
Chapter 64

He called half an hour before seven, asking where I was. I told him I was at the local library and he asked me to stay there. I hadn't really gone there to study, which explained why I was flipping through a large book filled with pictures of space. It's just that I had left the house and realized I really had no other place to go where I'd feel comfortable. I couldn't go back to the store since my shift had ended and that's where I spent most of my time when I wasn't at school. So I opted to go to the only other place I frequently visited. The local library. When he called, I had been in there for only twenty minutes or so, and I. had been waiting till around six forty before I left. The library was supposed to be closed by six fifty anyways. He had said he'd text me when he got there, making me frequently glance at my phone. I realized that he probably wanted us to go over there together and I liked that. It was his way of being thoughtful and showing me that he did indeed care. It would be nice to walk over there together, that way we would skip the potential awkward silence that could have developed had we met at the shop instead. There are chances things could have just been normal but my mind liked to overthink, and in my head I pictured us staring at each other and realizing we had never really been in such a situation before so we didn't know how to go about it. When he texted, I immediately returned the book to its shelf and started walking out, standing when I got to the exit and looking down at myself to ensure I still looked well put together. Then I combed a hand through my hair and opened the double doors. 

He was seated on his bike, his helmet on the biked and his arms crossed on top of it as he looked straight towards the exit. I frowned, just then understanding that he meant for us to ride over there, on his bike. 

The same one he rise like an adrenaline junkie with a death wish. He had almost run over a teacher once in the school's parking lot. And Kira had also once mentioned that she had once seen him driving on an actual road, and that he had been riding as if he believed he was the only one on that road at the time. 

 I stopped for a while and looked at him, then I sighed, shook my head and walked over to where he was.

" Still studying?" He asked, inclining his head towards the library, his eyes digging into mine and silently asking me not to look away. And so I feigned courage and stared back. 

" I just needed to confirm something for my project. "

It was a lie. There was no way I was going to tell him I had been so on edge about the date that I had needed a little peage and quiet to gather my thoughts and pull myself together. The closer the time to meet up got, the more nervous I grew. I couldn't understand why since I had been completely fine at first, but this wouldn't be like all the other times he and I had hang out. And I knew Austin well enough to know that he would use every chance he got to torment me in the way that was so him.I usually secretly loved the tormenting, but in what context would it be now? Would he still be vague or was he going to just say everything as it was?

" I get the feeling you're not that glad to see me, " were his first words. His tone half humor half seriousness. He was staring at me from underneath his lashes, watching me keenly and with such heat I felt it as it found my skin and dug its way deep. 

" I'm not getting on that thing. "

" Who? Ria? She's a sweetheart, "

" You named your bike?.." I scoffed and shook my head, " ..Of course you did. "

" You really think I'd let any harm come to you?"

" No, but it's a lovely night, let's just walk. "

" Get on. "

He tapped the space behind him, then he winked at me and swore he'd get me there safely. But it wasn't really my safety that had concerned me, it was the fact that there'd probably still be that instance of discomfort once we got to Frostys. 

" Have you ever seen yourself riding this thing?"

" First of all, it's not a thing. It's a BMW R 1250 GS and it can go upto--"

" Spare me the details, "

" --And second, you look really nice. And no, I'm not just saying that coz I think I have to, "

Like I once said, Austin owned the crown when it came to being random. One moment we were talking about his two wheeled bike from hell and the next we were talking about me. Reaching out, he pulled me closer, tucking his head into my neck and taking in a deep breath. 

" Lavender, " he whispered. 

I had only planned on changing my clothes when I went home, but then I had recalled him mentioning something about how he liked how I smelt and I had decided to take another quick shower. And I may have overused the soap for reasons I preferred to keep to myself. And I hadn't actually expected him to notice it, I had wished he would, but I had still known there were chances he would. That he had done so only made me feel stronger about him. 

" My God!" He silently exclaimed, taking in another deep breath before he pulled back and smiled at me. It was a corny smile, but it was just as charming as him.

" You're a sneaky one, aren't you?" 

" I don't know what you're talking about. "

" I wanna hold onto you until I smell exactly like you. "

The words were said in the same light and airy manner. Like they were just words and nothing more. A joke I should let pass, and I would have had it not been for the great of his eyes. How electrifying it had looked when he said that, and I knew he had not made a joke, but rather revealed an actual wish. 

" You're safe with me Stevens, I promise, " he said before once more tapping the space behind him. I knew he meant that. 

He had for a long time been my shield, my rock. I knew he would die before letting any sort of danger come to me. 

His words, not mine. 

The promise of a ten year old who had looked at me in a way ten year olds weren't supposed to look at other ten years olds. 

I finally got on, and I didn't wait for him to ask me to hold onto him. It was a natural action which I carried out with more confidence than I knew I possessed. People were around, it was a weekend and that particular street also housed a number of nice spots for people to go and hang out with their friends. I tightly gripped his jacket on both sides, making sure I could feel not just the material of it, but also his body. Even if it was just a little bit, I wanted to be able to hold onto a part of him. 

He started putting on his helmet, but then he stopped and stared at it for a second before turning around and handing it to me. 

