
We were bored so we kidnapped people

Three Gods, Three Champions, Three Heros Three Gods were bored, so they decided to kidnap 3 humans, and make them their Champions, will those Champions survive in their new world. would they win against the three heroes, or would they die while trying? all these 3 Champions know is, They are for entertainment purposes only, the more they entertain, the more rewards and gifts they get. the novel is written by 3 different authors, so if some chapters feel good while others are bad that's because we don't have that much experience in something like a multi-lead novel join our discord or I will come to your house and eat your bread https://discord.gg/S4H2pC7G

Tu_Tel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Death that marked the beggining

"Hey big boy..." The sėxy, mȧturė voice purred seductively.

"How's about you get up and give me a little attention before you get going, I'm lonely..." Came that ŀust filled voice again. Stirring slightly, a figure could be seen wrapped in a blanket while facing the wall. The old room gave a rather decrepit feeling, like a bad 70's style motel room, complete with worn out pink shag carpet, tube style box TV and mid-height carpeted walls. The wooden, four posted bed sat in a corner facing the window that looked out on the silent street. The cream color walls blended horribly with the brown curtains and did little to make the room look cheery. A low groan could be heard from under the blanket as a figure started tossing around, angry at the interruption.

"BABY!?! Come on, I need it, right now." The woman's voice mȯȧnėd. "Just slide over here and put those hands on me. Rough me up. Lay those strong hands on me and shove those fingers where ever you want."

By now the lump in the bed was awake and groaning, turning over reluctantly to take care of this little problem.

"I promise I won't move. I just want you to make me feel good. Come on, you played with me all last night. Time to get in a little more action before you have to go." She whɨnėd, clearly challenging the now moving lump.

"Oh, I will give it to you so hard you won't be able to say anything else this morning," the surprisingly young voice responded before reaching his hand out and swiping the alarm off button on his phone.

Why am I actually responding to my phone alarm Velkis thought to himself. Am I really that pathetic?

Getting up from the bed in only his boxers, Velkis observed the room with slightly closed eyes and went toward bathroom.

As Velkis neared bathroom door of the room opened and a man big muscle in 20s walked in and threw a phone toward Velkis.

Velkis nodded at man and placed phone at his ear as he turned toward the window.


The Call wasn't answered. Velkis turned to the big man as he holded out phone.

Velkis - "Seems like they were also killed. James,Were they the last group."

James - "Yes"

Velkis - "Looks like only we are left now."

James - "What do you plan to do then? I don't mind dying even right now but are you the same? "

Velkis - "Ofcourse not. I...."


As the 2 were talking 2 explosions sounded. Making the building they were in collapse and killing them.

----- At roof of a building near them----

A man in black suit was laughing loudly as he looked at collapsing building. In his hand was a smartphone at speaker.

The man shifted phone to front of his face and said "I did my end of deal now is your turn or next building to collapse will be your headquarter." In a happy and cheerful tone. Like he was giving some good news.

"You did good but we don't need you anymore. You have become too gusty to listen to orders like a good dog should." Replied someone from phone in a mocking tone.

"You fucking*BANG*"


Sound of body falling sounded followed by a gunshot.