

In life we find happiness in the strangest places. And sometimes we get our heart desires in a way we never taught possible. But everything in life comes at a price.

I guessed this is party of my life where I hit rock bottom finally. But when you are at the bottom there is nowhere to go but up.

As I sat there looking in the bathroom mirror, in a bathroom Towel, I wondered how my life became total and complete shit.

I graduated MIT with a bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Engineering. Then I studied Genetics & Biology at Havana University in Havana, Cuba for 3 years.

I graduated with a 4 year old child, my daughter and joy of my life Sharon Moore. She is my rock and reason for getting up at 4 am.

I then landed a job at Hawthorne Medical Center, in Seattle. I was the Director of the Labs. We made amazing Pharmaceutical and part-time I got my MBA in Business Management, from the Washington State University.

Four years into my career, two months after gaining my MBA, I became the CEO of Hawthorne medical Center. This gave me a Mansion, a 5 million Porsche GT and a US$ 10 Million Stock Portfolio.

Six years later I ran into Sharon's billionaire father, Michael Moore. He was in a complicated relationship when I met him. Two years in our relationship he proposed.

Then a month later he brought a US$ 500 Million law suit against Hawthorne Pharmaceutical Group, owner of the Hawthorne Medical Center.

He won and to pay him off Hawthorne Pharmaceutical Group cut funding and laid off workers. This saw Hawthorne Medical Center shut down

With that my world crumbled in one after noon, as I became one of 3 000 employees that was displaced because of my fiancée.

He offered money but I just relocated to the poor neighborhood of Seattle and dumped his stuck up ass.

With no job, a 14 year old daughter with a 176 IQ, Mortgages, Car loans and US$ 45 000 in student loans I turned to Exotic dancing/waitressing and even prostitution. Fortunately I gave up the Prostitution and porn star world a year ago.

Today marks 4 years and 10 months since I lost my job.

And my daughters 25th birthday is in a day. And she wants to become a famous online billionaire and wants a powerful server for her birthday.

But today I live in a motel and not my $ 40 Million Mansion. Nor do I have my Millions and stock portfolio so that is a bit far fetch.

I drive a 1960 piece of crap! GT Mustang and not my 2012 Range Rover or Porsche GT. Plus I owe $150 000 in loans. I came out of wonderland as my phone rang.

I picked it up and saw it was Jane Richards, the CEO of Richards Entertainment Group, and my adopted sister, calling.

I answered it by saying, "Hello Good Morning Celia Anderson."

"Stop answering like a white girl. You have my number saved in your phone," replied Jane as she packed her bags.

"Morning Jane and my answer is no," I quickly told her.

"You have no idea what I want. So you can't just say no," Jane quickly told her.

I then said, "You want me to either dance at the Red Garden Lounge or manage it."

"I am sorry to do this. But there is crisis at the Red Garden as the Manager and a dancer calling sick.

To top it off I am going out of town. So I need a manager," she quickly told me.

I then said, "I am sorry Jane."

"Look Celia I need you to come in. You already know the place and I have VIP clients coming in," she told me as she sat done and filed her nails.

"Today is my day off from that world. It’s Friday or did you forget," I quickly asked her.

"Babe I am sorry about Las Vegas. I didn't know Kurt would do that. But I dealt with him," she quickly told me.

"It shouldn't have happened but it did. Now I am a freelancer. I meant what I said a year ago I have no longer had a contract with you," I quickly told her.

"Yea and I hear the freelance business is not doing so good. In fact I hear the 2015 financial year was bad for you. And your first quarter review of 2016 is coming up and your daughter just got into online shopping.

Now to get publicity and bring SURTECH Limited off the ground she needs software. But for you it's bad," she quickly told me as she looked at my Website.

I quickly asked, "What do you want Jane?"

"Alright I have this Porn show expo in Las Vegas for Red Garden Films," she told me and I quickly said, "I am done staring in your Porn films."

"No I don't need you again despite my audience loving Candy. What I need is for you to come manage Red Garden Club for the next week starting tonight. These girls need someone to look up to.

