
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

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70 Chs

[Part 2] Chapter 13 - Introduction to Magical Theory II - Chapter 2

After the demanding run, the recruits faced a grueling series of bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats tested their endurance, pushing everyone to the brink of their physical capabilities.

Ethan's muscles burned with the intensity of the workout, each repetition a battle against his own limits.

Yet, he welcomed the challenge, understanding that this pain was a crucial part of forging independence and resilience.

The day's rigorous activities culminated in a lecture emphasizing the core values of discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.

The instructor's words served as a reminder of the mental fortitude required alongside physical strength.

Following the lecture, the recruits were led to the dining hall for their evening meal.

The food, though far from appealing in appearance or taste, was designed to mimic the rations one might expect on expeditions.

It was nutritious, if not gourmet, providing the essential energy needed without any frills. The meal was a practical lesson in itself, preparing them for the realities of life in the field.

After dinner, the recruits were granted two hours of free time before they had to go to bed.

However, given the day's exhaustive training, Ethan and his teammates found little energy to enjoy this brief respite. Instead, they opted to return to their tent early.

The physical and mental exertion of the day weighed heavily on them all.

While his comrades succumbed to sleep almost instantly upon touching their cots, exhaustion claiming them effortlessly, Ethan found himself in a different state.

Despite the physical toll the day had taken on him, his mind had other plans, unable to succumb to rest so easily. There was a determination within him, a burning question that refused to let him rest.

Quietly, with careful movements not to disturb the others, Ethan rose from his cot and moved towards his storage chest. There, nestled among his few possessions, lay the book given to him by Mr. Alfred.

"Introduction to Magic Theory II" Ethan read out under his breath.

Under the night, barely enough to see, Ethan used his blanket as a makeshift cover to hide his actions from the group, though everyone else was deep in sleep.

With a deep focus, he summoned a tiny flame atop his index finger. The flame was minuscule, emitting a gentle glow that illuminated the pages of the book without the risk of burning anything or drawing the attention of his deeply sleeping comrades.

Even though the magical flame Ethan conjured was minuscule, a faint sensation of pain flickered through his body, reminiscent of a persistent pinch.

This discomfort, though mild, served as a constant reminder of the limitations he faced.

Ethan understood all too well that this sensation was merely the precursor to what would be an exponential increase in pain should he dare to amplify his magical output.

It was precisely this reason that he had been warned against attempting to harness anything beyond the most basic level of magic; the agony that would ensue from more significant spells was deemed too severe for him to bear.

This realization was both a constraint and a catalyst for Ethan. Each minor twinge of pain with his small flame underscored the reality of his condition, yet it also fueled his determination to seek a way beyond it.

The very fact that he could manifest even this tiny flame was proof of his connection to magic, a connection he was not yet willing to sever or surrender to the dictates of his supposed limitations.

Under the sanctuary of his blanket, with the tiny magical flame casting a gentle light on the pages, Ethan found himself revisiting familiar territory within the book.

The initial chapter, which he had thoroughly covered during his time at the academy under Professor Eveline's tutelage, delved into the intricacies of multitasking in magical practice. Having already mastered the concepts and applications of this initial lesson, Ethan felt no need to linger on the pages he knew by now.

With a determined flick of his wrist, Ethan turned the pages, moving past the foundational teachings to the next segment of his magical education: Magical Sensitivity. 


Chapter 2: Magical Sensitivity

Page 12

As we delve further into the mystical world of magic, our focus shifts to the essential concept of Magical Sensitivity. This ability is paramount for those who wish to not just perform magic, but to truly connect with and understand the subtle energies that our defined within us.

2.1 The Essence of Sensitivity

At the core of Magical Sensitivity lies the ability to perceive and interact with the magical essence that suffuses our being. This essence, also referred to as mana, is the bedrock of all magical phenomena. While the notion of such essence is no longer a foreign concept at this juncture, your current understanding and use of mana merely scratch the surface of a much deeper and expansive concept. Sensitivity to magic—what does it truly entail, and how does it expand upon the initial lessons of basic mana manipulation?

For any practitioner of magic, cultivating a sharp awareness of this omnipresent sensation is crucial to their craft. It's this heightened sensitivity that allows one to detect the subtle shifts and intricate patterns of magical energy flowing within themselves. This is not merely an extension of the basic manipulation of mana but a deeper, more intimate connection with the very currents of magic that course through the self.

