
We Will Be Magic Knights!

The story about a man wanting to become the best Magic Knight, but will face the most odd obstacle of his life. He gained a second body! What's more, it's a girl! But the real obstacles are the things happening behind his back! Will he ever figure out what they are before it's too late?

Amai_Dolce · Fantasy
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230 Chs

A Snake's Fang

"Welcome to our humble home."

"I'm quite surprised you guys maintained the interior even after I left."

As I enter a door while slightly tilted from how small it is, I was surprised to see the interior being relatively clean and well maintained. It's a large contrast to the outside as we are currently next to the slums.

Hale wasn't kidding when she said they were on the poor side of commoners.

Yet despite that, Glen looks like he's happy over the fact.

I guess Hale and him really are siblings.

"It's not much, but we've been living a better life since Hale started working at Bovalia."

"I can see that."

"And these past few months, the money she's been sending back has increased so we made the interior a little better than before. Father and I was a bit confused about it because it's doubled."

When Glen said so, I look at Hale who avoided my gaze by looking down while looking a bit bashful.

"Did you start sending all your salary when I took you under my roof?"