
[Part 2] Chapter 12 -So be it!

Commander Alden proceeded to walk slowly across the front of the assembled recruits, his gaze methodically sweeping over them. "You were all brought here to become more than just soldiers; you are here to become defenders of Calydora, protectors of our people and our way of life."

His eyes swept across the sea of young faces – some marred by confusion, others shadowed by fear. "I see the uncertainty, the fear, and the anxiety in your eyes. Life, as you will learn, is fraught with such challenges. Do not harbor resentment towards your country, which strives tirelessly for your safety. Direct your anger towards the malevolent forces that threaten our existence, the enemies that have plagued us for generations. Yes, you were conscripted, some of you against your will – so what? The time has come for you to repay the sanctuary you've been granted all these years, to rise and safeguard the future generations. Only through such resolve can we hope to shield ourselves and eventually obliterate those fiends that seek our downfall!" He paused for effect, allowing his words to sink in.

Ethan stood silently among the rows of recruits, his expression betraying nothing of the turmoil that stirred within him.

As Commander Alden's words rang out, firm and resolute, they struck a dissonant chord in Ethan's mind.

'Bullshit,' he thought, a silent rebuttal to the commander's attempt at a impelling speech. To him, the rhetoric of glory and duty couldn't mask the stark reality that many of them were here not by choice, but by force.

His eyes flickered across the faces of his fellow recruits, wondering if any shared his sentiments. Were they all buying into this grand narrative? Or were there others who, like him, felt the weight of being uprooted from their lives and thrust into a role they hadn't asked for?

Yet, despite his inner conflict, Ethan understood the necessity of the situation. The kingdom was under threat, and every young able-bodied individual was expected to contribute to its defense. It was a harsh truth, one that left little room for personal grievances.

"The training you will undergo is designed to test you, to push you, and ultimately, to forge you into the warriors our kingdom needs."

"You will be challenged physically and mentally. You will learn the basic art of combat, the values of discipline and teamwork. Some of you may find your limits, others may discover strengths you never knew you had."

The idea of being molded into a defender of the kingdom was both daunting since just a few days ago he was being molded to be a mage.

He paused, letting his gaze sweep over the recruits. "Understand this – we provide the tools for success, but ultimately, it's your individual effort that will determine your survival. Take my words seriously. Work diligently and with purpose. The lack of commitment is not just failure; in our world, it can mean death."

The commander wasn't just outlining the training program; he was laying bare the harsh reality of their situation.

Commander Alden's concluding remarks carried an air of finality, but as his sweeping gaze passed over the recruits, it lingered momentarily on Ethan. He scrutinized him from head to toe, and a brief, knowing smirk crossed his face.

"Though, I do believe this batch of recruits might show us something interesting," he remarked, his eyes still fixed on Ethan. There was a hint of intrigue in his tone, suggesting he was aware of something that set Ethan apart from the rest.

Ethan felt a surge of awareness at that moment. The commander's gaze, coupled with his cryptic comment, made it clear that he was aware of Ethan's background as a former academy student.

It was a silent acknowledgment that Ethan's journey here was not just another story among many, but one that had perhaps caught the commander's attention.

After Commander Alden departed, another man stepped forward to take the center stage. He had a less imposing presence than Alden, but his demeanor was just as serious and authoritative.

He began to outline the program that the recruits would be following over the next few weeks.

"First and foremost, we will focus on building your physical strength and stamina," he announced, his voice clear and resonant. "This will include rigorous routines like long-distance running, obstacle courses, and various bodyweight exercises. Our goal is to get you in peak physical condition. A soldier's body must be a well-tuned instrument, capable of enduring the demands of prolonged battle."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in, then continued.

"The next phase of your training will involve weapon mastery. You will receive basic training in handling the weapon of your choice – from swords and bows to spears and shields. This is not just about learning to swing a blade or notch an arrow; it's about understanding the mechanics, the balance, and the discipline of wielding a weapon. Every soldier must be somewhat proficient in these fundamental skills."

As the recruits listened intently, the instructor's expression turned somewhat enigmatic. "And finally, the last part of your initial training... Well, let's just say that we'll cross that bridge when we get there. It's a crucial aspect of your development as soldiers, but for now, focus on the immediate tasks at hand."

The recruits exchanged glances, curiosity and a hint of apprehension evident in their expressions.

As soon as the instructor finished outlining the training program, he wasted no time in letting the recruits know that their rigorous journey would begin immediately.

"Listen up!" he barked, his voice cutting through the morning chill. "Your training starts now, on your very first day. No time for dawdling. Line up for the morning run!"

