
Epilogue - Maddie's POV


The coughing in the living room followed by the moaning only made me want to giggle. But I dared not. Mama had warned me what big babies men can be when they’re sick, and I’d seen it more than once, but it’d never annoyed me the way it did her. Why they had to moan after every cough and sneeze I’d never know, but unlike Mama, who rolled her eyes when her fiancé Don did it, I thought it was hilarious.

Besides, I wouldn’t have dreamed of complaining when it came to taking care of Nico. He would have gallantly taken care of me if needed. Not that I’d ever gotten this bad when I was sick. But my entire pregnancy the man went above and beyond taking care of me. That last month when I was on strict bed rest orders, he catered to my every whim. And unlike when it was my turn to do the nursing, between him and Ama, I got some delicious real home cooking