
New World New Problems

"The last thing I remember was my Aunt being shot, and then a flash of light overtook me. There was only one time I ever felt such a presence, and that was in the form of the one above all. The next thing I knew, I was barreling towards a strange looking city I had never seen before."

A web-line shot out and landed against the side of a building, seconds before a red and blue blur shot past it.

"Strangely enough, I was not only thrust into a strange world, but I was turned back into a kid."

"Hey! That's my bag! HELP! POLICE!" A woman shouted below.

The red and blue blur swooped down and landed on the crook's back before tossing the bag and leaving again.

"Thank you!" The lady shouted.

"No problem, mam! Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man at work!"

 "Spider-Man? What a strange name?" The lady thought as she saw the police arriving.

"It's been three days since I arrived in West City, and I still haven't found a clue as to why I was brought here or how. All I know is I'm in another dimension, I'm broke, and have no way home. My best bet is finding something magic related or super advanced science."

Peter swung to the top of a building and sat on the ledge, "However, while the planet has some advanced tech, it's nowhere near making gateways or portals."

The hero sighed as he looked over the city, "I wonder if Aunt May or MJ made it out…oh god…what am I doing here?"

Peter looked at his hands and saw flashes of his Aunt's blood covered in them before he shook his head and said, "I have to get back."

Standing up, he flung himself from the building while his image was reflected in the glass windows he zipped by.

From the looks of it, the hero was returned to the age of roughly 14 years.

His stomach growled as he sighed again, "Can't do anything on an empty stomach…but I need money for that."

As he looked around for crime, a pamphlet smacked against his face and nearly made him crash. As he grabbed onto a wall, he peeled the paper from his face and saw the image of a temple with the words, "Strongest Under the Heavens Tournament: 1st Place Prize 100,000 Zeni."

"Huh…well, I don't know how much that is, but it might be worth it." Spider-Man's stomach growled again, "Awww...man it's already passed?"

"First, I have to find something that can help me get home. Second, I need to find a way to re-age myself. Thirdly, I need money to learn more about this world, not to mention, I'm not looking forward to sleeping outside again."

His stomach growled yet again, "But most of all, I need some food."

"HIYAAA!" The sound of someone being kicking into a wall snapped Spidey out of it.

"What the?"

He saw a boy with a monkey tail punching a wolf-man in the gut and sent him flying on top of his human partner in crime.

"How dare you trick me!!! I knew you were bad guys!" A spikey haired boy with a tail clenched his fist.

"How is his hair doing that? I wonder how much gel he uses," Spider-Man thought as he saw the boy talking to a cop.

"I have money, so can you take me to Bulma," Goku held up a stack of cash that almost made Peter fall over.

"Bulma? Bulma Briefs?" The cop replied with a questionable expression, "Uh, are you talking about the daughter of the head of the Capsule Corporation?"

 "Yeah! That's her!" The spikey haired boy shouted.

"Uh, if you're looking for a taxi, I can help!" Peter said as he hopped down beside the two.

"Heheh, you're dressed funny," The spikey haired boy giggled while pointing a finger at Peter.

"Huh? Who are you? Is that some kind of Halloween costume?" The cop asked.

"Yeah, ya scared? But seriously, it's a suit for swinging around the city, I just like the spider part."

"Swinging?" Both Goku and the Cop asked.

"Ah…right, these are web shooters," Spider-Man demonstrated by shooting a line onto a lamp post and started hanging from it, "The suit is for reducing drag, the eyes make it so I don't have to squint just to see when I'm zipping around, and it keeps me from losing body temp."

"Hmmm…interesting tech, do you work for Capsule Corp?"

"No I just know where it's at. I can take him there for some money. I'll call it Spider-Taxi service, and since you're my first customer, I'll give you a 50% discount."

"What's a taxi?" Goku asked.

"Uh, you pay me money, I take you to where you need to go," Spider-Man explained.

"Sure! That works great!" Goku handed over the cash.

Spider-Man gulped and sighed and looked at the cop before he asked, "Hey, how much money would it cost to get from here to Capsule Corp?"