And I would love a manager that is a great bartender," she then told me.

"What? Hold up why would I want to do that? I have a job now," I quickly told her.

"Yea I saw you over at the Coffee Bean waiting tables and taking crap from Samuel," replied Jane as she sat in her car.

I exhaled and said, "At least he doesn't try to rape me. And I make $ 250 in daily tips. It is more honest than you."

She then started laughing and I quickly said, "I am glad you find this amazing."

"But might I remind you that your Sharon left a college in August that charges 20 grand a year. So that is 80 grand in student loans.

And you are in a $ 140 000 debt and you don't want your daughter to work like normal people.

Instead she is doing the blogging shit and online marketing. But I hear her blog has got her a $200 grand law suit for damaged to character.

So unless you plan to rob the Safe you are not getting that cash by Monday. And your daughter is going to prison," she quickly told me.

I went to the room and Sharon was on her bed reading on her laptop, in Jeans shorts and Sports bra.

I then said, "I wonder how you found out that I have 4 days to come up with 200 grand."

Sharon swallowed and Jane said, over the phone, "Look my goddaughter loves me. You are my sister. We have been to hell and back.

I love you because you got potential. You are like my only friend well you are. But you are too proud to ask for help."

I exhaled and said, "I am done with that life. I walked away a year ago."

"Ok then at least call the money tree. He loves you. In fact I have it on good authority he has not been serious about anyone since you left him at the Altar four years ago."

"That is out of the question," I quickly told her.

"I know you love him Celia. You read about him every chance you get. Come on you are 41 and he is cute super rich 46," she quickly said.

I exhaled, held the necklace Michael gave me on my birthday 5 years and 10 months ago.

Then I said, "Jane! I haven't spoken to Michael in Four years and ten months. The last thing I said to him was I hate you.

I doubt he will help me when I show up at his $200 Million Mansion. And I am done with you so we are over."

"Look 80 grand on Saturday when I get back from Las Vegas. Plus I will never call you again or throw jobs your way. I want what's best for you.

I want to see you get married. I am still rooting for you and Michael to be a hot couple," replied Jane to me.

I looked at Sharon, exhaled and then said, "Alright I will see you after my shift at six. I will work out how I am going to do this."

"Ok that gives me time as I am meeting with my boyfriend," replied Jane to me.

I then asked, "When am I going to meet your Mystery man?"

"There is not a lot to tell. He is young, smart and stupidly rich. But he has a dad that is four years older than you. But he is similar to you. Maybe I will introduce you," Jane quickly told me.

"I already have a man in my life. And it is more complicated than you. Goodbye," I quickly told her.

I hang up as she screamed.

As I looked at Sharon she quickly said, "Mom I didn't tell Jane about the cash. I just told her about the law suit and that we have a lot of overdue bills. I sorry mom but you don't want me to work!"

"Because you are hot 24 years old men are not going to look at your resume or mind but at your body and what's between your legs.

And take it from someone who knows you are going to end up with a daughter who wants to work," I quickly told her.

She then said, "Mom I have degrees in: Literature & Arts, Media and Software Engineering. Plus a MBA in Business Administration and a Bachelor's in Information Communications Technology.

Look Channel 32 Limited is seeking technicians in the IT department. It pays 20 Grand a month it is not a lot but we will survive mom. And it will go a far way."

"You are young and beautiful. And have a lot of potential. But Channel 32 isn't it. And my answer is no," I quickly told her.

"Mom you are only saying that because Michael Moore owns the station. I will not see him. He owns Moore Corporations which owns Moore Communications Group.

It owns Moore Television Group which in turn owns 100 stations globally. Channel 32 is one of them. I doubt he will have time for me," replied Sharon to me.

"First of all I am done with him. I want no relation from him. I know you loved his rich and deep pockets that got us cool stuff.

And I know in the back of your head you blame me for walking away from your father. Especially with the fact that you love him but it was for the best.

But he is in the past. And lastly you start at that station and you will never make SurTech Enterprise Limited a real company. I believe in you," I quickly told her.

