
Chapter X: Been at top is hard work

Over the next two months he created LA Commission. It was registered as an investment and Holdings Corporation, under Cayman Islands law.

It was headquartered at the former Reign Towers in Seattle. Reign Industrial Group, didn't changed its name under Marie Moore's hands, moved to UK and its new home the 250 floor Millennium Tower in Downtown London.

La Commission was started with the subsidiaries: Sparta Corps, Moore International, Richard Group of Companies, Intercrop Inc., Shadow spire Security Group, Davis Pharmaceutical Group, Salmon Resort Group, La Commission Agricultural Group, Barco Financial Group, Garcon Art Gallery Llc. and Golden Foundation; which is a front for the order of Olympus.

It was owned by: Moore Clang Inc. (owned by me and Michael), Moore Coalition Limited (owned by Jasmine Francis and Mikael Moore), Mendoza Holdings PLC (owned by Dwayne Mendoza), House Russell Inc. (Owned by the Karen Russell who now believes she is Michael's cousin) and Reign Family Business Inc. (Owned by Daemon Reign).

With each side having 20% voting power. It ran all our illegal activities. Our normal companies were to operate as legal companies and made us look like business men. In the Commission we were nothing that shareholders.

The day to day operations was run by Tito Jackson as Group Chief Executive. And Michael was the Chairman of the Board.

With that we ran the Global Criminal Underworld. And by controlling the Construction Industries, Governments and Authorities we were back to dropping unemployment, Crime, Violence and Poverty. And we built greater infrastructure.

Everything went back to normal and on Christmas Eve 2021 I gave birth to Michael Moore II, Darwin Moore and Prince Moore. They were fraternal triplets. And this was easy. Over the next year we moved money.

We built a lot more schools across the globe, mostly in Jamaica, the Capital of the West Indies Federation. With that poverty was reduced. In addition on January 2023 the UN signed the treaty of the Future.

It legalized prostitution in all 163 member countries. And we threaten over 2000 people to make it happen. With that every city had a Red Light District. This was where prostitution and hooking was mainly done.

In addition we threatened the West Indies Clergy Council to get the Gambling bill. In a way that was going a bit too far for Michael. These were the heads of the Christianity faith and Michael threatened them to get the Caribbean Community (Caricom) to ok building Casinos in the West Indies.

With that Kingston, Jamaica became the next Las Vegas. And we had tons of cash. The Clergy Council retaliated with Protestant marches against organized crime. With that Interpol had to do a few arrests.

But bottom line was that we couldn't move our money through our usual investment channels. Michael had an idea of how to get rid of it. So he gathered us on November 9, 2024 at the La Commission Towers.

As me, Dwayne Mendoza, 8 year old Daemon Reign and Karen Russell sat in the board room Michael spin a basketball on his right hand.

Tito then said, "We have: $15 Trillion in US, 6 Trillion In Canadian, 5 Trillion in Bahamian dollars, 5 Trillion in Caribbean dollars, 5 Trillion in Euros and 5 trillion NIRA. This is from our prostitution and gambling side.

Racketeering is $400 Trillion. And I am not taking about Arms, drugs, Contract killing etc. We have US$ 5 Quadrillion."

Daemon whistled and said, "Yow! I am just at Trillion dollars. And I have 1 Quadrillion dollars. That's tight."

"That's not tight young man. That is crazy. As we cannot move that kind of cash considering we threatened the Clergy," I quickly told him as I looked at Michael.

He put down the basketball and said, "You still mad at that. It was two years ago. And might I remind you that we all profited from that move."

"Any way. Given their recent string of protests we are having trouble from treasury divisions globally. And Richmond's family was killed as part of our take down so he was out for blood. But hiding and lying low," replied Tito to us.

Michael then said, "I will deal with him. My guys are tracking him. We are going to have an exact location on him in a day or two. But until then he is not a problem."

"Alright that's good boss. But we can't be moving money through our regular outlets. So what are we going to do with the stockpile of cash and the rest," asked Karen.

Michael then asked, "What is the biggest industry in the world?"

"Entertainment or fashion," Daemon quickly told him.

"That is a Billion dollar industry but bigger," replied Michael as he got up.

Tito then said, "Tourism. It brings millions of people per hour."

"Also a Billion dollar industry but not the biggest," replied Michael as he walked.

Dwayne then said, "The NBA or the Super bowl. The draw the most crowds. It’s got to be the right answer."

"You are in the right ring. But they are multibillion dollar events apart of the biggest industry globally," replied Michael as he sat down.