"Hmm…about 25 Zeni,"

Spider-Man knelt down and took the wad before looking through it. Kid had 150,328 Zeni on hand and took out 25 before saying, "Listen up kiddo, everything worth money has a certain cost. You have enough money here to stay in an apartment and eat well for a couple of years. You have to be careful with your money,"

"Huh…I can by food with this stuff? NEAT!" the kid smiled brightly, "Hey! You're pretty nice, I'm Goku what's your name?"


"That's a funny name!" Goku chuckled.

"Heh, It's not my real name,"

"Then why'd you say it is,"

"Uh…" A sudden thought occurred to him, "Why am I hiding my name…? It's not like anyone here knows me, and from what I've seen, the cops don't have a problem with me like they did in New York. Maybe, I don't have to hide in this world," taking off his mask, he held out his hand and said, "I'm Peter, nice to meet you, Goku."

"Nice name!" Peter shook his hand.

He put the mask back on and pointed at his back, "Jump on and don't let go."

Goku smiled as he did so when he suddenly felt himself being lifted high into the air.

"AHahaha! Wow! You're strong, Peter. Are you a martial artist?"

"No, but I know kung-fu," Spider-Man shot a line to a distant building and started swinging as he shouted, "Hold on!"

Goku laughed happily as he noticed how high they were getting. Once they were above the city line, Peter pointed to the large dome shaped building in the distance.

"That there is Capsule Corp!" Peter shouted as he swung to a billboard and leapt off it.

"Cool! Thanks mister Peter," Goku suddenly jumped from his back and called out, flying Nimbus!"

"Kid!" Peter shouted as he reached out to web up his foot. However, he nimbly jumped from the roof top ledge across from them and was picked up by a zooming gold cloud.

"What the…was that…magic? THAT WAS MAGIC!" Peter's eyes widened as he suddenly gave chase.

At the thought of a chance to get back, he sprung into a full sprint and webbed his way after the monkey kid and webbed across the city just as fast as Goku was flying.

"Hey kid, wait up!"

"Huh? Woah, you're keeping up! Faster Nimbus," Goku laughed as the cloud moved even quicker.

"Is, is he playing? Aagh, I don't have time for this," Peter moved even quicker.

Eventually, he came to a stop above the building and lept down at the entrance.

Peter wasn't too far behind, but her certainly worked up a sweat as he landed next to Goku and said, "Hey kid, what is that?"

Goku saw him pointing at the Nimbus before he chuckled and said, "Oh, that's my flying nimbus."

"Is it magic?" Peter asked with hope in his eyes.

"What's magic?" Goku tilted his head.

Before Peter could explain, a feminine voice called out from a distance, "GOKU!!!"

"Bulma!" Goku hopped over as the woman came to stop on a floating vespa. They grabbed each other's hands and hopped around in circle.

"You finally came to visit, and I see you've brought an…arachnid?"

"Oh my god, you got it right. You are smart,"

Bulma showed a confused expression.

"I mean, most people call me insect," Spider-Man chuckled.

"Well they're wrong," Bulma crossed her arms.

The Hero pulled off his mask and said, "Hi, name's Peter Parker. I hear that Capsule Corp is the biggest technological manufacturing company in the city."

"More the like the world," Bulma bragged before asking, "So, what's up with the jump suit. I haven't seen materials like this before."

"Yeah, made it myself," Peter spoke while thinking, "Honestly, it was made with special carbon nanofibers that Reed Richards helped me make. I would be surprised if anyone had material like this. Wait a second…how did my suit shrink down to my new size…?"

Bulma snatched up his hand as she inspected the webshooter, "Interesting design…hmm…"

Peter pulled his hand back and said, "Thanks, I also made this myself. Can't fit the whole spider-theme if I don't have webs."

"What do you use for the formula?"

"Oh, actually it's mix of…"

While the two chatted science jargon, Goku tried to follow along, but his head started to hurt and his eyes started swirl around.

"Aghh…I can't follow any of this! Bulma! I came to ask you to fix the Dragon Radar, it broke!"

"Dragon Radar?" Peter thought of Danny Rand, "You looking for dragons, kids?"

