
We were bored so we kidnapped people

Three Gods, Three Champions, Three Heros Three Gods were bored, so they decided to kidnap 3 humans, and make them their Champions, will those Champions survive in their new world. would they win against the three heroes, or would they die while trying? all these 3 Champions know is, They are for entertainment purposes only, the more they entertain, the more rewards and gifts they get. the novel is written by 3 different authors, so if some chapters feel good while others are bad that's because we don't have that much experience in something like a multi-lead novel join our discord or I will come to your house and eat your bread https://discord.gg/S4H2pC7G

Tu_Tel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Finally the dam ice troll died

Somewhere on land covered with ice. A group of men was seen walking these men were carrying spears and looked incredibly muscular.

The group of seven men were all muscular adults except for

One in the group there was a frail young who can be seen

Carrying a small spear.

The group was walking in silence. They were from an isolated village nearby currently the village elder tasked them to find

Food for the village.

The current situation in the village is slowly getting worse

As the last time they eat properly was a month ago.

Just then one of the men stopped and yelled.

"Why the hell did you agree on bringing this brat Logan?!"

A bearded man said gaining's everyone's attention

The man who was in front who seemed to be their

the Leader just looked at the fat man with a disappointed

Look on his face.

"You really don't use your head don't you?"

Logan calmly said as he continued walking

Seeing this the rest of the men followed him

Ignoring the fat man's complaints.


Its been a while since they started walking they

Already entered the dead forest which was filled

With leafless trees and snow.

Just then the group found blood on the snow

Along with a trail that seems to be very fresh.

"Blood!" Logan said as he dashed to follow the

Trail. If he's suspicion is correct an injured animal

Should be nearby.

The rest of the man followed Logan's lead with the same

Though as him. You could say the word food blinded

There thinking at this moment.

Sure enough the group found a body of a dead adult

Dear who seems to be have died from blood lost.

"Food!" The group of men rejoiced as they finally

Found food for the village.

Just then a movement behind the bush was heard.

The group of men then got into position as they

Were on guard.

Growl* jump out from the bush revealed

A beatiful silver haired wolf who seems to be chasing

This dear for a long time now.

Not just that different type of wolfs began to appear

In the area surrounding the group of men.

"Fuck! Class C wolfs!" One of the men yelled out

The strongest one of them was a Qi infusion level 1

And the rest were Strength forging so there's no hope

In wining against this C class wolf.

"Fuck what do we do Logan?!" Fat man asked who was

Seem to be panicking.

"Grab the dear." As one of his man carried the dead deer

On his back.

Suddenly Logan slammed his fist to the Frail boys

Head who was standing there clueless. The boy

Fell unconscious in just one shot.

"Logan?!" One of the man asked

But Logan just looked at him and stabbed his

Leg. The other men was left in shock to see

Logan's action they knew him for years how can

He do that to him?

Just then Logan "yelled run" as he himself started running

Leaving his comrades behind.

The group of men soon follow which the wolfs chased after

Them. Logan saw this and started to knock those who were close to him by pushing them.


Its been a few hours since they started running as there are only 3 of them left the fat man, The guy with the deer, and Logan

However the wolves was not done yet either.

As they continued to chase them Logan saw this again

And Punch the man running beside him and carried the deer

For himself.

"Logan you bastard!" Fat ma yelled but it was too late

Logan's spear was already flying towards him as

The spear pierce the fat mans stomach.

"Ugh bastard!" He cursed while being chewed up by the wolves.


Yagtar was the frail young man, yagtar body was so weak you could actually see his ribs and bones from outside, he was weak to the point if he got into a fight with a 12 year-old child he would lose and die a horrible death, Yagtar wasn't even that ugly he actually look handsome he had white hair and blue eyes and if he took care of his body and had some fat and muscles he would have look really handsome.

after James pushed Yagtar the wolfs bit him a few times before following the rest of the hunters group ,after a miracle he survived those few bites.

Yagtar lost all hope of returning to his old village as Yagtar was bad at everything, and knowing directions was no exception.

Yagtar kept moving forward without stopping, until he stumbled upon a cave, upon entering the cave, he saw alot of holes which lead to somewhere but Yagtar didn't want to explore because he knew he would forget where he came from, so he sat there in a corner of the cave silently, Yagtar had a small pouch of food and water that he had packed with him before going with the hunters group so Yagtar ate a little bit of food before he went to sleep waiting for the sun to rise since it was night outside.

