
Web of Darkness

Two people, one body, one soul

DaoistKkywer · Horror
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3 Chs

The Devil

      Jason arrived at the crime scene. He had a mixture of sensations when he witnessed that. Both derision and pleasure. That last feeling made him shudder in horror. This feeling could not be his, it was something inconceivable for him to think or feel. To witness a macabre homicide like that could not bring pleasure to anyone. He abandoned that thought.

      "Good morning, Detective.", Greeted his boss. "I hope you haven't had breakfast yet!"

      "I didn't, boss, and now I thank God for that. I think I was quite capable of throwing it all out..", Jason feigned a laugh.

      "Yeah, I warned."

      "I know. I just never thought it was going to be so ... bloody. "

      Wolf looked around again. Horror now took over his conscience. He tried to look through the blood, the terror, the fear, the smell of the ultimate threshold of insanity when it is transgressed. He took a deep breath and gained the courage to go and observe the body that lay on the stretcher.

      The inspector got petrified. He stared in horror at the victim's belly, gutted in the form of an inverted pentagram. "Why? Would it be a sect? "He thought. Then he looked at the floor and came across an inverted cross made of blood, probably the victim's.

      "It looks like the Devil went down to earth and went back up!", Checked Jason, in a desperate choke.

      He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. He reflected on what he was looking at at the moment. Never in his forty years of service had witnessed something so insane, so insipid in any streak  of mercy. One thing he was sure about. Whoever did this could only be some reincarnation of evil.