2.2 Attunement

Achieving attunement with the magical essence requires more than just passive observation; it demands an active engagement with the energy flows around and within oneself. This process involves fine-tuning one's own energy to resonate with the ambient magical essence.

Practices such as focused meditation, deep concentration, and the cultivation of inner stillness are vital for enhancing one's Magical Sensitivity. Through these methods, a practitioner learns to quiet the noise of the physical world, allowing them to sense the subtle whispers of magic that permeate their surroundings.

2.3 Interpreting Magical Signatures

Every magical entity and phenomenon possesses a unique signature, a distinctive pattern of energy that can be read and interpreted by those with heightened Magical Sensitivity. Understanding these signatures is akin to learning the language of magic itself.

By recognizing and interpreting the various energy signatures encountered, a practitioner can identify the types of magic at play, the intentions behind magical constructs, and even the presence of magical creatures or artifacts. This insight opens up a new dimension of interaction with the magical world, enabling more nuanced and effective spellcasting unique to them, placing your own signature into the realm of magic.

Turn the page to embark on the explanation and exercises that will lead you into a deeper connection with the world of magic through the lens of Magical Sensitivity.


Ethan, intrigued by the potential knowledge that could aid him, he eagerly turned to the section titled "2.1 - The Essence of Sensitivity".

Under the dim glow of his magical flame, he began to read, absorbing every word with keen interest.


2.1 - The Essence of Sensitivity


The ability to perceive, interact with, and influence the subtle energies that permeate within. For a practitioner of magic, developing this sensitivity is not just beneficial—it is essential. It allows for a deeper connection with the magical forces at play, enhancing every aspect of spellcasting and magical understanding.

The Essence of Sensitivity operates on the principle of resonance between a practitioner's active mana manipulation and the latent mana that often remain untapped. Imagine a musician attempting to play a finely crafted instrument without first tuning it. They might hit the correct notes, believing they're producing beautiful music. However, once they tune their instrument correctly, they realize the music's true potential was never fully unleashed.

Similarly, a mage's body is akin to an instrument, and tuning one's senses to the magical essence within is crucial. This alignment enables a mage to instinctively perceive and interact with magical currents, energies, and entities, unlocking a richer, more nuanced understanding and control of magic.

To truly understand Magical Sensitivity, one must first acknowledge what they lack, only they would know of it. By recognizing this lacking presence, a practitioner can begin to attune their senses to the subtle vibrations of magic that are otherwise unnoticed by the untrained mind.

How to Practice It

The practice of enhancing Magical Sensitivity starts with mindfulness and meditation. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can sit undisturbed. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, letting go of all external concerns. Gradually shift your attention to the flow of mana, attempting to feel it's presence. It may start as a vague sensation, but with time and practice, these sensations will become more distinct.

Everyone's connection to mana varies. Some may already be in tune, needing little adjustment, while others may require significant attunement to harmonize their internal mana's flow. It's like discovering an untuned string on your instrument; your goal is to reattach and tune this string, integrating it to enhance your magical capacity. Practice daily, paying attention to the subtleties of mana within, and adjust as necessary to ensure every part of you resonates with the mana that governs your existance.


Intrigued by the introduction to Magical Sensitivity, Ethan felt a spark of excitement at the prospect of exploring this essential aspect of magic.

The idea of attuning his senses to the subtle vibrations of magic, of interpreting the unique signatures that each spell or magical entity possessed, was exactly the kind of knowledge Ethan believed could further his quest to overcome his limitations.

However, as he absorbed the words, the day's exertions began to weigh heavily on him. The physical toll of the training, combined with the mental strain, had left him drained.

Recognizing the importance of rest in his rigorous schedule, Ethan reluctantly marked his place in the book and closed it gently.

He placed the book back into his storage chest with a sense of reverence, acknowledging that the journey into Magical Sensitivity was one he would have to postpone until the next night.

He knew he required a level of focus and energy that he simply couldn't muster at the moment.

As he settled back onto his cot, Ethan made a silent promise to himself to begin his exploration of the 'Essence of Sensitivity' the following night. For now, rest was paramount.

Allowing his body and mind to recover from the day's challenges was essential if he was to continue pushing his boundaries, both as a soldier and as a seeker of magical knowledge.

With that final thought, Ethan allowed himself to drift off to sleep, the day's exhaustion quickly pulling him into a deep slumber. His commitment to pursuing his dual path remained unwavering, but for tonight, the quest for understanding would have to wait.