
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

[Part 2] Chapter 10 - The New Recruit

"Halt!" commanded a soldier standing guard at the entrance of the military camp. His voice, firm and authoritative, cut through the air as Ethan's chariot came to a stop. This was the final destination of a journey that had begun in turmoil and uncertainty.

The camp itself was a sprawling expanse of organized activity and disciplined routine. Unlike the vibrant and magical heart of the academy, the camp was a testament to martial efficiency and order. Tents and barracks were arranged in meticulous rows, each one identical to the next, creating a sense of uniformity and purpose. The central grounds were open and vast, serving as a training area where soldiers drilled in various forms of combat under the watchful eyes of their superiors.

Flags bearing the kingdom's crest fluttered atop poles, marking the boundaries of the camp. The air was filled with the sounds of metal clashing against metal, the grunts of soldiers sparring, and the occasional bark of orders from the officers. Practice dummies and targets were scattered throughout, each bearing the marks of rigorous training exercises.

'So this is my new home now...'

Ethan stepped off the chariot, his eyes taking in the disciplined world he was about to enter. The atmosphere was charged with a tangible sense of duty, a far cry from the academic halls he had left behind. Here, knowledge was measured in strength and skill, and survival depended on quick reflexes and strategic thinking rather then one's magical aptitude.

The soldier guarding the camp approached the chariot. His gaze shifted between Ethan and the soldier who had escorted him, assessing the situation with a practiced eye.

"State your business." the guard demanded, his voice carrying an edge of command.

The escorting soldier stepped forward, offering a crisp salute. "Sir, I've brought this recruit from the academy, as per the orders. He's to be integrated into the training program immediately."

The guard's eyes narrowed slightly as he appraised Ethan. "From the academy, you say? Not the usual sort we get around here." His tone was skeptical but not dismissive. He understood that the academy, with its focus on magic and scholarly pursuits, was a world apart from the gritty realities of military life.

"Yes, sir. But he's no ordinary academy lad. He ain't your noble child, he's dirt born just like us." the escorting soldier added, emphasizing Ethan's humble origins.

The guard's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of intrigue flashing in his eyes. "Dirt born, eh?" he muttered, reassessing Ethan. This revelation seemed to bridge a gap, as if Ethan's humble beginnings were a point of connection in this world where lineage often dictated one's path.

"That's right, sir. He's one of the folk, made it to the academy on his own mettle, is what i heard. But now, he's here to serve just like any other." the escort affirmed.

The guard's grunt conveyed an ambiguity that left Ethan unsure whether it was a sign of approval or disapproval. "Well, that's a first." he remarked with a skeptical tone. "We'll see how the academy training holds up in the field. If those scholarly pampered nobles are as good as they let on to be, you'll find your place here soon enough, though I doubt that would be the case. This isn't your bookworm kinda place."

His words carried a hint of challenge, as if he was both questioning and gauging Ethan's ability to adapt to the starkly different demands of military life compared to the scholarly environment of the academy.

"..." Ethan absorbed the guard's skepticism, understanding that the academy's prestige and his achievements there would carry little weight in the face of the raw, physical demands and the pragmatic discipline of the military camp.

As they walked, the guard led Ethan past rows of tents and training grounds, where the air was thick with the sounds of orders being shouted and weapons clashing.

"This is where you'll be trained. Forget what you know about magic and books. Here, it's about strength, endurance, and the will to live against sure death. You'll start with the basics and work your way up, just like everyone else." the guard explained, his tone firm but not unkind.

The guard led Ethan towards a series of tents set up within the camp, each one seemingly identical to the next in its simple, functional design. He stopped in front of one and pulled back the flap, gesturing for Ethan to enter. "This will be your quarters. You'll be bunking here with three other recruits. They're your team now—in training and, if...when it comes to it, in war. Best get to know them quickly."

'War, huh? Guess it's something I couldn't avoid after all, no matter how hard I tried...' Ethan thought to himself, coming to terms with the fact that despite his efforts to steer clear of conflict, it was something he was bound to face eventually.

Ethan stepped inside the tent, finding it sparsely furnished with four cots, a small table, and a few wooden chests for personal belongings. It was a far cry from the quarters he was accustomed to at the academy.

Inside, three young men, who appeared to be around Ethan's age, looked up from their various activities. One was polishing a sword, another was studying a map, and the third was resting. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to indifference upon seeing Ethan, but there was a shared acknowledgment in their eyes—they were all in this new chapter together.

The guard spoke again, his tone more instructive now. "Unpack your baggage and settle in. You'll receive further instructions soon. Remember, these men are your team. Trust and cooperation aren't just virtues here; they're necessities. Learn to work together, and you'll stand a chance out there." With that, the guard left, leaving Ethan to acquaint himself with his new surroundings and comrades.

Ethan carefully unpacked his limited possessions. As he transferred his items into the chest assigned to him, he came across the book given to him by Mister Alfred, nestled at the bottom of his bag.


Pausing for a moment, he delicately wrapped the book in a piece of cloth, handling it with a reverence that spoke of its importance to him. He then gently placed it in a secluded corner of the chest, ensuring it was safely tucked away without being seen by the other's in the tent.

But it was his final item that drew the most attention. As he took it out, Ethan could sense the inquisitive eyes of his new tent-mates on him.

"Hey, what's that you're holding? I've never seen a sword like that before." asked one of the young men, briefly pausing in his sword-sharpening task to look up at Ethan.

Ethan held the item up for them to see. It wasn't a conventional sword by any means; its design and make were unique, setting it apart from the standard military-issue weapons. The curiosity in the tent was palpable, a shared moment of interest in something that broke the monotony of their standard equipment and belongings.

"This is a weapon I built for my personal use. It's called... an umbrella," Ethan explained, holding the unique item with a sense of pride, yet choosing to keep its magical nature to himself for now. He was aware that revealing his background and the true capabilities of the umbrella might change the way his tent-mates perceived him. At this early stage, he preferred to establish a relationship based on who he was as a person, rather than the labels or titles associated with his past.

As he carefully placed the umbrella with the rest of his belongings, Ethan could sense the curiosity in the tent rising. His tent-mates exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of intrigue and bemusement.

"An umbrella, huh? That's a first. Never thought I'd see someone bring such unique looking item into a military camp." one of the recruits remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Ethan offered a small, knowing smile but didn't elaborate further.

"My name is Ethan, I'll be in your care." Ethan turned to his tent-mates, offering a sincere and approachable expression. His words were simple but carried the weight of his intent of mutual support.

His introduction was met with nods. The atmosphere in the tent, initially filled with curiosity and reserve, began to shift towards a sense of budding camaraderie.

The three other tent-mates, each with their own unique background and personality, introduced themselves to Ethan in turn.

The first, the young man who had been sharpening his sword earlier, extended his greeting. "Name's Lucas, an aspiring Knight" he said

Next was the one who had been studying the map. He looked up, pushing a lock of hair from his forehead, and offered a more reserved smile. "I'm Julian. I have a knack for strategy and planning. Hopefully, we can learn a thing or two from each other."

Finally, the third recruit, who had been lounging on his back, looked up at Ethan and offered a casual nod. "Name's Max," he said, his tone direct and no-nonsense. "I'm the type who likes to get straight to the point. We're here to pull our weight and get things done." His words carried an air of resolve, although his relaxed posture at that moment amusingly contradicted his statement about diligence.

Ethan listened attentively, mentally noting each name. Setting the stage for the dynamic that would develop among them.