
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Starting anew?

The principal cleared his throat, wanting to break the awkward atmosphere Ethan's had created.

"Ahem! This concludes today's event," he announced, his voice steady despite the lingering tension. "Tomorrow marks the beginning of your classes. Please follow your assigned guides and head towards your respective rooms. Each room will accommodate two individuals throughout the academic year. I trust you will all get along and refrain from causing any unnecessary trouble."

he paused briefly, giving the audience a moment to absorb his words. "Inside your rooms, you will find a form that requires completion. You will have one hour to fill it out. Once you have finished, your assigned guide will return to collect the forms."

As Ethan and the other students followed the principal's instructions, he couldn't shake the feeling of threatening gazes emanating from some of his fellow classmates. The weight of his bold words during the assembly lingered, and it seemed that not everyone was receptive to his perspective.

Accompanied by his guide and a few other students, Ethan was led to his assigned room. To his surprise, waiting for him inside was none other than Sven, the young master of the village he called home.

"I guess they've placed me with him, seeing as how we came here together," Ethan thought to himself, trying to rationalize the arrangement. As he entered the room, there was an undeniable sense of tension between the two of them. They had shared an eventful journey to the academy, but that did not erase the complicated history they carried with them, though Sven seemed to be unaware of their past encounter.

Sven looked up, meeting Ethan's gaze, and for a moment, the room fell silent. Both were unsure of how to break the ice.

Finally, Sven extended a hand, offering a tentative smile, "Well, it looks like we're roommates, Ethan. I hope we can put our differences aside and make the best of this year together."

Ethan looked at Sven with genuine curiosity, intrigued by the change in his demeanor. He wasn't one to hold grudges, but he couldn't easily forget their past encounter. He decided to ignore and walk past Sven, leaving him hanging.

Sven, understanding Ethan's actions to some extent, took a deep breath and made an effort to speak out, determined to create an opportunity to start anew.

"I know our first meeting was rough, and I would like to apologize for my past conduct." Sven began, his tone sincere. "Your demonstration during the trials was awe-inspiring, and it gave me a whole new perspective of you. Your speech at the assembly was truly wonderful. I seek friendships with those who possess drive and character, regardless of their background. It's true that I might have looked down on most low-borns, but I also apply the same scrutiny to those of high status. Respect must be earned, and I've come to see that you are worthy of it."

He continued, "All I wish for us is to put our differences aside and start anew, as friends. I believe we can learn from each other, and together, we might achieve even greater things at this academy. What do you say?"

Ethan carefully pondered Sven's words, observing the sincerity in his apology and his genuine desire to improve their relationship. Although cautious, he found himself being grateful to him as he showed support by applauding him during his speech, as others looked on with disdain, putting him in an awkward position.

"You know, this isn't our first encounter. We actually have a history that dates back six years." Ethan remarked.

Sven, intrigued by Ethan's statement, probed further, seeking to unravel the mystery. "What do you mean? I don't recall ever meeting you."

Ethan's response reflected his conviction, "That just goes to show how morally different we are. I cannot associate myself with someone of questionable character. I must decline your offer. However, since we'll be living together for the year, let's minimize our interactions and keep things respectful. Thank you."

"W-Wait, you can't leave me hanging without providing more information. How did we meet before these past two days?" Sven pleaded, eager to understand the history between them.

Ethan hesitated for a moment before revealing the forgotten past, "Six years ago, do you recall a chance encounter at the marketplace near the bread stand? That was me. You had ordered your guards to assault me mercilessly, leaving me battered and humiliated." Ethan chose not to mention the use of water magic that made it appear as if he had soiled himself.

Sven was truly taken aback by the revelation, his face turning perplexed as he struggled to find words to defend his past actions. He knew he couldn't provide any valid reasoning or excuse to justify what he had done. The memories of how he had humiliated Ethan were painfully clear, and he understood that there was no chance of being pardoned for his past behavior.

Realizing the severity of his actions and the pain he had caused, Sven decided to give up on the idea of becoming friends with Ethan. Instead, he found himself appreciative of Ethan's maturity and understanding. Despite the hurtful history between them, Ethan displayed remarkable neutrality and offered a practical solution – to minimize their interactions while maintaining respect for each other's boundaries and speech.

"Now, unless there's anything else you'd like to include, I'll proceed with filling out the form we've been assigned."


Ethan noticed the form placed atop his bed. He picked it up, setting it on the table beside his bed before taking a seat. The form he held in his hands was for selecting his classes for the upcoming year. Among the dozens of choices available, he had to carefully choose only three. These three classes would be the ones he would attend throughout the entire year. It was a decision that required thoughtful consideration as he aimed to nurture his curiosity and thirst for knowledge along the right path.

With determination in his eyes, Ethan began reviewing the descriptions of each class, seeking to find the ones that resonated with his interests and aspirations. He knew that the choices he made now would play a significant role in shaping his academic journey and future endeavors. So, he delved into each class's details, weighing the potential benefits they could offer on his quest for personal growth and intellectual development.