimes. Furthermore, I write this for fun and pass time, so don't expect some 5-star story from me. Moreover, in all honesty, I write whatever comes to my mind and see how it's gone from there. Also FYI, I like Worm CYOA, so expect some of that... [Disclaimer]: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. However, most of all, Have Fun and Good Reading to all of you~!]

OuroborosOtaku69 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting Webnovel The Loli?!?

Opening his eyes, Inaho was greeted by a beautiful yet cute little girl that has rainbow-colored hair and galaxies for eyes, sitting in front of him on a black devilish throne. She wears a long galaxy dress hitting the ground and is barefooted from what can he can see. Lastly, she has clear silky smooth white Jade-skin.

They seem to be in some sort of Royal throne room in space as different color stars and planets drift around them ever-so softly. The throne room itself is created in white stone with golden decorations everywhere sparkling beautifully and elegantly.

Walking to him, the unknown loli smiled beautifully touching his face with her little slender jade fingers," Ah yes, I finally found you, My Apostle and Husband~!"

" Where's my sister?" Inaho said emotionless not even twitching or blushing seeing such an extraordinary beautiful being, nor being called husband.

" She's inside you, asleep," The foreign loli said still touching his face with a smile.

" Inside me?" Inaho questioned with an odd expression.

" Yup~ Inside you. And no not that kind of 'inside' pervert, she sleeping in your soul, which is quite interesting enough. A place where even Me the Personification of Webnovel [Alaya] can't enter without permission from you." The now Identified: Alaya exampled with an interesting smile.

" Interesting indeed..." Inaho mumbled out with an unusual smile. " Wait, you called me Husband? Why?" He then remembered what she said and asked her.

" Mmm, because I love you. And because you beat my game I made." Alaya confessed, sitting on his lap facing him.

" Game? Wait-"

" Yup, I created 'Road To Heaven' a mobile Chinese Cultivator game for Android, IOS, and PC." Alaya exampled running her hands all over his chest in a slow motion.

" Wow, then I guess, I don't know if I should smack you or kiss you for creating such a game," Inaho said in his blank tone that showed a little happiness that disappeared shortly after.

" I prefer the second option," Alaya said with her eyes closed and smiling widely.

" About you let me move first?" Inaho said, not feeling his body at all. The only place he can move is his lips and eyes.


" Better?" Alaya questioned after snapping her fingers with a chuckle.

" Much better," Inaho mumbled, once again feeling his body.

" Now about that k-mmmm? Mmmm~♡!" Alaya was going to say something before she felt a pair of warm lips met her's as a dangerously slimy snake made its way into her mouth. Playing with her tongue, Inaho's hands started roaming her body as they carefully made themselves upwards to pinch her already hard nipples.


" Eh?" Blinking his eyes, Inaho found the loli disappeared from his invasion of affection. Looking at the black throne, he found her sitting there breathing a little hard with a flushed red face as her eyes took on a heart shape.

' Well, as they say, it's not r*ape if their eyes turn into a heart shape.' Inaho thought with a slight smile seeing Alaya get her baring's back.

" You actually kissed me!" Alaya exclaimed with wide eyes and still somewhat blushing.

" Yeah, I kissed you. You did tell me." Inaho said in his ever-so blank tone as it's normal.

" You know what this means?"

" Kind of, I watched and read enough Anime/Manga to know where this is going."

" You have to take responsibility!"

" Sure," Inaho nodded and said nonchalantly. It's not a bad thing having Alaya as his wife, he doesn't mind.

" 'Sure?!" Alaya said with a twitching lip,' This human is so nonchalant and carefree as if this is an everyday thing.' She thought as her lip twitched again.

" Yeah sure. What? You want me to get on my knees and kiss your feet and tell you how happy I'm to have you as my wife?" Inaho exampled with a strange smile that made even the Personification of Webnovel shiver.

" Well, that would be great if you did that. But knowing you, you will never do that. And that's one more reason I love you!" Alaya smiled hearing her husband's little rant.

" At least you know this much," Inaho smirked hearing Alaya's spot-on explanation of himself.

" Yup~! Well, anyway's with this out of the way, about we get to why you are here." Alaya eyes flickered as she said moving on to another subject.

" Yes, why am I here, other than you wanting to be my wife and all," Inaho said getting comfortable on his white throne, that he just found about.

" I want you to be My Apostle," Alaya said gracefully as everything around them shook in happiness and joy.

" Sure I don't mind, it sounds fun. However, as your Apostle, what exactly do I do?" Inaho said in a carefree manner as he put his leg over the other smoothly.

" As My Apostle, you will travel the very Omniverse and Hunt down another reincarnators for me. Of course, you will get rewards for doing this." Alaya exampled elegantly sitting criss-cross with a big smile.

" Why do you need me to hunt them? Are they evil or did they do something unpleasant to you or someone you know?" Inaho inquired with unusual expression.

" Nope. These reincarnators are the Apostles of R.O.B's all over the Omniverse without even knowing. Meaning, the more powerful they get, the more powerful their 'God' gets. Most R.O.B's reincarnate someone and devour their 'Apostle's' power for themselves. Truly a pact of parasites the Omniverse would love to get rid of." Alaya exampled with a severe and serious expression.