" Either you wear it or neither of us does, " he said as he waited for me to take it, knowing quite well I would have tried to convince him to just out it on. Because I felt as if he would be needing it a lot more. But stubbornness and Austin had some sort of mutual understanding.He wasn't joking, I knew that if I refused to take it then it would indeed be left without a user simply because he wanted to prove his point. He watched as I put it on, then he smiled a satisfied smile and turned back around, only to look at once me again with that smile nowhere in sight. He looked around us, then run his eyes up and down my form. I arched an inquisitive brow, then I realized I had the helmet on and he probably couldn't even see me.

" What?" I asked.

His eyes landed on my chest, and I had seriously thought he was about to flirt, but then he talked and I realized I had been totally wrong.

" It's too cold. " he casually remarked. A slight scolding in his words,his eyes narrowed as if he wanted to say more. Then without saying another word he roared the engine to life and quickly rode off. He adjusted his pace for my convenience, and even though I was freezing I liked the experience, I liked the fact that it was slightly dark. I liked the quiet. And I loved the closeness, it was addictive almost. I found myself inching closer with each passing moment until in the end I was literally pressed against him, my hands itching to seek his skin. 

It wasn't until he took the first turn that I realized he was heading towards my apartment building. I stayed quiet, even after we got there and he stopped the bike. 

" Go ahead, wear something warm. " he stated, taking out his phone and concentrating in the screen. 

" I'll wait, " he added. 

It was without a doubt, the little things.


I had been to the Frosty Haven...or Frosty's a bunch of times, but only ever with Max and Kira. We'd pass by there after school sometimes when we felt as if we needed to catch up. I liked the place, it was cute in the romantic sense. Somewhere you could take someone you liked without it seeming too obvious or you seeming as if you were trying too hard. We got there a little after seven. One of the charms of the place was that you got to serve yourself. As long as you had paid, you could fill your cup as much as you wanted with whichever flavours you preferred. So I paid and took the cute bowls which were definitely a new addition to the place. I handed one to Austin who has been busy looking around the place. 

" Never come here before?"I asked, placing my hand on his back and guiding him to the two large Froyo machines, each having at least three different flavours . He shook his head and smiled. 

" I always wondered what it looked like though, "

" You like it?"

" Sure, it's very...." he looked around, " Disney like. "

" The hell is that supposed to mean?" 

He laughed a short laugh and I ignored him. After serving the different types of Froyo we went over to the space allocated for customers to sit. 

I spotted a nice vacant booth and led him towards it. And after we both sat I wondered where to start, whether talking would make it all the more clear how nervous I was. He took a spoonful of the Froyo and told me how good it was. I couldn't even respond, my mind was all over the place and the fact that it was for something as petty as that only made me feel all the more worse. I was operating on foreign courage and each second I feared it would vanish. But what I felt for him was so strong it convinced me trying was worth a shot. Because I could handle all scenarios, but losing him again wasn't one of them. 

" Am I making you nervous?" He finally asked. I looked up and found him watching me with interest and amusement. 

" Why would you think that?"

" It's pretty obvious. I hope I didn't pressure you into this, I know I can say things-"

" You didn't. " 

That was the absolute truth. My asking him out had nothing to do with feeling pressured. I just wanted to stop stagnating as he had put it once. To be a little daring and see what the outcome would be. If it turned out to be a disaster then at least I'd know I had tried and hadn't left all the effort to him.

" Sure?"

" Completely. "

He gave me a subtle smile before going back to his Froyo. Then he raised his brows and shook his head. 

" Wow! These do NOT go together!" he seriously remarked. He had opted to go for three flavours, I had simply picked one as per usual and watched him make his pick because I thought he was just curious and wanted to try something new. And even though I had been a little concerned about his choices I had assumed he knew what he was doing. And clearly I had been wrong. 

" I'm afraid I might have gone little overboard with this, " he jokingly said, gesturing to his bowl before he swirled his spoon around in it and pushed it slightly aside. 

I frowned, then I pulled it closer and observed it more keenly. 

" What flavors are in here exactly?"

He scratched his head, seeming deep in thought. Then he chuckled to himself and replied. 

" I think like... Irish mint, sweet coconut and some weird shit called watermelon sorbet. "

I offered him the most horrified expression I could master, and all he did was painfully smile and shrug. 

" That doesn't even sound right!" I complained.

The sweet coconut was actually another one of my favorites but he had found a way to ruin it. Despite my better judgement, I took a bite of the mixture. It was a decision I regretted immediately after. He was right, those flavours were fighting in my mouth and it was not pretty.

" I was trying to be creative. "

" Well your creativity reminds me of expired toothpaste. "

" Ouch. "

" No offense. "

" But I'm very offended. "

He sighed, then he leaned back against the booth and crossed his arms, seeming to forget all about the taste bud disaster. He looked around, the place was quite full. I recognized a number of the faces from school and knew that there was no going back since they had already seen us. Austin seemed to be waiting for me to come up with an excuse to leave or something, and when he realized I had no intentions of doing so, he smirked. 

I was about to go get him something he could actually consume when he stood and shifted to sit beside me, making it impossible for me to move seeing as I was seated next to the wall. 

He placed his hand on the backrest of the seat, then he reached over and pulled my own bowl between us. I watched him with keen eyes, following his every move because he was not to be trusted. 

" Mind sharing?" He asked. But he didn't even wait for my response but rather took my spoon and scooped from my bowl. 

" Come on, loosen up. It's just me, " he later on said.