"Mom, it is just a hobby and a front for an activist coalition. I have 20 employees and they are creepy guys that live in their basement.

Our company is based in the Washington Library. Our last app, Timeless, only has 400 downloads from Google.

We spent 7 grand on a serve for a possible large Social Media platform, Moore Social. And it has like 10 subscribers.

So all I am doing is putting us in more debt. This way I take you out of it. And we can move out of a motel soon," she quickly told me.

"Oh yea, But Steve Jobs had a lot of failure before he built Google from his garage. You are in a library. So I suppose that's good," I quickly told her.

She chuckled and I said, "I am your mom. And you are my daughter. Now we had deal. SurTech competition to Google and, then your marriage.

And I already have a boy chosen for you."

"What boy," Sharon quickly asked me.

I exhaled and said, "Well he is you’re really great friend."

She chuckled and I quickly said, "And he is the COO of your conglomerate. I have seen how you look at him. "

"I love you mom," she told me as she hugged me.

"I know sweetie. And now I have to go quite my $ 400 an hour job so I can go be the Manager of the Red Garden Club for a week. Pays 80 grand," I quickly told her.

She got excited and said, "Wow! With that we can pay some of your debts could go."

"No it wouldn't. I have done the math in my head. We would still owe $100 grand. But SurTech Enterprise Limited would get 10 grand on its investment fund.

And as your only investor I will say get into online news and start fixing Small & Micro Enterprise businesses tech problems.

Those are small money but every, mingle makes a muckle. And to get to a million you start at one," I quickly told her.

"Funny you should mentioned that because we started American Express and a new subsidiary called Tech. Pro. Software Llc.

American Express will be an unfiltered free press news outlet and Tech. Pro. Software is training teens to go fix minor tech problems.

My problem is space," Sharon quickly told me.

I kissed her and said, "You will figure it out. I need to go get dressed as a supermodel to tell my crazy boss off and go to my new job. Food is in the fridge and don't use my credit card to buy a house."

As I headed to the bathroom she asked, "Why are you leaving so early? It is only 10 am and your shift doesn’t start until 3 pm."

I stopped and said, "Yea! But I have a piece of crap car that won't start. So your supermodel mom is taking the bus."

She laughed and I went to the bathroom.

As I went in, she texted someone, listed in her contacts as dad: Hey! Can we meet?

He replied asking: Why? Are you OK?

Sharon replied: I am fine. It’s about mom.

He then replied asking: What has she done now?

Sharon replied: I would rather talk in person.

He replied: I found your brother two towns over. And I have to go talk to him.

Sharon smiled and said: That's good. Maybe some other time.

He then replied: No! I will meet you at the Playground in one hour.

Sharon replied: see you there then.

She put down the phone as I came out in my Black Cocktail dress.

She then said, "Real classy mom. Knock him dead."

I smiled and then left. She watched as I got on the bus and then she locked the door and headed to the park.

Meanwhile three towns over, in Raccoon City at Moore Motor Complex; HQ of Moore Motor Group, Two range Rovers pulled up behind a black Limousine.

Richard was making love to Jane and his CCTV network, pinged his phone.

Upon seen the plates he stooped and Jane asked, "Why did you stop?"

"Dad is here. Now go hide," replied Richard to her.

A bodyguard in a suit pulled the door. There was Caucasian man looking at a picture of him and a little boy, in a race uniform. He smiled as he looked at it.

The bodyguard then said, "Excuse me sir. But we reached Moore Motor Complex sir. And my sources say Master Richard is here."

The man then stepped out of his car, fixed his jacket and said, "Thank you Timothy."

His security got out of the Range Rovers and followed him as he walked to the Main building that was a cube 30 floors high with a Cellphone pole on top.

He then proceeds to the Ground floor. There were a lot of cars on show. There were men selling cars. They then walked through the metal detectors and headed to the elevators.

A man, with Supervisor on his Work jumpsuit, said, "Hey you guys can't be back here."

"It’s ok Frank. It’s just my dad," replied Richard Moore as he came from behind the receptions desk.

