
Webnovel's Only Apostle: The Immortal Cultivator God With His Sister

Well, I didn't know playing some mobile Chinese Cultivator game for so long turned me into one. Nor did think my Yandere Little Sister came along for the ride. All and all, I think this new life of mine is going to be interesting. Well, as interesting it can get, being the Husband of the Personification of Webnovel: Alaya. [Alt Title: I Became A Immortal Cultivator God Through My Phone With My Sister?!?] \∆\∆\∆\∆\ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially on the grammar and sentence structure side of things. Even though I only know English, I fuck up my own language sometimes. Furthermore, I write this for fun and pass time, so don't expect some 5-star story from me. Moreover, in all honesty, I write whatever comes to my mind and see how it's gone from there. Also FYI, I like Worm CYOA, so expect some of that... [Disclaimer]: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. However, most of all, Have Fun and Good Reading to all of you~!]

OuroborosOtaku69 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

(Prologue) - Chapter 1: My Phone Took Me And My Little Sister To Another World?!?

" Enemy contact, 155, top of the hill, engaged with another squad, let's third-party them." A handsome young man said through the mic he is wearing. He wears a black T-shirt and black baggy pants with additional black footwear. The young man himself possesses an athletic and sturdy body that measures 180cm tall (5'11). Furthermore, aside from his short pure white hair and wine-red eyes and his emotionless gaze, his looks are often called devilishly handsome and competent-looking.

"" Copy that!""" Three different male voices called out.

" Oi, inaho how is Inori, doing?" A gruff and tough male asked the now Identified: Inaho.

" Better without some wannabe gangster asking her out every day. Seriously how desperate can you be? It's kind of pathetic." Inaho replied with a blank tone as he moves his fingers tapping different keys on his keyboard at a fast pace.

" Ugh! You hurt me! Truly inaho you hurt me!" The gangster-like voice said and 'sobbed' sarcastically.

" Guys, can we like to move now? The circle is moving in." A smart and nerd-like voice asked.

" Enemy 2 o'clock to the east, coming out of the big red building." A polite and soft voice male announced out right after the other voice.

" Got it!" Inaho said spinning his character around and pulled out a sniper rifle.


" Ah, don't you got to love that [Karber. 050 Cal]."

" Headshot?"

" Affirmative," Inaho said nodding, making his character following his teammates.

" Oh shit! Only one more squad left."

" Oh? Your right for once wannabe."

" Oi, shut it! At least I don't look like some Yaoi character."

" Hahaha! You're just mad someone thought we were dating!"

"...Fuck you."

" No thank you. I have My Girlfriend for that~!"

" You little shit! Don't make me come over there and found out how far my arm can-"

" Final squad 125 west, Top blue building," Inaho warned, cutting off the others.


With sounds of bullets firing coming from the mic and keyboard clicking, only did inaho chuckled seeing his screen displaying: [ You Are The - Champion].

" Well, I done for tonight," Inaho said in his blank tone.

" Inori is making dinner again Isn't she?" The gangster-like voice asked as they all hit the menu button taking them to the lobby.

" Nope. I'm making it."

" Eh? You can cook?"

" Yes, how is that so surprising?"

" Well... Inaho, we know you. So..."

" So even being an Otaku and a Gamer, I can still cook. It's kind of mandatory to have this skill when you have a little sister."

""" I see...""" The group of odd males all said in a wise voice.

" Well anyways, see y'all later." With that said, Inaho closed the game, and his PC down.

Getting off his black gaming chair, Inaho stretched his body making some nice popping noises. Looking around his darkroom with its only light source through some neon pink LED lights wrapping around his Room, he smiled.

Seeing and feeling his little stretch session is done, he walked out of his room. He knocked on the door across his and said out loud," Inori, dinner will be ready in a later while. I'm making Orange chicken and rice."


Opening the door, is a beautiful young girl with light pink hair that ombres into hot pink that is tied into pigtails, her hair is tied using two tubes, and had a small red clip on the left side of her face possessing red eyes. she is about 166cm tall with small glossed lips.  All and all, She looks very fragile, having a very slender figure and thin legs that highlight her clear white silky smooth skin. She wears a black and red familiar Tokyo Ghoul sweater and some matching black sweats with the additional black footwear.

" Dinner? Do you need some help?" The now Identified: Inori said in a beautifully calming voice.

" Only if you want to. The Doctor did say you need to stay in bed or else you might get worse." Inaho said, caressing her head affectionately.