"Kid? I'm 14!" Goku said with a big smile.

[A/N: Goku doesn't know he's twelve yet.]

While Bulma held the Dragon Radar, she gave Peter a weird look before saying, "You're a kid too! I mean, I'm not, I turned 18 this year!"

"I may not look it, but I'm in my thirties,"

"Lair," Bulma crossed her arms as she looked him up and down.

"I'm serious; I think it was some kind of magic that made me younger, that's why I followed Goku here. I wanted to know where he got that cloud because I'm looking for a way to get back to normal," Peter's stomach suddenly growled.

"Hahah, hungry are we?" Bulma chuckled.

"Magic, huh?" Bulma rubbed her chin, "Come on in, I'll treat you guys to some food while I work on the radar and make some calls."

"YAY! FOOD! I'm starving!" Goku threw his arms into the air with a cheerful smile.

"I'll wait out here," Spider-Man shook his head.

"Nonsense, you can come in too," Bulma waved him over.

"But, you just met me. Are you going to let some stranger in your house?"

"Please, I have Goku here with me. You try anything funny, and I'll sic him on you," Bulma chuckled.

Peter looked a Goku and thought of how fast he moved, "Maybe he's a mutant."

His vision went back to Bulma as he pondered on whether or not to accept her invitation, "Normally I'd say no or I wouldn't want to impose, but considering that I'm in another world, jobless, and starving, I should take her up on that offer."

His stomach growled again, and this time it hurt a little, "Ugh! Alright! Thank you."

As they walked inside Bulma led them through her house while saying, "My mom loves taking care of people. So it's no trouble at all."

She then looked at Peter and asked, "So, I read about the mysterious Spider-Man helping out these last few days. That's you, right?"

"What gave it away, the dashing good looks, maybe my stylish clothing, or perhaps the slick dance moves?"

Bulma laughed, "So you're not a vigilante that hides his identity."

"Well…I thought about it, but when you're from another reality entirely, the point of the mask disappears. There are no villains here to harm people I care for."

"Reality?" Bulma lifted her brow in shock.

Spider-Man slapped his hands over his mouth as he thought, "The hell…oh crap. My mental state must be affected by my newfound youth! I was too much of a chatter box back in my teenage years, inside thoughts, Peter. Inside thoughts! Ugh! I don't' want to go through puberty again!"

"You said that out loud again," Bulma gave a sly look.

"Uh…don't suppose you could forget I said that?"

"No way, mister! Spill or I'm not helping," Bulma grinned.

"Uh…well, other than being completely surprised that you'd even believe me, why do you want to know?"

"I've seen pigs using transforming magic, an entire mountain blown away by an old man, I got turned a carrot, and met a magical dragon in the span of a few months. I can believe a lot of things," Bulma said with a completely straight face.

"That…sounds interesting. So is magic common in this world?"

"I answer if you do," Bulma grinned.

"Ugh…okay, I'm from another reality. In my world, Super Heroes like myself are commonplace. Something happened to me recently and I was flashed into another world. I woke up here about three days ago, in a younger body, and in my suit, which I didn't have on at the time. The only thing I can think of is some Deity, magic, or science project gone horribly wrong is responsible for my current circumstance."

They walked by a garden while Bulma took in the information.

As they passed by the garden, Peter couldn't help but ask, "Is that dinosaur?"

"Yeah, my mom has a couple of them for pets. Now, is this other dimension like a different planet, are you some kind of alien?"

"Well, yes...? You call this place earth, but it's not my earth," Peter explained, "For instance, dinosaurs are extinct on my planet. All of them were wiped out in a meteor and ice age that followed. The survivors all evolved into smaller species,"

"Hey! What's a super hero?" Goku asked.

"It's a person that save people and do lots of good things for the world, they act as role models, fight villains, and keep the peace," Bulma said as she smiled at Peter.

"Yeah…what she said," Peter looked a bit down as he thought, "I wish I could live up to that ideal."

"Oh, so you're a good guy. Are there other strong people like you?" Goku asked with a look of expectation.

"Yeah, there are plenty strong, some way stronger too," Peter shivered as he recalled the several times he's broken almost all the bones in his body.