"Sports? Really? You want us to invest in sports," I quickly asked him.

"Yes! Yes! And hell yes," replied Michael to us.

Tito then said, "I don't see how investing in sports makes we move money."

"Do you guys have any idea how much is spent before, during and after the world cup or the Olympics by the host national? It is a lot and it is the reason no one lines up to host them.

So it is the best place to wash trillions of dollars. And I have the perfect place to invest. And we would built an empire," replied Michael to me.

I then asked, "Where is that the Caribbean?"

"That's exactly where I am thinking," replied Michael to me.

Dwayne chuckled and said, "I am sorry I taught you said you wanted us to invest in the Caribbean sports industry."

"Yea! That will get rid of our cash and triple our legal investment," replied Michael to us.

Tito then said, "The Caribbean sports industry is shit. The only big industry in the Caribbean is horse racing at Caymanus Park. It is owned by Supreme Ventures Group and they are exclusive.

The main Shareholders are US Government Senators. And we need them to stay in business. We go after their business we lose ours."

Michael then quickly said, "Calm down idiot. I am thinking about another business. Look before there was a Beyoncé, they had to discover her. Now the Sports industry of the Caribbean requires investment and structure.

The first think is the Associations need people that know what they are doing. Then we invest with one company, Evergreen Industrial Group. It was set up two years ago when I threatened the Clergy.

I taught they would come after me. Now the company has a portfolio in: Resorts, Cruise, Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Winery, Supermarkets, Taxies, airlines and Real Estate.

Now I want to start Evergreen Ventures Limited as the investment arm of the company. Then I start sponsoring Sport in the Caribbean. I am taking 25% public on the West Indies Allied Stock Exchange.

Then I sell you 25% to La Commission and the remaining 50% will be legally divided up amongst our five legal companies.

Then we pump the cash into: Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field, Ruby, Racing and skating fields to start with. Using the governing bodies we structure it and create competing industries. Take the Jamaican National Football Premier League..."

"Wait! Jamaica has the Super bowl," Daemon quickly asked us.

Dwayne then said, "It is Soccer. In Jamaica they call it football."

"Ok. Now that we clear it up. Every young boy in Jamaica that plays football dream of playing in the world cup, EPL, LA Liga, Champions League or Bundasliga. Why? Because they have money, fame, best medicine and opportunities.

I mean CR7, Messi, Zlatan, Ronaldinho, Maradona and Pele are living legends. What do they have over Jamaicans?

Well I will tell you. They have appeared on the world stage. Whether you win a world Cup or not. Scoring a goal is larger. Now it is like the Grammy. Artistes that don't win but performed sold more records those actual Grammy winners.

Now we invest money over the next four years in the industries. Then the clubs will build Home training grounds. And with the construction laws they have to use local or regional contractors. That is construction boom.

Then we invest in the medical and Media industries that will bring fame from publicity. Under the Education, Youth and Gender Ministries we get schools and training centers closer to the clubs.

And more accessible to them. This is great for the community and people. Then we make an elite sports team. Players will line up from overseas. That's means more money. And with that we win," replied Michael to us.

We all nodded and Tito said, "That is cool. But how do we end the Clergy protesting?"

"I already have a way around that. It is called Faith Temple Ministries. It will give us a position in the Christian community. Then we have a subsidiary called Faith Entertainment Group.

It will have labels, managing agency, Distribution agency and Management agency. It will go after building Christian Artistes, Christian spaces for them to mingle and events.

We then recruit Order Acolytes through the churches. It is already been set up and we have 200 church locations in the Caribbean. With that they already have 200 artistes and a few followers.

The domestic chapters have been set up. And we already have recruits. Now when the album sales start pumping in we silenced them. We turn their rallies into publicity stunts by showing up with our Artistes," replied Michael to him.

"I am on board. Now we get this off the ground quickly. Like by January I next year," replied Tito to us as Michael's phone vibrated.

He looked at it and it was Terence Ruins, Leader of the Jamaican Crime Syndicate; Jamaican division of the Caribbean Mafia, calling.

Michael answered saying, "Yow! This is not a good time. I am in a meeting."

"Well I found your boy. In fact I know where he will in at 10:30 tonight. I just taught you should know. And you would," replied Terence as he walked out to his pool full of girls.

Michael smiled and said, "I am on the first plane there."

Terence hangs up and threw the phone on the chair.

Michael then said, "We have to cut this meeting short because something popped up in Jamaica. So I have to go handle it personally. I will be back by Tuesday."