" No, I feel a lot better today. So I'll help." Inori exampled closing her eyes with a smile, enjoying the love from her Big Brother.

" Are you sure?" Inaho asked, stopping his caressing and looked into her eyes that shoot opened when he stopped, showing her displeasure as her big brother stops his rain of love.

" Yes, I'm sure," Inori said putting his hand back her head with a smile.

" You know I can't just stay here and pat your head all day, right?" Inaho chuckled seeing her behavior.

" Yes, you can," Inori said 'correcting' his sentence.

" I probably can. But I have to make my spoiled little sister dinner, so let's stop for now." Inaho said, only after some more patting and caressing.

" Mmm, okay." Saying this she took Inaho's hand and intertwined it with hers.

Like this, both Inaho and Inori walked into a fancy sliver and white kitchen hand and hand. Then like clockwork, they let go of each other and started getting different Ingredients out.

" Hmm~🎵" Humming a pleasant tune, Inori began cooking with Inaho that also is humming along.


"" Itadakimasu!"" Using a black and white kotatsu, Inaho and Inori said out loud before they started eating Orange chicken and rice with vegetables and room temperature water on the side.

Putting a piece of orange chicken in, Inori smiled," Amazing like always, Onii-chan~"

" Mmm, It's all right. I still prefer yours." Inaho said after also trying some of his cooking. It's good yes, very much so, but it doesn't have that kind of smell or taste Inori's cooking has. ' It's probably because it's tastes like mom's.' He thought after thinking about it more.

" I know," Inori said already knowing what her big brother's thoughts are. It's kind of sad knowing their past.

Their Mother and Father died in a car accident when they were Ten, leaving them with their grandparents on their mom's side. However, if the world wasn't done fucking them over, their grandparents died due to old age when they were Sixteen.

So they have been living together in their grandparent's rather big house that is more like a mansion for two years and using the money their family provided them, which is a relatively lot for them. Furthermore, sometimes their family would check up on them ever once a week to see if they are doing okay.

All this left the two sixteen years a little dead inside as their emotions went downhill real fast. The only way they can actually be happy is when they are together. However, it hit harder for Inori as she is extremely close to her brother, to the point of requiring him to be by her side to function correctly. If Inori is separated from Inaho by so many feet, she becomes almost catatonic until he returns to her. In a sense, she has a brother complex that went borderline Yandere-like showing signs of jealousy if Inaho pays serious attention to other girls, because in her mind, Her Inaho only needs her and nothing else.

"" Gochisousama!" After more talking did they finish their meal. Getting up Inaho picked up the plates and went into the kitchen while Inori cleans the kotatsu.

After doing that, they both sat down on a long black couch and turned on the TV. Picking up his phone, Inaho started playing some sort of Chinese Cultivator mobile game where he taps on his character earning himself Qi.

" You're still playing that game even though you already max level?" Inori inquired looking at the title above Inaho's character that looks righteous and noble, calm and otherworldly with his long pure white hair flowing down like a gentle waterfall gracing the very world with its presence. His gaze seemed warm, but in truth, it is utterly cold. To him, it was as if everything in Heaven and Earth were beneath him, the only Immortal in the world. The Immortal seems to be neither heartless nor affectionate. He is unaffected by his own past and seems to be separated from it.

On top of this character, a rainbow-colored plate can be seen that reads in golden letters: [ The Immortal ]. Under this plate is a golden plate that reads in platinum letters: [ Allheaven ]. All and all Inaho's character looks decked out and ready for anything.

" Yeah, I don't have anything else to do. Plus I love crushing the spirits of those players that think they can challenge my position as the top Immortal God." Inaho said nonchalantly while his eyes told a whole different story.

" Mmm, seems boring," Inori confessed still watching him tap away.

" It has its moments," Inaho said in his blank tone with a slight smile.


Only after watching her big brother tap away for some time, did Inori get bored and fall asleep on Inaho's lap.


Seeing a new message pop up, Inaho touched the private message board.

[The Immortal Goddess: Did you know you were born in the wrong world?]

Observing this message, Inaho thought,' It better not be one of those trolls that goes around and text people about them being a R.O.B and wanted to reincarnate you in different worlds.'

" Well, who knows one day it might be real..." Inaho mumbled after some thinking. Seeing no harm in talking, Inaho texted back.

[The Immortal(Allheaven): I was? Tell me more.]


Without even a moment passing after texting that, Inaho and Inori disappeared through a black void under them...