"Cool! After we eat, you should fight with me!"

"Um…I don't really like to fight without a reason,"

"But there is a reason, fighting is fun!" Goku tilted his head with a confused look.

"He's a battle junkie," Bulma whispered.

"I'm a martial artist! Grandpa said that fighting strong people was a way to better yourself," Goku replied.

"You should humor him. The thing Goku is searching for is something that could get you home," Bulma mentioned as a man came back riding a bike inside the garden.

"Really?" Peter asked before Bulma's father stopped in front of them.

"Hello! Bulma, you're back early,"

"Class was boring," Bulma said as she gave her dad a quick hug.

"Who are your friends?"

"Oh, this is Goku, I told you about him, remember."

"Oh, that's right…well, you're not a short as Bulma said," The doctor patted Peter's arm.

"Um, that's Goku," Peter pointed to him before Bulma placed her hand on her head and sighed.

"Oh, I see…well, aren't you a little shrimp!" Doctor Brief laughed as he pat Goku's head.

"Yep!" Goku didn't refute what so ever.

"I hear you're a strong little guy,"

"That I am!" Goku rubbed the tip of his nose with his finger.

"That's Peter. We just met, but he seems like good people," Bulma mentioned as she pointed at the spider-themed hero.

"How's it going," Peter held out his hand and shook.

"Huh? A bit young for ya, Bulma, but I suppose everyone is entitled to their taste."

"It's not like that you old fart!" Bulma slapped her father in the back of the head with a paper fan she kept in her backpack.

Peter chuckled, "Wow, a real life gag routine, did you guys practice?"

Bulma blushed as her dad laughed and said, "Aren't we just the best!"

"Anyways, DAD, could you ask the chiefs to cook up something. I have to fix my radar," Bulma started stomping away before she popped her head back in and said, "Oh, and make sure it's a lot. This kid eats way more than you'd think. Come on, you two. My room is this way!"

"Leave the door open!" Brief shouted.

Bulma blushed and groaned before she said, "Quit being so gross!"

"You don't have to be a prude," The doctor teased.

"Kami help me," Bulma sighed as Peter started laughing.

"You have a good dad," Peter said as he walked beside her.

"Yeah, he's funny!" Goku agreed.

She smiled at the compliment and led them to her room as she said, "He's alright."

When they arrived, Bulma took back the dragon radar and moved to her desk, "Now let's see what got messed up."

"So about me getting home?" Peter spoke up.

"Oh, the things Goku is collecting are called Dragon Balls," Bulma announced as she popped the radar's back open.

"I'm gonna need you to back up, I assume we aren't talking about…" Peter covered his crotch as if he were protecting it.

"Get your head out of the gutter! They're golden spheres with stars inside them. If you collect all seven, you can summon Shenron, a wish granting dragon."

"That can't be real. There has to be some catch, right? Like, you have to offer up something of equal value, or maybe like a monkey's paw situation?"

 "No, I'm completely serious. We managed to collect them a year ago, and I saw it myself, and as far as I can tell, there are no drawbacks. Of course that piggy just had to wish for panties. What a waste."

"Okay, now I know you're joking," Peter lifted a brow.

"I believe you when you say you're a dimensional traveler, but wish granting dragon is too much for you?" Bulma tweaked her machine while Peter looked over her shoulder with an interested expression.

"It's the truth! Although I was sleeping when it got summoned," Goku added.

"So you guys can just keep gathering these things and making wishes?" Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well, there are two major draw backs…" Bulma paused what she was doing and looked at the hero before she held up two fingers, "One, the dragon balls turn to stone for a year after the wish, and two, they fly across the world when the dragon leaves."

"Huh…and you'd let me…a complete stranger use them?"

"I have good judgment when it comes to people," Bulma said as she picked up her soldering pen and started fixing the radar.

"You really mess this thing up. You should be more careful how you handle technology, Goku. These things are way delicate,"

 "Does this thing pick up some kind of radiation?" Peter asked.

"You must be smart if you figured that out from a simple glance."

"I'm a scientist. I've built something similar," Peter replied.

