
Starting of Yu

It's the start of the second semester and I've been practicing very hard with nunchucks over the break.

It was a sunny day, and I was walking to school when I saw a few of my friends on the way. I waved to them and they waved back.

When I walked into my classroom someone called out to me.

They yelled out " bring your fat ass over here Yu before I stuff an apple in your mouth" I smiled and said" okay, but I think you're confusing a pig with a whale" in the background some haha, and heh heh were made.

I know they're pretty much laughing at me but I take pride in making people laugh. I kept count and my score is nearly 9,000.

I walked up to him and he slaps me. He says" do you think I'm stupid enough not to know the difference"

Yu Thinks" uh huh "

I kept on smiling and said" of course not" but I got another one. He says " get that smile off your damn face " my face turned neutral.

He looked proud of himself and said" that's better" as he handed me a book.

He told me that he and his friends were hot and to flap the book.

Yu thinks" if your hot then I got to be the sun"

But he accidentally mumbled it and some people close by heard it.

Soft laughter was heard.

I started to sway it up and down. One of his friends says" Woah, it's already the second semester". His second friend Doo said" time flies".

He says" so hot" and his friend said" it's still hot in September"

He looked at me and said" hey fatso there's no breeze turn it up to level three"

I nodded and started to sway it faster.

Yu thinks " grandma's finally getting a second food stand and she says I can run it"

In the background, an ugly girl says" hey! It's too cold! Stop it!"

They started to chew her out and they said " shut up ugly face" and " close your mouth it stinks".

Loud laughter was heard from them

When a pretty girl said it was cold they said " oh, are you cold " and "hey, you're making her cold" and " stop the fan "

The Ugly Girl's expression was like are you serious right now? I stopped flapping

The teacher here!

The teacher says" Quiet! We have a new transfer student "

A transfer student?

At our school?

A guy? A girl

The teacher said" come on in"

Everyone was speechless He's so handsome.

Daniel said" I'm Daniel park nice to meet you"

Daniel thinks" uh...they all are staring at me"

" don't make eye contact"

As Daniel looked off toward the right.

The teacher said" take that seat over there"

His appearance caused a stir in the class

The group whose hearts raced and the group who was cautious of him.

Whispering was heard all around the room

Daniel thinks" it's the first day! Gotta start out right!" and " I must get close to who's ever sitting next to me first"

Daniel thinks" last year was a nightmare"


Last year memory

Random guy "Talk to me and I'll kill you. "

Daniel say" Okay! "


Yu perspective

I went to my seat and wondered what gender the transfer student would be.

When the transfer student entered I was shocked how handsome he was

I heard whispering all around me about how handsome he was.

He introduces himself as Daniel park. Maybe I should get to know him.

When he got to his seat I tried to walk up to him but Zoe got to him first.

I'll talk to him later.