This revealed the Caucasian man to be Michael Moore, Billionaire Tech Genius, and Founder/Executive President of Moore Corporations.

A few moments later they went to Richards’s office on the 30th floor. It had a wall filled with Televisions showing various stock options.

Then a board table with 12 cheers. And the floor had Moore Engineering Group logo on the floor.

"You have a nice set up here. It’s a pity that I had to hear about it from my private investigators that I hire to track down my son that vanished 2 years ago.

And dropped off the radar," replied Michael as he folded his arms and stared at Richard.

Richard chuckled and said, "I was honestly hoping you would be happy for me. And not be a judge mental bastard. But that is in your nature dad.

After all you haven't cared about anyone but yourself since, mom died. That was..."

"26 years ago. In two days," Michael interrupted and quickly told him.

"And you know that because 34 years ago, two days from today you started Moore Holdings PLC. The only think you care about is your company," replied Richard to him.

"You disappeared from Hawaii. This after 2 months of construction on the Lt. John Bridgton Navy Base you designed and built.

And then you go off the radar," replied Michael to him.

"And you were worried? Was it about the project or me," asked Richard to him.

"You of course," Michael quickly told him.

Richard chuckled and said, "That is great. You almost had me for a second. But I know the only reason you are here is to absorb Moore Engineering Group into Moore Corporations.

It has nothing to do with me. You care about no one but yourself and the Spartacus Syndicate."

"That's not true. I was there for you. I gave you a great life. You have summers in Hawaii or Jamaica and winters in Rio.

I bailed you out if jail so many times. I did it no complains. You know why?" Michael quickly asked him.

Richard then said, "No! Is it because you love me?"

"Yes! I did it for you. I did it because I love you. You have a great life," replied Michael to him.

"Yea, the best think money can buy. But not you, had you cared for someone else Celia would have married you.

But your vendetta with your parents destroyed that. The Spartacus Syndicate means more to you than any of us,"

"I know you spoke to Tabitha and Joseph," replied Michael as he looked at the trophies of Moore Racing team.

Richard exhaled and said, "Well you weren't going to tell me the truth. He reached out to my girlfriend and I listened."

"So he reached out to your wife/baby mother. And you believe in his lies. That saw you disappeared from me putting the Moore Legacy firmly in stone for you and my grandson. Just because of the lies a treacherous cartel boss told you," replied Michael to him.

"Well at least he tells me the truth. Rather than drag me off in the middle of the night to another state. But you refuse to tell me why we hate my grandparents, my uncle and your cousins. I know it’s not the drugs as you are a black market dealer in everything illegal," replied Michael to him.

"Well considering you has narcissistic grandfather and control grandmother. And they are not like me in any way.

And considering the state I was in when I ran away to China with your mother I wanted to find you. But you can believe him," replied Michael to Richard.

"What is the truth? What should I believe? When are you going to tell me the truth? How did you find me," asked Richard to him.

"I spent 25 Million and countless hours talking to people. Two years later here I am.

And for the record I happy you started Moore Engineering Group with the Subsidiaries: Moore Motor Group, Moore Steel & Manufacturing Co., Moore Contractors Limited, Moore Development Limited, Moore Arts & Gallery Llc., Moore Hardware & Lumber, Moore Gas Company Limited and Moore Advertising Llc.

I proud of you, I worried but proud," replied Michael to him.

"Don't do that! Don't change the subject," replied Richard as he got a glass of wine.

"I am proud of you. And what you become. But it’s time to come home to help me rebuilt a family again," Michael told him as he held him.

"Are dying," Richard quickly asked as he looked at him.

Michael let him go and said, "No am not dying. Nor am I high or charmed. I am just a bit sorry. I had your mother for 6 years while we were on the run. And she gave me you. Then in 3 years it went from bad to worst until she died.

I promised her to always take care of you. But the last 26 years of my life has been all about revenge. And, a few days ago it was my birthday. I had no one that saw me for me. I missed you and the family I had."

"Aunt Jacqueline finally abandoned you," Richard quickly asked him.