The dragon balls emit a unique form of radiation that doesn't exist on Earth. I made this to track them down. It can scan the entire planet."

"What's a Saiyantist?" Goku asked.

"The word is pronounced Scientist, Goku, and it means he's a smart guy like me,"

"Wait you told me you were a girl! Did you lie to me?"

"No, Goku. Ugh…I misspoke, he's a smart person, like me," Bulma growled when she heard Peter snickering.

"Ooooh, so you're smart and strong?! WOW!" Goku's eyes sparkled.

"There're not exclusive, Goku! You should sharpen that mind of yours you Neanderthal,"

"Will it make me a better fighter?" The spikey haired kid asked.

"Yes," Peter replied, "When you're smarter, you're able to do more because you know more. You have more options, for instance, I can calculate the distance needed to move when I swing around on my webs by using math."

"Huh, it's like what master Roshi said about training the mind alongside the body…" Goku mumbled as he grabbed his chin.

"There, done…" Bulma clicked on the radar, "Huh? You've only collected two? Taking your sweet time I see."

"I had to go through a lot to get them," Goku chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

"So…will you really let me wish myself back?" Peter asked again.

"Ask Goku, he's the one gathering them," Bulma chuckled.

"Uh…so, kid, do you mind?"

"Sure! But you have to fight me!" Goku grinned.

"Ugh…fine, if this gets me home," Peter sighed as he resigned himself to have to fight a kid.

"Yahhoo!" Goku cheered.

"Hmm…tomorrow's Saturday. You know what? I'm bored, so I'll help you out and come with!" Bulma grinned.

"Nah, you'd just slow us down," Goku replied.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Bulma shouted, "If I'd been with you, you would have found your grandfather's dragon ball by now."

"But you can't ride the Nimbus," Goku shot back.

"Huh, well I have just the thing for that. Check this out!" Bulma pointed at her wrist.

"What is it?" Goku and Peter asked at the same time.

Bulma gave a cocky grin as she said, "Just watch, I push this button and…"

In an instant, Bulma shrunk down to the size of a Barbie doll.

"WHOA! You're this size of a mouse!" Goku laughed as Peter's eyes went bug-eyed.

"You have Pim Particles? Wait…No, that's not it. You're not wearing a suit to protect your body from collapsing into itself…how'd you do that?"

Before Bulma could explain, a shadow appeared above her head. She looked up to see her mother's foot coming straight towards her.

Luckily, Spider-Man was quick enough to snatch her out of the way.


"Well maybe you should watch where you shrink, young lady," Panchy replied with a unsurprised expression.

She then turned to Goku and said, "You must be, Goku. What a cute kid."

"What are you here for?!" Bulma gave an aggravated stare.

"The food is done. I came to get you," Panchy replied.

"FOOD!" Goku started hopping up and down in excitement.

"Right…come on, we'll eat before heading out," Bulma led them to the dining room.

Goku ran to the seat and started chowing down on a rather large dino-leg.

"Huh…never thought I'd get a chance to eat dinosaur, and a T-Rex to boot," Peter joined him.

He started eating rather quickly and looked up to see Goku swallowing the food just as quickly as he chewed it.

"Huh…heightened metabolism?" Peter asked.

"What's materbolism?" Goku asked before he inhaled a bowl of rice.

"Metabolism is something that describes the rate in which your body burns off the food you eat. I knew a few people who eat like you in my world."

"You're eating a lot too," Bulma noticed as she watched him eat a dino-burger.

"Wow, dinosaur taste better than I thought it would, and I too need to eat a lot because of how much energy I burn through. Super physical abilities sound cool until you see the food bill."

"You're speaking like Goku is some kind of…"

"Mutant?" Peter finished her sentence, "They're pretty common in my world."

"Huh, it never occurred to me that Goku may be an evolved human. Maybe that's why he has a tail. A possible genetic throwback, or maybe it's more like selective evolution since he lived in the wild," Bulma mumbled as she quietly ate her food and looked at Peter before she asked, "Is that what you are?"

"Something like that," Peter answered.

"I'd love to get a look at your blood samples," Bulma's eyes sparkled.