"I am going with you," I quickly told him and him said, "No you are not."

I looked at him and said, "I am your wife of seven years. And I don't let you go to Las Vegas alone. So what makes you think I will let you go to Las Vegas Tropical Island?"

Michael and everyone then laughed.

Kingston Industrial district 10:25 PM (12 hours after La Commission meeting)

Richmond and then went into the Cola Warehouse to meet Simon Cola, a Gun Dealer. He showed Richmond the Mac-10's and Sniper rifle.

Then he asked, "We good?"

"I will take a 100 of each with 10 000 rounds," replied Richmond to him.

Simon then said, "These don't come cheap. Each gun is $500 and a $100 a clip. The first ones are free."

"$80,000 for the guns and a million for the bullets” replied Michael and his bodyguard dropped a duffle bag.

He then said, "This is 2 Million. So I want it now."

With that a sniper took out the bodyguard and as Richmond reached for his gun Simon held a UZI Submachine gun on him.

The doors open up and Michael walked in with Mike and Terence beside him.

As they walked to him Richmond said, "You sold me out for them."

"It was bad enough I was selling you weapons. But these guys don't play and they threatened my family," replied Simon to him.

Michael stopped and said, "You look good Simon."

"Look I got him here. We good," asked Simon to Michael and he looked at Terence.

Terence then shot him in the head.

As he dropped Richmond asked, "Was that Necessary?"

"Of course! He sold you guns. In my eyes he actively sanctioned the deaths of 2000 of my foot soldiers. So that was his reward," replied Michael to him.

Richmond then said, "You are King. But you need a good assassin. So you and I can rule the world together. With me as your underboss. What do you say?"

"The position has already been filed by Micah. And I have Mendoza, my brother, my grandson and Cousin as partners. And I have Bryan leading the Defense Minister so no positions are opened.

But what I can do is put you done," replied Michael as Mike took out his 9 mm and put on the silencer.

"Brother! Don't do this! I know you want revenge for Diana but this is the way," replied Richmond to Michael as he took the gun from Mike.

He raised it and said, "See you in hell."

Then he shot Richmond in the skull. Then Terence shot him five more times.

Michael gave Mike is gun and said, "Take the money Terence. It is yours for extending me this favor."

An hour later he came back to our five star hotel room.

He didn't see me and I said, "Welcome home baby."

He turned and dropped the glass as he stared at my pussy between my widely opened legs on the chair.

As he got hard I said, "I could go for a blowjob."

With that he came and started sucking on my clit. With that I dropped my head back as he went on.

By January 2024 Classic Sports Group acquired 100 football clubs, 24 Basketball teams, 7 Horse Racing tracks and 10 Motor racing teams. With that they each had to build or renovated their home.

With that there was a construction boom, Michael was right. Clubs started spending on facilities from the leagues money. In September 2026 the training centers became parish universities. School boy football had more cash and opportunities.

Plus schools involved had to have a Newsletter or mini magazine. This says more youth journalists. After threatening a few international medical people on April 7, 2025 Marco Medical Group investment in the Caribbean.

With that Anderson Medical Group and Moore Pharmaceutical Group had competition. This was great for the injuries. Then we open doors to Sunshine Racing Park in Montego Bay Jamaica. It was a competition for Caymanus Park.

This has we had the Platinum Furlong every Saturday to end our week of racing. They raced for a Trophy and JA$ 15 Million. And it was ended with a concert from 6 pm - 12 am every Saturday. And it showcases young and veteran Jamaican Superstars.

Plus our track had 45 VIP Slots for High ranked people in horse racing and a Grand stand with capacity of 30 000. We even had a Casino and the service staff was all women. This brought hundreds to our doors.

And we had the Sunshine Stables & Farm Limited from breathing and training our own horses. This made us a few extra cash.

Then on April 7, 2028 it happened. I was in my office when Michael dropped a Tablet in front of me.

There was an article from the Tropical Vibes Magazine, subsidiary of Moore Magazines Limited and based in Kingston, with Rowe Town FC #11 Footballer, Eaton Gordon, in his Green Sports Kit holding a baller.

It was titled: Rural Footballer is Carrying Jamaica's Football dreams

I then started reading it aloud saying:

22 year old Rural Footballer Eaton Gordon has signed a 5 year contract valued a JA$ 205 Million. The local superstar is the captain of Rowe Town Football Club based in the farming community of Rowe Town in the Kellits Division of Northern Clarendon.