The recruits quickly scrambled into formation, their faces reflecting apprehension. Ethan found himself alongside Lucas, Julian, and Max.

"Guess we're diving right in." Max muttered to them, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

"Better than sitting around waiting." Lucas replied, cracking his knuckles.

With a sharp command, the recruits began to run. The course took them along a rugged trail that skirted the edges of the camp. The ground was uneven, dotted with rocks and roots that demanded careful attention to avoid tripping.

Ethan focused on his breathing, trying to find a steady rhythm amid the jostling of bodies and the instructor's relentless pace. He could hear the heavy breathing and pounding footsteps of his peers, an exertion that filled the air.

"You call that running? My grandmother moves faster!" the instructor yelled, jogging effortlessly alongside the recruits. His gaze was piercing, seemingly evaluating each recruit's stamina and determination.

The trail wound its way through a small wooded area. Ethan felt his legs starting to burn, his chest heaving for air, but he pushed on.

As they emerged from the woods, the camp came back into view, the end of the circuit approaching. "Final stretch! Give it everything you've got!" the instructor bellowed.

The recruits heart hammered in their chest, their breath coming in ragged gasps. Their faces etched with effort.

They crossed the finish line back at the starting point, a collective sigh of relief and exhaustion escaping from the group. Ethan bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. 

The instructor nodded, a slight hint of approval in his eyes. "Not bad for your first run. But don't get comfortable. Every day, you'll push harder. Now, let's move on to the next exercise."

Ethan and his fellow recruits, already gasping for breath and drenched in sweat, exchanged weary glances.

The realization of what lay ahead in the coming weeks began to sink in. The physical exertion from the run alone had sapped much of their energy, and the thought of continuing with more exercises was overwhelming.

Max leaned over, hands on his knees, and muttered, "How are we supposed to keep going? I'm already spent."

Julian trying to catch his breath, managed a wry smile. "Welcome to military training, I guess."

Lucas, wiping sweat from his brow, added quietly, "It's not just our bodies they're training. It's our willpower, our resilience. This is how knights are made!"

Ethan lay on the ground, catching his breath after the intense workout. The physical exertion had a surprisingly clarifying effect on his mind.

As his body pushed through the fatigue, his mind found a moment of peace, free from the whirlwind of worries and doubts that had plagued him.

It was during this brief respite that Ethan came to a pivotal realization and acceptance of his current situation.

He acknowledged the harsh reality of his conscription, understanding that resistance was futile and perhaps even counterproductive.

Yet, beneath his acceptance, a current of skepticism flowed. The doubts about the diagnosis of his magical abilities, or the supposed disability in his mana veins, lingered in his thoughts.

'I've manipulated magic in ways others haven't even considered.' Ethan thought, his mind racing with possibilities.

'My unconventional approach to magic, my understanding of the elements, especially weather... it's not something many at my age could achieve.'

'Does this not prove that the limitations they've placed on me are based on their own lack of knowledge?'

A determination began to take root in Ethan's mind. He refused to accept the verdict that had been passed on him without question.

'If they're right, and I do have mana atrophy, then I'll find a cure. I won't let this be the end of my journey with magic. And I certainly won't resign myself to being a mere pawn, a meat shield for others without using every tool at my disposal.'

Lying there on the ground, gathering his strength, Ethan experienced a profound moment of clarity. It was as if the intense physical exertion had stripped away the surface layers of his thoughts, revealing a deeper truth within.

He realized what truly defined a great mage, a scholar, a seeker of knowledge and truth. It was the fundamental characteristic of a seeker: to doubt.

Doubt, and keep doubting, until the true answer is revealed. Question everything, because nothing in this world is beyond questioning. Seek relentlessly, because nothing in this world is beyond the reach of inquiry and understanding.

His unconventional approach to magic, his ability to think outside the norms and constraints of traditional magical teachings, had always been driven by this inherent curiosity and skepticism.

Ethan rose from the ground. In his heart and mind, he also committed to continuing his quest for magical knowledge. Since he was forced to become a soldier, so be it!

Ethan recognized that this dual role was not just a compromise, but an opportunity. As a soldier, he would gain strength, discipline, and a deeper understanding of the world from a perspective he had never considered. As a scholar and a seeker of magic, he would continue to explore the mysteries of the arcane, to push the boundaries of what was known and accepted.

"I'll do both. I'll be a soldier and also keep learning, like a scholar. I'll protect others and keep searching for answers. Once I can free myself of other's choices in regard to my own life, that's when I'll really understand what I'm here for in this life."

Next chapter