Not getting done with her explanation, She continued," Furthermore, We Personifications can't kill them ourselves as the Omniverse won't let us, so we recruit Apostles to do the deed for us."

" We?" Inaho asked as he nods getting the explanation in his own way.

" Yes, We the Personifications. The Top Five Personifications are Me: Webnovel. And Wuxia and Xianxia, Xuanhuan and Isekai, who has Apostles running around the Omniverse working for them, except for me as I waited for the perfect one, which is

you, My Only Apostle." Alaya exampled once more as her surroundings glowed around her, vibrating the very air in euphoria and happiness.

" I see, thanks for the explanation, it helped," Inaho confessed with a small smile. Truly it did help him out, at least he knows what he and his sister is getting into.

" You are welcome~!" Alaya chuckled as her surroundings return to normal.

" Now what's going to happen? Are you going to provide me a wish or two like in those fanfics? Or something entirely different." Inaho asked as his eyes flickered.

" Something like that..." Alaya said mysteriously as a blue hologram screen popped up in front of Inaho with white letters.

[ Name: Lin Fan - The Immortal.

Titles: Allheaven | God Of Road To Heaven | The One True Cultivator God | The Sadistic Immortal God | Devour Of Dreams | Most Handsome & Beautiful Player In Road To Heaven | Lifeless Immortal God | He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named | First Player In Road To Heaven |

[The Heavenly Daos - Comprehend]: The Heavenly Dao of Primordial Chaos(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Yin(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Yang(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Life(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Death(Insight: MAX) |The Heavenly Dao of Destruction(Insight: MAX) |The Heavenly Dao of Creation(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Water(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Fire(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Wood(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Metal(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Earth(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Wind(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Lust(Insight: MAX) | The Heavenly Dao of Love(Insight: MAX) |

[Heavenly Daos - Comprehend]: Heavenly Dao of Primordial Chaos(Insight: MAX) | Heavenly Dao of Heart(Insight: MAX) | Heavenly Dao of Wind(Insight: MAX) | Heavenly Dao of Water(Insight: MAX) | Heavenly Dao of Fire(Insight: MAX) | Heavenly Dao of Earth(Insight: MAX) |

[Grand Daos - Comprehend]: The Grand Dao of the Sword(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Saber(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Bow (Archery)-(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Spear(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Waterdrop(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Lightning(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Mortality(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Taiji(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Lotus(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Qiankun (Space)-(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Time(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Verdant Wood(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Verdant Wood(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of the Watersource(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Blackwater(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Snow(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Infinity (Wuji)-(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Constructs(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Formations(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of Transformation(Insight: MAX) | The Grand Dao of information(Insight: MAX) |

[Lesser Daos - Comprehend]: The Dao of the Inferno(Insight: MAX) |The Dao of Rainwater(Insight: MAX) | The Dao of the Gale(Insight: MAX) | The Dao of Freezing Ice(Insight: MAX) | The Dao of Inkwater(Insight: MAX) | The Dao of Mystic Ice(Insight: MAX) | The Dao of Thunderclap(Insight: MAX) |

Vitality: MAX

Endurance: MAX

Strength: MAX

Dexterity: MAX

Qi Gathering: MAX

Qi Storage: MAX

Luck: MAX

Wisdom: MAX

Charisma: MAX


[Pets]: Nothingness Phoenix | Void Hydra | Heavenly Nine-Tailed Fox of Dreams | All-Mother Echidna |



" Fuck, I'm one OP motherfucker." Inaho said out loud reading his character - Lin Fan's stats and Daos and his overpowered pets. Moreover, the funny thing is about Road To Heaven, it's not heavily pay-to-win. Other than buying Jade Coins and some pills, you have to work for everything, which means you have to tap a lot to actually stand a chance in this game.

" Yup~! You are basically a God with all this power," Alaya said, who was also impressed after she read his stats.

' Why do I feel there's a 'but'?'

" But, I would love if you could Conquer a world for your base. It should petty easy for you as the world I want you to conquer is a Lost World. Lost Worlds, in general, are worlds that are abandoned by their Gods for whatever reasons." Alaya said with a cheerful smile as if conquering worlds is like talking about the weather. Well, considering what she is, then it probably is.

' Oh, there's the but,'

" Can I conquer this 'Lost World', anyway I want?" Inaho asked with a thin smile.

" Really, that's all your to ask?" Alaya's mouth twitched hearing Inaho's nonchalant's attitude about what she just said. Truly this Apostle of Her's is strange and unique in his own way.

" Yup, why? Should I ask something else?" Inaho asked with an unnatural eerie smile as if he can see through her.

" No, I guess not," Alaya said with a sigh as she blinked her eyes a couple of times.

" Then, lets this show on the road," Inaho said with a sinful smile that made the Personification of Webnovel feel hot and sensual as she moves her little legs around feeling a wet sensation.

Only after some time, she calmed somewhat down and said as a black void appeared under Inaho with heart-shaped eyes," Have Fun, Darling~!"

With that said, Webnovel's only Apostle: Inaho disappeared holding all the dreams and desires from Webnovel's community...