"Don't even think about it. You aren't the first person to want to exploit my genes, but I can tell you this, 99% of the time it ended with murderous results. The things that people did with my blood aren't what I'd call a good thing."

"Well, I'm one of the world's best scientists. I wouldn't let anything bad happen."

"I'm serious, just don't. It's only caused me and countless others to suffer," Peter finished his plate and stood up.

Once Goku cleared his many plates and bowls, he patted his belly and said, "Alright! Now that I'm full, let's fight!"

"You guys can use our yard, and Goku, don't damage my house!"

"I'll try!" Goku chuckled.

Peter shook his head as he got ready to follow Bulma when she said, "Hold on, I need to grab my capsule case."

They followed her to her dad's lab, and for a bit, Peter was awestruck. All the tech he had never seen was laying around in great abundance. Floating cars, new capsule designs, tons of computers, and what looked like an advanced fighter jet were lazily placed around in various spots.

"I would love to work here," Peter said as he checked out the schematics thrown up on a white board.

"Dad! Where's my capsule case!" Bulma shouted.

"It's on the desk," Doctor Brief announced as he poked his head up from the car engine he was working on.

Bulma scrounged around the table when Peter asked, "You know, while I read about the capsules in the public library, I still haven't seen one in action."

Bulma grinned as she took the case and opened it up, "Well get ready to be wowed…huh? Oops, these are my dad's capsules."

She quickly picked up hers and put her father's back. After she opened it up, she took out a capsule and threw it out in an open area of the lab.

A puff of smoke filled the room and a motor bike was left in its place.

"Incredible, is that how you shrunk yourself? You compressed the space surrounding your body…but how? Hey, can you teach me to make these? I'd make a fortune back in my world."

"Sure, as long as you call them capsules and credit my family," Bulma smiled a she pressed a switch on the bike that turned it back into a capsule."

"Sure, can do," Peter gave a thumbs up.

They walked out of the house and stood in the large grassy yard before Goku started doing stretches.

Peter did the same and said, "Whenever you're ready, kid."

Goku grinned as he got into a stance and shot towards Peter. Spider-Man effortless dodged a punch before Goku landed and tried to sweep kick the hero.

Peter lifted a foot and put it on top of his Goku's head and said, "You're fast, but not fast enough."

"Wow! You're really strong! But I'm not giving up!" Goku announced as he his fists and feet turned into a flurry of blurs.

Spider-Man dodged every blow with barely any of his power. However, he was impressed with Goku's skill and abilities.

As he bobbed and weaved, Goku appeared to get a bit mad as he asked, "How come you're not fighting back."

"Yeah, no. I'm not hitting a kid," Peter replied as he crossed his arms.

Feeling like he was being underestimated, Goku placed his hands together and started chanting, "Ka…"

Peter's spider-senses went haywire as his hairs stood on end.

Before he could finish, Bulma slapped him on the back of the head, "I said don't destroy the place!"

"Ow!" Goku rubbed his head as he glared at Bulma, "Why'd you do that?"

"Did you forget how destructive that move is? No laser beams on my property!"

"Fine," Goku grumbled as he jumped back at his opponent and started to throw fists.

Peter once again dodged without any issues. However, as Goku continued to push himself, he surprised the hero. The spikey haired youth's speed and strength suddenly increased without any warnings.

Raising his hand up, Spider-Man blocked the punch and felt his hand sting as he said, "Whoa, did you just improve in the middle of combat?"

"I'm always striving to improve!" Goku replied as he tried to pull his hand back.

However, was surprise to find out he couldn't escape Peter's open palm.

"I'm stuck!"

Peter lifted him off the ground and flicked him in the forehead, "I win."

"How are you doing this?!" Goku put his feet on the bottom of Peter's arm and tried to push off, but once again he was surprised to discover that his feet were now stuck to him as well.

"I'm a Spider-Mutate. I can stick to objects and make objects stick to me. So as long as I want to hold you…"

Goku's face turned red as he started putting a lot of pressure on Peter's arm as the hero declared, "I can do stuff like this!"