"Look! I hit rock bottom 5 years. I had a daughter and a fiancée. But my vendetta cost me that. And no one wants me anymore. So I taught at least start at the beginning of it all. But you vanished before I could say anything.

Now here I am. I know I have 26 years too late but I love you son. And I am proud of you," replied Michael to him

"I know you are. Which is why I accepted the deal," replied Richard to him and Michael jumped up for joy.

Richard then quickly said, "I have a few conditions. Like one no DNA on my kid or checking out my wife. Two I run Moore Engineering Group it doesn't affect budget I don't want to hear it. And lastly I won't spy on your family for you."

"So you know where they are," asked Michael to him.

"Yes! Grandpa and Grandma are in Colombia. And Uncle Richmond is there as the COO of Caracas International Holdings Limited. So you have nothing to worry about as Aunt Jacqueline is harmless," replied Richard to him.

Michael then quickly asked, "Then how come you didn't call me when they moved all of their company operations a year ago?"

"Because I have a wife and son. And I didn't want you to be controlling my life," replied Richard to him.

"No I don't! I simply guide your life. I do it because I love you and when I die my empire is yours, unless I find more kids. And 45% of my empire is in the Financial & Business sector. And it accounts for 75% of my wealthy.

Now when you take over and don't have the knowledge of it you could lose. And I want you to win," replied Michael to him.

"Dad I told you. My dream is to build Moore Engineering Group. And lead it to greater things. You want an heir. Knock a girl up," replied Richard to him.

"I am too old for babies. I am grandfather and a cartel boss," replied Michael to him.

"I want my only life like you did from grand ma and granddad. They wanted you to be a musicologist and you wanted to become a Mechanical/Computer/Robotics Engineer. They got you an MBA in Corporate Finance at age 6, through their control

But you hated Wall Street or Abuja. You graduated MIT with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering," Richard quickly told him.

Michael then said, "And your grandparents were furious. As he wanted a musicologist and Stock broker for a son. Engineering doesn't pay he said. But look at me now."

"When he wouldn't see reason you left and went to China. Then you started Moore Technology Limited. And you got PhD’s in: Computer and Robotics Engineering from the Beijing Institute of Technology. Plus when I was 10 you gained an MBA in Business Management from Oxford University.

And moved to Seattle where you became Michael Moore billion tech wizard and Philanthropist. Now I don't want to be his son. But Richard Moore Engineering Guru. And then I tell people I am your son," replied Richard as Michael laughed.

"Point is I love. But Seattle is your home. But I am the King in Raccoon City. I mean they only had one company a year ago but I popped up launching a series of micro companies. They love me," replied Richard to him.

Michael exhaled and said, "Look I missed you. And I have a large 10 acre estate. And I would love to have all my kids and love ones in one place. I mean put that $200 Million Mansion to good use."

"I have a live here dad," replied Richard to him.

Michael then said, "You are the only family I have. Your aunt Jacqueline is on my dad's payroll as she was flying to Bogotá a lot this past year. So you are all I have."

"Dad I am 30 years old. And you are 46 years old with a huge house. You need a woman and possible adopt a kid. I say adoption because I don't know if you how to have sex," replied Richard to him.

Michael chuckled and said, "Richard I am not looking a wife. My life is perfectly happy and I don't need a woman."

"Yea! But when you are ready I can hook you up," replied Richard to him.

Michael hugged him and then said, "Bring your wife by the house Sunday. I want to throw a little barbecue. I am hoping to make up lost time. Baby steps."

Richard nodded and said, "Ok dad. But I need you to have an open mind about her."

"So she is older than you," asked Michael to him.

"She is not half my age. She is 32 years old and she not after my money," replied Richard to him.

"I didn't say anything. But you might want to look into a prenuptial agreement. Last thing you need is she using your wealth or kids against you," replied Michael to him.

Richard then said, "Some of us believe in relationships. And they don't tuck and run in trouble."

"Look there is a lot about your mom and me that you don't understand," replied Michael to him.