The 22 year old is the son of Councilor Frank Gordon. He says he is not the politics type. He wants to be a professional footballer.

In addition to that he is also a talented Fashion Designer, Artist and music producer. He has started his company, Viper Entertainment Limited. With subsidiaries: Viper Records, Viper Designs, Viper Architecture, Viper Clubs and Viper Events.

The company is based in Rowe Town and is a big business. The talent superstar states that he will still be playing for Rowe Town FC. He says he was born, bread and raised in Rowe Town. So his billionaire status will not change that.

He said "I will always be a Rowe Town footballer." When asked how he feels about been in the papers and signed a high paid contract. He said, "I have worked hard all my life. I went to Kellits training Center to study Business & Marketing. And owned my skills as a fashion designer, Music Producer and Artist.

And I used my football skills to become a talent and promote my brand. Now I am a local celebrate of Rowe Town. These kids see me like they see Jay Z, CR7 or Lionel Messi. I am legend."

The famous footballer is also a part of the Reggae Boyz. He is the Central Attacking Midfielder. He was behind Jamaica's qualifications to the Olympics set for this summer.

He scored 19 long range goals. He is set to show his skills on a world stage. He has been offered contracts from Barcelona FC, Manchester United and FC Dortmund.

But he has turned them all down for his childhood club and hometown. With that Rowe Town is home to the New Viper Building. The 40 floor skyscraper will be the HQ of Viper Entertainment Group.

He is also signed as assistant coach of the Staceyville Primary School Football Team. He plans to retire after the 2030 World Cup. In his words he says Jamaica will win.

The World Cup is going to France again. 32 years ago Jamaica went to France. The question is that can a young super give Jamaica the edge it needs.

Michael struck the table and said, "We did it. And our dreams are about to come through."

"Look this is nothing. This doesn't move money. Rowe Town is barely a community a fourth world community. It is a farming community," I quickly told Michael.

Michael then said, "They have micro businesses. And this guy is going to put them on the map. I own a few small businesses and an apartment complex. Now the buzz will drive up the prices.

The dream is going to come through."

"Yea! You came a long way from selling drugs and now you are king of the world. Wow," I quickly told him out of anger.

He then said, "Oh yea! That's nice coming for the child prostitute/Porn star."

I slapped him in the face and he stepped to me. Then he stepped back and left.

A few moments later I told Micah everything.

He whistled and Richmond said, "You are alive so that's saying something."

"What? He will do something," I quickly asked him as I looked out the window.

"No! But you might want to stay away from the window. And look twice while crossing the street," replied Micah.

I swallowed and Richmond said, "Hey! Michael isn’t going to try nothing."

"And you came to that conclusion how exact," Micah quickly asked him.

Richmond then said, "Because he once held Diana over a 57 story balcony for talking back at him and calling him a coward. She hit him and she is still breathing. So that is saying something."

I exhaled and said, "Oh I am dead."

Meanwhile cross town Morgan gave him an ice pack as he laughed.

"That is not funny," replied Michael as he put the ice on his face.

He then said, "I am not laughing that she hit you. Hell she should have hit your ass a long time ago for all the craziness you doing."

Michael laughed out loud and Morgan then said, "I am laughing because the Grinch fell in love hard."

"That's all you got. That's what you got from her hitting me? You are peace of crap for therapist. I can't believe people pay you $400 an hour," replied Michael to him.

Morgan then said, "Actually it is $500 an hour and I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week seeing people all over."

"12×5×6. Hold up! You make 36 grand a week," a curious Michael asked him.

Morgan then said, "I make that personally. But the Practice has 10 Therapist with 12 clients per day. We make 360 grand a week per location.

I have 10 locations. I own the buildings and we don't pay light bills some have 10 million per week after expenses and pay cheque."

"Hey! You hiring," Michael quickly asked him.

Morgan then laughed and after he said, "So I do alright. And over the years I made private investments. And I expanded into the pharmaceutical and Cosmetics surgeries industries a few years ago.

So I am living large."

"Yea! I built my conglomerate and I am finally getting the empire I always wanted. I have a family. But Celia, she is all over the place. So I don't know," Michael quickly told me.

Morgan then said, "Yow! I told you this when you conceptualized this idea at age 10. I told you that going to the top means dead bodies and people you don't want. But you were obsessed with ruling."

"Morgan all my life I have seen people rise up by stepping on others. Everyone wants to be superfly. No one at the top wants to do what they promised on the way up. I want to remind them that they made commitments," replied Michael to him.

