

After carefully browsing the diverse range of classes offered, Ethan astutely selected three out of the dozens available that truly captured his interests. These classes are as follows: "Introduction to Magical Theory II," "History & Geography," and "Introduction to Magical Equipment Crafting I."

These classes provided Ethan with a well-rounded magical education, enriching him with advanced theoretical knowledge that aligns seamlessly with the book he had diligently read. This comprehensive learning experience would create a firm foundation for Ethan's magical journey.

Furthermore, these courses not only expanded his proficiency in magic but also enlightened him about the intricacies of the world he resides in. Prior to undertaking these classes, he possessed limited understanding about the wonders of this magical realm. Now, with the History & Geography class, he can navigate the magical world with a more profound grasp of its history, geography, and inherent unknowns.

The Classes where described as followed;


-Introduction to Magical Theory II:

Description: Building upon the foundational concepts explored in the first level of Introduction to Magical Theory, this advanced course delves deeper into the intricate principles and laws governing the magical world. Students will explore various magical systems, uncover hidden connections between different branches of magic, and analyze the underlying mechanisms that govern spellcasting. The course will also focus on honing critical thinking and analytical skills, encouraging students to apply magical theory to practical scenarios.

Purpose: The purpose of this class is to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of magical theory, enabling them to become adept and well-informed individuals capable of advancing in more specialized fields of magic and spellcraft.

-History & Geography:

Description: This captivating course explores the enthralling history and diverse geographical landscapes of the world we reside In. From ancient civilizations to pivotal magical events that shaped the world as it is today, students will embark on a fascinating journey through time and present. As the class sets forth, they will venture into a myriad of habitats, each steeped in its own mystique and magic. Among these are the enchanted forests, which serve as the abodes of the graceful elves. The mystical mountains form another destination, cherished as the ancestral grounds of the dwarves. Beyond these known realms, the class will dare to venture into the topic regarding the unexplored territories, where dark realms harbor powerful, mysterious monsters. This class will be providing a deep understanding of the magical world's geography.

Purpose: The purpose of this class is to nurture a profound appreciation for magical heritage, historical context, and the geographical significance of magical environments. Students will gain valuable insights into how magical civilizations evolved, which will inform their understanding of present-day magical practices and societal structures.

-Introduction to Magical Equipment Crafting I:

Description: In this introductory class, students will learn the art of crafting magical equipment and enchanted items. From weapon-making to potion vials, talismans and much more. Participants will explore the materials, tools, and techniques required to create functional and aesthetically pleasing magical objects. Emphasizing both creativity and precision, the class will also cover the ethical considerations and safety measures in crafting magical equipment.

Purpose: The purpose of this class is to empower students with the skills to fashion their magical tools, fostering a deeper connection with their craft and enabling them to tailor their equipment to suit their magical abilities and proficiency. This would allow them to become better mages in all aspects. Additionally, the class encourages resourcefulness and responsible craftsmanship, promoting a sustainable approach to magical practices.



After Ethan and Sven had completed their class selections, the guide who had escorted them to their chamber returned as promised, collecting the filled forms. With a courteous demeanor, he assured them that he would return early the next morning to provide their schedules based on the choices they had made.

He also emphasized the importance of attending classes as per the designated hours outlined in their schedules. Skipping classes without valid reasons would not be tolerated, as maintaining regular attendance was vital to a successful magical education. The guide sternly warned that any excessive abuse of this policy could lead to expulsion from the institution.

By reinforcing these guidelines, the guide aimed to ensure that both Ethan and Sven understood the significance of their commitment to their magical studies and the responsibilities that came with it.


The next morning, the soft sunlight streamed through the tall windows of the magical academy, marking the start of their academic adventure.

As promised, the guide arrived on time, carrying their schedules with decorative designs and beautiful writing. He greeted them warmly, handing each of them their personalized timetables. Along with the schedules, they received their school uniform, which included everything they needed: plain white button-up shirts, plain black trousers, a black necktie that complemented the uniform, a set of sturdy black shoes designed to withstand various weather conditions and activities and lastly a school bag made of sturdy leather which ensured the safety of the student belonging and school materials.

The uniforms provided a neat and formal appearance while ensuring comfort. They exuded a sense of tradition and formality that perfectly matched the academy's focus on teaching magic.

"I hope you have a wonderful and enlightening time here." said the guide with a smile before departing.

Ethan's schedule showed that each of his classes would last for an hour and a half, with a twenty-minute break between them. This meant that he would have four and a half hours of classes each day, except for the weekends, which were designated as rest days.

To his surprise, his first class of the day, "History & Geography", was scheduled to begin in 30 minutes.

Ethan hastily put on his uniform and made his way towards the designated classroom written on his timetable. The academy was quite large, and for freshmen like him, they had a dedicated small section compared to the more spacious areas for second and third-year students. The academy was divided into three distinct areas: one for first-years, another for second-years, and the last for third-years. Each area was larger than the previous one, and the reason behind this difference was that as students advanced through the academy, they gained more privileges.

The students were well aware that passing the recruitment trial was only the beginning of a series of challenging tasks. Moving beyond the freshman level required them to undergo numerous exams, where they had to demonstrate their progress and skills in school. Failing even a single exam meant being expelled from the academy. This is why the privileges were offered - to motivate students to work diligently by instilling both fear of failure and the promise of rewards for their efforts.

These privileges included bigger rooms, and some even had the luxury of having their own rooms without any roommates. The facilities also improved, with better cafeterias and more advanced practical zones for practicing magic, among many other benefits.

As Ethan entered the classroom, he felt the weight of numerous eyes fixating on him, many of which carried disdainful expressions.

"Look, it's him..." whispered a student to his friend.

"How dare he mock us..." replied his friend.

Whispers and murmurs spread throughout the class, creating a tense atmosphere. The classroom was quite large, accommodating around 40 students. However, there was only one seat available, and it happened to be in the corner at the front of the room, aligned horizontally with the entrance door right next to the windows showcasing the outside practice zone.

As Ethan approached his seat, he noticed a student sitting right in the middle of the horizontal line, obstructing his path with his extended legs. It was evident that the student was attempting to trip him. Undeterred, Ethan met the boy's gaze. The boy had a mischievous smile, as if daring him to try something.

"What? Trying to do something?" The boy seemed to say with his smile, implying Ethan was no more than a nuisance.

In response, Ethan smirked back, probably thinking he wouldn't do anything. However, with a subtle display of wind magic, Ethan gently pushed the student's desk a few inches back, not causing any harm but enough to humiliate him slightly. This subtle movement opened up Ethan's path without the need to avoid the boy's unamusing prank, and he continued on to his seat smoothly.

Sensing the growing tension in the classroom, the boy abruptly stood up from his seat, seemingly ready to confront Ethan. However, before he could make any move, the teacher entered the room, urging all the students to take their seats in silence.

"Everyone, please take your seats. Class is about to start!" the teacher announced, effectively diffusing the situation. The boy reluctantly returned to his seat, realizing that any further action would be inappropriate in the presence of the teacher.

With the teacher's arrival, the room fell into silence, and the focus shifted to the upcoming class, leaving the earlier tension in the background for the time being.

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