Richard then said, "I know. All this occurred when I was four. What ever happened between you two saw you going to Cuba for three months. You returned and mom moved out. And I avoided her and my grandparents.

Then she started working for Moore Entertainment Group as the Marketing Manager.

And then you were angry with her. And 4 months later she dies in a car accident. We moved to Seattle a week later and you hired a private mercenary army to protect us. And spend US$ 50 on security features for us.

And you never filled in the blanks."

Michael exhaled and said, "I know you want answers. But I guarantee you it will be worst. So let it go. And for that year I take a lot of blame for. But the less you know the better."

"See you Sunday dad," replied Richard as he left.

He left the room.

As Michael reached the door his phone rang and he answered saying, "Samantha what's up?"

"I got the portfolio but it came with an additional holdings and conditions," replied Samantha as she looked on a 10 story building.

Michael then asked, "What conditions are we talking?"

"You have to see it to understand. I texted you an address so you need to be here in an hour," replied Samantha.

"I have a meeting with someone important. So I will meet in two hours," replied Michael as he walked to his limousine.

Samantha then said, "Fine I will see you then."

Michael hung up his phone.

From his 30 story window Richard observed Michael leaving and said, "He is gone you can come out now."

Jane then came out in two piece lingerie and asked, "Why didn't you tell him about me?"

"Because my father is a single 46 year old man that hasn't gotten sex since he was 41 years old. You are 2 years older than me and the head of a pornographic Entertainment company. I am a 20 year old with a net worth of US$ 94 Billion.

My father will believe you are a porn star taking advantage of me.

And he would run a DNA test on Ryan quicker than you can say amen. So we need him to fall in love with your sister and then we get freedom. And my sister gets her dad again and we are all happy," replied Richard as held her on the walls.

She then said, "We are not looking to rob your father. I just want my girl to be happy and Sharon to have her father. And once we unite them the family goes back together. Look my dad is not a bad guy.

Yea he cheated on mom and then abandoned a pregnant woman. This is probably what killed her. And having a woman out there with a Kid is bad. And after two years of been angry at him. I think it’s best if we unite them."

"Yea! And your sister will make a great addition to the business. Plus she already have your dad's name," replied James as he kissed her.

He then said, "I want to ask him so bad. My mom died from a car accident. What if she killed herself?"

Jane held him and said, "Richard we don't know that. And Celia won't tell me the truth. All I know is that she graduated had Sharon during her first year of Havana University.

You father paid for her studies via a scholarship and she had a permanent residence in Moore Guesthouse. And she said Michael Moore was the father.

All we have is what your grandfather told us."

"He got it from my mother. And when I was 4 my father disappeared for three months to work on Moore Resorts in Cuba. And when he returned my mom hated him and moved to Long Island to my grandparents.

When she died and he buried her then we relocated to Seattle. And for 24 years my grandparents, uncle Richmond and my cousins were dead to us. I had to force him to agree to let me go to Harvard University.

And he wanted me to have a business degree so he compromised," replied Richard to him.

Jane then closed her robe and said, "Richard you need to be careful. Mainly because Celia won't tell me the story.

Their relationship ended on a bad note five years ago. And you approached your dad he will know you left him out of anger."

"Don't worry. My father is good but I will get him to talk. You see he is pitching for the construction of Reign Towers Building project. It is worth US$ 900 Million and will be 300 Floors when completed. And will be the tallest building in America, located in Seattle.

And Donovan Reign, CEO of Storm Reign International Inc., is big on family. Fortunately for me I have the amazing Micah Richards, Group Chief Executive of Moore Holdings Plc., on my side. And he sent Richmond Smith, CLO of Moore Holdings PLC, to New York to negotiate.

With any luck Donovan is coming here and with that my dad is forced to find a wife. So all he has to do is reconnect. And the deal will force them into a relationship.

With any luck I will have everything wrapped up in a year. Just got to figure out how to get them together," replied Richard to her.

Jane then said, "Well I am going to Las Vegas for a week."

"Why," asked a curious Richard to her.

