
We met at a Café

No matter how life gets bitter, there is always a way to make it sweet

Vesperer · Realistic
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3 Chs

First Sip

"Will I be able to see you again?"

She walks away not even looking back. If I had the courage to do this all again, could I handle myself not falling from my own emotions? You were the one that made my life sweet, too sweet that it became…

"Wake up you lazy bum! Are you going to let me do all the work again?! How many times do I have…"

"I know!"

Hey, I'm Aiden, 25, still living and working at my old man's café. Recently sales are doing good, I don't know why but it's great for us.

"Didn't you hear me?! Get your lazy ass down here."

I really can't bear all the shouting, I mean it's one floor down the shop, do you really have to yell?

"Hey old man, stop shouting or you gonna end up losing your voice."

"This punk talking back to me!"

Ah yes, this is our daily routine. Waking up late, getting shouted but somehow it made us seem really close.

"Quick, we don't have all the time."

"I know, I know"

Ugh, I hate wearing this apron, is this why we're getting sales? As usual, I'm in charge of tidying everything, raising the sheets while he checks the stocks. Oh, I forgot the label of the coffee beans...

"Arabica here? And Robusta here?"

"You idiot! It's the other way around, your eyesight is really getting worse these days. The doctor already told you to take care of your eyes, even your glasses are losing their purpose."

"What's this, are you, my dad? You suddenly became a swe…"

Before I could finish my words, this old man really is sweet. He took out a package.

"What's this?"

As I opened the package, my heartfelt really heavy. Sometimes my dad really likes to surprise me.

"See perfect match for you. Since our sales are good, I thought about gi…"

I embraced my dad without second thoughts. Even though they're just eyeglass frames. It really feels different when it comes to your parents. It's been a while since receiving gifts at this age.

"You two are really close."

The little doorbell rings and a white short-haired woman breaks our moment.

"Of course, He's my son."

"He's my dad after all."

With the awkward atmosphere, Selene is our part-timer and the only friend I have.

"Selene, you dyed your hair white?"

"Yea, why?"

"Nothing, just surprised."

"I'll leave you to love birds alone. Also, don't forget to get an appointment for your eyes"

Really? Did he really just say that?


'She's laughing? Cute'

"Come on, there's a line outside."

The two of us in the morning are invincible, the customers are satisfied, sales are higher than expected. Also, an unexpected heart skip made my day.

"Hello! Here is your coffee."

"Thank you, young boy. You and that lady over there."


"Are you a couple? How romantic, working at a café together. Can I take a picture of the two of you?"

"Sure! Uhm, wait lemme ask her first."

Did I hear that just right? A couple? Me and Selene? My heart, chill, stop, relax. As I tried to recover my senses, I walked up to her and asked.

"Selene, that woman over there, wants picture."


I slapped myself, "That granny over there wants to take a picture of us."

"Oh sure, are you a robot? Hahaha"


'That laugh, so cute'

I fixed my hair, trying to make a natural smile at the camera. My heart became an engine. Please stop, I mean, ugh. I don't wanna die early. That granny.


"Oh, young boy your cheeks are red?

"It's ok, I just slapped myself."

"Ok? 1, 2, 3, smile!"

"Do you want to see it? You two look…"

"Selene, the customers are waiting."

"Oh yea, I forgot."

Phew, why is everything so fast? What is this feeling? Don't tell me a 25-year-old guy like me being childish?


"Young man?"

"Yes! If you're going to post it on Pictagram, don't forget to put #JAC. Thank you!"

What a day! The shifts end, Selene had to go to her work at the office leaving me and my dad behind in the afternoon.

We have fewer customers in the afternoon. Since people work at this time. Some are college students, some are freelancers, some are also scouting for models. I had one experience of being scouted but didn't get an answer back. Tsk, scout my ass.

'No more customers? Time to sleep.'

This is why I love the afternoon, less workload, more rest, me, and sleep.

I feel something weird, something more like someone is watching me. I took a glance to shook of this weird feeling.

'Heavily clothed man? No, a woman. I can't tell because of the sunglasses or maybe a customer? Did the bell broke or something?'

'Hmm, the bell looks fine to me, where's dad? Is he really sleeping right now?'

'Maybe a burglar? A criminal? I'm too much with my imaginations. Should I just walk up to her? Wait, I work here.'

"Uhm, excuse me, are you a customer?"

What's this it feels cold for a second?

"Excuse you, do you work here?'

A woman? Her tone is cold, it feels like I'm talking to the real boss of this place.

"Yes, I work here."

"A worker sleeping in its workplace? How did this "cafe" survive with slackers?"

This woman is getting on my nerves, she's not wrong but she pisses me off.

"Can I take your order, Madam?"

"Give me your best coffee."

What best? She's definitely weird, no one will ask for that"

"Excuse me, best?"

"Just give me something sweet."

'Oh, I'll give you something sweet alright.'

I gave her a quick smile and walked back and prepared for his coffee.

'You want something sweet, I'll give you sweet.'

I'll make it hot to soothe your cold voice and a lot of sugar cuz you like sweet right!

As I go back to serve her drink, she wasn't there anymore. So she has some decency, leaving a note.

"I'll come back next time for my drink. PS here's my payment and you drink it. winky face"

That woman, I swear if I see her again.

"Awww, hot! hot!"

"You okay son?"

"No! Where's the map?!"

-End of Chapter-

Hey guys, I'm new to writing and I'm open to comments on ways to how to improve my skills! I know my grammar is not that good but yea thanks for reading! xD

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