Morgan then said, "I get you. I have always been there to keep your head clear. But what's up with Celia?"

"Look. When I met Celia she showed me freedom and my global domination plan was fueled. I walked away from her out of guilt against Diana. Then I was going to war and I forgot her. When I brokered peace and started building she hated me.

I spent 8 years trying to get in her panties. I then had her for two years. Then I had to defend this world. I lost my daughter and her for two years. Then I got her back and I looped her in everything I did.

But, these last four years I don't feel her. At times it is all me," replied Michael to him.

Morgan then asked, "She is still having sex with you is she?"

"Yep! She is still sucking on my dick. In fact I go home right now he will be all over me," Michael quickly told him and Morgan laughed.

Afterwards Morgan asked, "Do you love her?"

"What makes you think I love her," Michael asked him.

Morgan then said, "Because I have seen you go through hoops for her. And after your marriage you gave up all your whores and strippers.

All billionaires cheat. But whatever she has between those legs have kept your ass in one place for 13 plus years. So if that isn’t love what is?"

Michael then sat forward and said, "Ok. It's not the sex. I mean its super awesome..."

Morgan then laughed out loud and he continued saying, "I like who I am with her. She sees the light in me. When I look in the mirror I see blood and death. But she sees the white Knight of the world.

So I love her for that. And I do anything to keep her safe, happy and in my life."

Morgan then said, "Go tell her that."

Michael then got up and left. Morgan then sent me a video recording of their conversation from his phone.

Three hours later I was sleeping on the couch in my night robe when I was woken up by him pulling the sheets upon me.

As I opened my eyes he said, "Hey! How are you?"

I quickly said, "I am sorry. I..."

He the kissed me and afterwards he said, "You talk too much."

"What's this," I quickly asked him.

He exhaled and said, "I know you think I am after more power and money. But I just want a peaceful and calm world. We need to reach for the stars and stop killing each other."

"I know. And I was acting out. I love you," I quickly told him.

He then asked, "You spoke to Micah didn't you?"

"Yea! And Morgan may have called me. He recorded your session," I quickly told him.

He smiled and said, "My family and their big mouths. But I will never hurt you."

"I am so sorry I put my hands on you," I quickly told him.

He then said, "I know. But if you ever do that again I will tie you up and beat you to dead."

I smiled and as I sat up he said, "No! Hell no!"

"You don't know what I was going to say," I quickly told him.

He then said, "You want me to tie you up and beat you. That’s some messed up shit."

"Oh! No! That is 50 shades of Michael. Plus you get to tell me what to do," I quickly told him.

He then said, "I have always enjoyed your sex games. I got anal, Blowjobs and even group sex from you. But I draw the line at beating your ass. That shit is messed up."

"You threatened people so your maid could marry your sexy daughter. Just to make her happy. But you can't have kinky sex with your wife," I quickly asked him.

Michael exhaled and said, "I knew that would come back to haunt me."

I got up and took off my robe to show him my black two piece lace Lingerie swimsuit. As I turned my back to him he looked at the panties stuck in my ass and he whistled.

As I slowly walked away I said, "I want you up in that ass so I will be in our bathroom."

Moments later I was putting on my make up when he walked in shirtless. Before I could say anything he forced me up against the wall. He then took my hands behind me and tied it with submissive tape.

He then whispered in my ears saying, "I want to get rough with you Mrs. Moore."

"Then why don't you," I quickly asked him.

He took off my panties and then turned me around to him.

Then he raised his hand and said, "Don't move."

He then went down on me and started making out with the lips of my vagina. I mourned and moved as he liked it. Then he got up.

He then said, "Actions have consequences."

Then he threw me in bed and I mourned to him riding my ass and squeezing my breasts.

After we were finished I said, "I need to misbehave more often."

He chuckled and said, "I love you so much. Now let's go."

With that I enjoyed my husband every night. And Michael was right we made it. Jamaica won Olympic Gold, Cuba with silver and Trinidad & Tobago with bronze. With that the Caribbean was on top of the world.

Then two years later on June 10, 2030 Eaton led Jamaica to the world cup and then a month later Jamaica won France 12: 9. With that we were set to move US$ 5 Quadrillion per quarter. With that there was a came in the Criminal Underworld and the Global Governments under control.

No one was daring trying us. We funded ISIS to keep the Middle East war in the world. And with that the world got back to looking at Deep Space research. And the UN launched a Space Fleet and a Research Center was erected on Mars.