After watching the kid struggling for a while, Peter sighed and let him go.

When Goku fell on his butt, the hero from another world said, "If I wanted I could have knocked you out. However, I don't know how much you can take, so you understand why I can't hit you, Goku. I could end up accidently killing you."

"Sounds like you need Ki control training," Goku announced as he stood back in his fighting stance.

"Ki?" Peter tilted his head. The word sounded familiar, but he couldn't recall where he heard it.

"Yeah, Old-Man Roshi taught me after I sent a fighter flying in the last tournament. He said that when I get good enough, I should be able to judge how strong a fighter is and put the proper strength into my blows. Now, let's fight again!"

"Goku you lost. Can't you see you're bothering him?" Bulma shook her head.

"But I can still fight," The spikey haired youth complained.

"He was going easy on you," Bulma announced.

Goku pouted as he looked at the ground.

"Aw…don't look so down, kid. You did really good," Peter patted his head, "I'm sure you'll only get stronger in the future. Hey, you might even get stronger than me."

"Can…can we fight again?" Goku asked as he put on an expression of expectation.

"Well, you are helping me get home. Tell you what, as long as I'm here, I'll be your sparring partner and let you fight me once a day."

"YAY!" Goku cheered happily.

"Oh, before I forget. Mom!" Bulma waved at her mother.

Panchy came with a change in clothes as she handed them Peter and said, "These used to belong to my husband, they're yours now."

"Uh…thank you mam," Peter nodded respectfully as he put the blue jeans, sneakers, and black long sleeve shirt on.

"You look quite handsome," Panchy smiled.

"Much better than the jumpsuit. We don't have to worry about people giving us strange looks," Bulma added.

"I thought he looked cool!" Goku chuckled.

"Okay, let's go!" Bulma shouted as she shrunk down and let Goku put her in his shirt.

"Nimbus!" Goku shouted as the cloud came down and floated in front of him.

Goku jumped on it and looked at Peter before he said, "Hop on!"

Peter nodded his head and tried to, but after stepping on it, he felt that there wasn't enough room, "Err… it's kind of…can you widen the cloud?"

"Huh? I don't know. Nimbus, can you make yourself a little wider?" Goku asked.

The cloud suddenly spread out a bit and made Goku smile as he shouted, "You're amazing, Nimbus!"

Peter sat down and patted the cloud, "Uh…good cloud?"

"Hehehe, I knew you were a good guy," Bulma snickered.

"Huh?" Peter showed a confused expression.

"Nimbus only lets good people ride him," Goku laughed as they started rising higher into the air.

"So is Bulma a bad person?" Peter snickered.

"No! The cloud is just picky!" Bulma huffed.

As if taking offense to that, the Flying Nimbus suddenly darted off into the distance.

"Wooooh! This thing can really move." Peter cheered.

Goku clicked on the radar and saw where they needed to go before pointing the cloud in the right direction.

They flew for several hours until they ended up over the ocean.

"So it's down there," Bulma said before smiling, "Take us to that island over there."

Goku flew down and they all got off while she jumped back up to her original size.

"I thought something like this could happen after the Dragon Balls flew off, so I came prepared," Bulma opened up her case and frowned, "Why isn't it here?! I know I had a submersible capsule with me!"

"Uh, wasn't that what your dad was working on?" Peter asked as he recalled the submarine-like vehicle in the lab.

"Ugh! Darn it dad! Knowing him, he was probably installing a coffee machine,"

"I guess I'll try and swim," Goku said as he started stripping.

Peter didn't say anything because he didn't know Goku's limits. He could hold his breath for roughly ten minutes, so he figured that if Goku even had a fraction of his abilities, he might be able to do the same.

The kid flew off while Bulma pouted.

"Hey, sometimes it happens to the best of us,"

"Thanks Peter. Well…maybe there's a capsule shop on this island. If I'm lucky, they'll have the one we need."

Author Note: So, I have about 50k words for this one. I'll let it out in a total of 10 chapters. Might continue this one. But for now, I get to dropping my main stuff. Just wanted to get this one out there. Used my original crappy painting with A.I to make the cover-art, let me know what you think.

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