"I have the porn expo and I am negotiating with Red Tube for a distribution contract. So I am going to be away for a week. And she is the manager while I am way. I am meeting her in an hour," replied Jane.

Richard smiled and said, "Ok. Let's get busy then."

With that they started making out and he threw her on the table. With that she wrapped her legs around him and they started making out.

I in the meantime was packing out my locker as I got fired for been late and also telling the boss he was a fat big.

As I took up my bag Karma, the chief/ friend, said, "I am going to miss you around here half pint."

I chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I will survive."

"Hey! Do I need to call security to throw your ass out," asked Samuel, the Manager.

"One of these days I will own this building. And I will be your boss and then we will see who laughs last," I quickly told him.

"Just because your crack head kid's last name is Moore you believe she is a Princess. But she is not and I hope she loses that case on Monday. Maybe then they can buy her organs," he quickly told me and I slapped him in the face.

As he held it I said, "Make any more jokes about my daughter and I will skin you alive."

"You are fired! And you can kiss working in this town. I know people. Now get out," Samuel quickly yelled.

I then said, "Don't worry fat so I am going."

Karma smiled and I went outside.

He then yelled, "Back to work!"

Everyone then went. As I walked to the bus stop Michael's Lamborghini flew passed with the Range Rovers behind him. I stopped at the bus stop and watch the convoy vanished.

I smiled and said, "What I wouldn't do for a car like that."

I then mourned and the bus came. Sharon in the meantime was in the Limousine leaned back.

"You OK," asked Michael to her.

"I am going to be in prison the day after my birthday. I am alright," replied Sharon to him.

Michael smiled and said, "The case has been resolved. My people had a chat with Seattle News and your dad owns the station. As a resolution you will be doing their website for the launch of Moore News Group.

As for anything else. SurTech Limited will get free publicity."

"Thanks," replied Sharon as she drank her soda.

"But need an office. It is time you take the company to new heights. And Moore Communications Group owns 25% I can arranged for funding," replied Michael to her.

"What I need is another mother. She is the reason we meet secretly and she doesn't even know about this. And I hate the motel," replied Sharon as she leaned back.

Michael then quickly asked, "Is Mr. Fields giving you grief again? Because as part of the sale I told him to leave you guys alone."

"No! In fact he worked a deal out with my mother. In exchange for doing the books she stays for free. Which is perfect as mom can't make rent for the last 3 months," replied Sharon to him.

Michael then said, "Wow! She is Lucky I bought our Rostand Savings & Loans Inc. when I did or you would be in foster care."

"No! I know where you live. I have never been inside but it looks cool from outside," Sharon told him as she ate chocolates.

Michael then chuckled as he started at her and Sharon asked, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No! Just that I always wanted a daughter. And I also got my wish. And now I do but it won't last," replied Michael as he looked at her.

Sharon exhaled and said, "Alright! Look tomorrow is my birthday. I will find an excuse and come over for us to spend the day together."

"Fine," replied Michael to her and Sharon said, "I love you. Well I love any man that put up with my mother."

The limousine stopped and Michael said, "I guessed this is you."

"Sure. But I will call you," answered Sharon as she got her purse.

Michael then gave her a First National Commercial Bank Debit Card and said, "This card is part of the Moore family Trust fund scheme. Each member has a 20 Million Investment portfolio and the profits come to your account.

There is 20 Million in it already. And your monthly dispensary is $1 Million. So spend it wisely. And don't let your mom find out."

Sharon exhaled and said, "Yea! The first place I am going is to the back to pay off mom's debts."

Michael hugged her and she got out. Then the convoy drove off. Michael then exhaled as he enjoyed the little time he spent with his daughter. Sharon then went across the road to the Rostand Savings & Loans.

Meanwhile at the Moore Helipad Richmond Smith, CLO of Moore Corporations, touchdown in a White Luxury Blackbird Helicopter. As Richmond came out he saw Micah Bryan, Group CEO of Moore Corporations, sitting on the hood of a Black Porsche GT Sports Car.

"Richmond! Welcome back," replied Micah as he popped a bottle of Champagne.