"i shouldn't have came, if I have just stayed at the village minding my own dam business i wouldn't have been in this hopeless situation"

and so said Yagtar before going to sleep in this sad and empty cave.


"shit shit, motherfucker stop following me aren't you tir.."COUGH**COUGH

the mother fucker, that Fury was talking to, was the ice troll that keeps following him since he came to this world which was 2 days ago.

Fury's body failed him and could give up at anytime he losses his focus, Fury learned alot of stuff about this world the hard way by getting hit by an ice spear from the ice troll which hit him in the stomach, Fury body was so pale you would think he was a corpse even so his suit covered most of his body, of course his suit stopped the bleeding or at least that's what Fury think because he doesn't feel anymore blood coming out, Fury also knew that the suit helps him focus and reduces the pain and that the shit could heal most of the injuries he had taken.

the problem here is that Fury was hit so much that the suit state was basically in shit, and the ice troll doesn't seem like he is going to leave Fury alone, Fury also knew that magic probably exists since the ice troll didn't have an ice spear when he first encountered it.

while Fury was thinking the system interrupted him and said[put your hand in front of yourself and aim towards the ground and say fire]

while Fury was thinking if he should listen to the system words or not trust him the system once again interrupted his train of thoughts and said[if you want to survive you should do what i said NOW],the system stopped for a second before continuing [you have 5 seconds before you lose your last chance of surviving]

Fury being already exhausted and probably going to die either way did as the system told him to and when he said "Fire" a hook came out of his hands or more precisely from the suit's left hand.

when it hit the ground, the layer of snow started falling and Fury with the ice troll fell together inside of the cave, The ice troll fortunately fell on top of a spiky rock which immediately with high fall killed the ice troll, while Fury hit a fall surface he couldn't focus anymore and his body black out besides the dead ice troll.

while Fury was laying unconscious his body was twitching uncontrollably and the ice troll blue blood that came from his dead body got sucked into Fury's unconscious body.

[Ding congrats Host for turning into a ice troll, I am really happy you were able to make it till here, check your inventory for a gift that will help you] said the system while Fury's skin started to turn from white pale to a beautiful icy color the color matched the black color of the suit.

now Fury looked like a scaled monster with blue eyes that looked like the abyss while his skin was a little bit seen from the suit it looked like fury scales were cracked, nobody could guess now that this is a human and even if someone thought he was human he is technically an ice troll now.


Yagtar saw a lot of beautiful white silvered wolfs coming into the cave from afar and he saw that the wolfs were carrying all of the dead bodies of the hunters group,Yagtar didnt know what to do and he knew if tried to outrun them he was dead for sure the only thing he could do was jump inside the holes in the cave and hope he can find another way out.

while Yagtar was trying to locate an exit from the cave he saw a black creature eating an ice troll, Yagtar just sat there watching the injured creature eat the ice troll silently, he was afraid of tiring to find a way out and die out of starvation and afraid from the wolfs in the cave and afraid from that injured black creature that was eating the ice troll so he decided to wait until the creature to sleep and get out of this hell hole ,that black creature was of course Fury.

Fury POV

"you dam bastard you finally died following me, if you have just let me go, you would have survived but noo you just needed to follow me and try to eat me."

[on the note of eatting, you can actually eat that ice troll body, and so i can motivate you so you don't starve to death, i am going to give you something that will make you love any monster meat]said the system in Fury's HUD, Fury before listening to the system he started to look around the HUD to see what information does it give to Fury, While looking around he saw that he had a few bars, some he understood what they were and some didn't but what he did understand was, that his health was almost at 0 and his hunger bar was 1/4 of its way to get all finished and his thirst was weirdly full.

but upon seeing that his hunger bar was 1/4 of its way to get empty, Fury immediately without hesitation started eatting the dead ice troll body mercilessly, he kept eatting its body like a wild beast ,he look like a mad person that when Fury heard the sound of a rock getting hit, Fury immediately looked behind him,

[you can activate killing mode now if you want to use it]

"why didn't you tell me that before now" said Fury confusedly

[it was just unlocked don't worry i too am worried for your health] said the system with a silly voice

"just use killing mode i don't want to die like this" said Fury angrily

[sure thing] said the system with a laugh behind his voice

when the system activated the killing mode Fury's eyes turned bloody red.

when Yagtar saw Fury with his bloody eyes and blood on his body he shitted him self and then blacked out.

"wow, he really pissed him self" said Fury with a baffled voice