Richmond exhaled and said, "You might want to put the champagne in as we are close to losing the contract."

Micah dropped the bottle and asked, "How the hell did you mess it up?"

"On the contrary he loves the proposed designs. And he is happy with Michael's acquisition of the proposed site," replied Richmond to him.

Micah then asked, "What the hell is the problem?"

"The problem is that he wants a first-hand look at the building technology factory and our operations. And the raw material. He is coming tomorrow," replied Richmond to him.

Micah then asked, "Where is the bad in that?"

"He only deals with a family man. And when I mentioned Richard did the designs and he was the head of Moore Engineering Group. And it was to be the engineering arm of Moore Corporations and build his project.

He asked what Mrs. Moore did for a living," replied Richmond before he swallowed.

"And? What did you tell him," asked Micah to him.

Richmond then said, "Well long story short. Donovan is coming here on Monday and he believes Michael is married to a doctor and they have a kid together. And she is an amazing stepmother to Richard."

Micah chuckled and said, "Tell him that bullshit when he gets back after lunch. But stand near the door so when Volcano Michael erupts you run. It has been nice knowing you."

With that he walked away.

As Micah reached the door he texted Richard: Our boy played into our trap. And now you are on track for a step mother.

Richard got the text as Jane drove off, in her brand new white 2016 Range Rover.

He smiled after reading it and replied: Proceed as planned.

Micah replied: Copy that sir.

With that he headed back to Moore Motor Complex.

I was on the bus when Rostand Savings & Loans email me saying:

Dear Miss Celia Anderson,

We are writing to informed you that your account with us as been closed. We appreciate your business with us.

Your account was closed by your daughter, Sharon Moore. She paid the accounts in full and you are clear. Your account, with the balance of $ 25 000, has been unfrozen. So feel free to go to any of our branches Mondays - Saturdays 9 am - 5 pm to update or replace your card.

And feel free to be involved in any of our 100 loans, savings accounts, and Investment portfolio and safety deposits.

Yours truly,

Daren Clarkson, MD of Rostand Savings & Loans

I then pushed the button and got off on Franklin Avenue. I then went to the Rostand Plaza, HQ of Rostand Savings & Loans. I went to the MD's office.

As I went in passed the secretary she said, "Miss! You can't go in there."

I barged in on Daren getting a back rub from a stripper. She was in a green wig and in a two piece lingerie where large white ass outside.

I whistled and said, "I definitely need to get a job in a bank."

Daren and the stripper quickly stood up.

The secretary then said, "Sorry sir! I tried to stop her."

"It’s ok Alyssa. An army couldn't stop her," replied Daren as I sat in her chair in the next room.

Then he locked the door and asked, "What do you want Miss Anderson?"

"My broke daughter who can't accord a $300 an hour lawyer to save her ass. But she magically found $150 grand in three hours. That's absurd. I know Moore Financial acquired this corporation six months ago.

I want to know where the money came from," I quickly told him.

He exhaled and said, "Michael inquired about your account. But he didn't pay it. I have CCTV footage of her paying it."

I then said, "I want to see it."

He then pulled it up the footage. Sharon then paid with her FNCB Debit card.

I then exhaled and said, "That bastard. He gave her a credit card."

"Ok. So that is all you need to know," with that I left.

I then went straight home and stormed in. Sharon was eating when I walked in and started searching her bags.

She then asked, "Where the Debit Card Michael is gave you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I got the money via a resolution from Seattle News. In exchange for building there website and do their online campaign. I have had an account at FNCB since you too dated," she quickly told me.

I looked straight in her eyes and said, "Bullshit! I know he gave you cash. You always saw the best of him. And not the monster he is."

She screamed and said, "Yes! I reached out to him."

"Why would you do that," I quickly asked her.

"Because I was tired of this hell hole and you using you pussy to try and save us. But it is not helping us," she quickly told me and I slapped her.

As she held her face I said, "Don't disrespect me."

With tears in her eyes she ran outside. Before I could call her back my phone vibrated and it was Jane calling. I just quickly ran.