
Chapter 1

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you about a 25 year old man story, Whose name is Jhon.

Jhon has just joined an internship with a company where he is doing product selling and distribution work.

Jhon love his work Because in that job, he has to work with many people. In short John is a man who wants to know people, wants to understand and learn from them.

John lives alone, he has no one of his own, but he is happy because he has a power.He has the power to dream and what he sees also comes true.

So this was John sort intro now John tell his story himself


Time 5:00am

So at 5 o'clock in the morning, John has a dream that he is standing at station where there is no one . He goes a little farther and sees that there is a broken ruin and sees 5 pillars in a broken condition.

Jhon go ahead and he finds a way inside the land going forward. He goes down the stairs and sees a luxurious room where he lights a fire with the help of wood and cloth.

And he sees in a big room where there are 5 pillars in the same way. different directions sees that there are boxes in all directions and there is an idol with sword right in between.

Jhon starts looking at the boxes one by one before he finds a royal book and a bottle full of something from the first box.

then He opens another box in which he finds a prince's clothes and a sword and a picture of the prince at the bottom of the box.

Then he leaves the 3 box and moves on to the 4 box. When he opens the box, a lot of rats come out of the box in front of him.Then he sees in the box that there are a lot of precious diamonds, pearls and gold coins in the box.

then he goes to the 5 boxes and open the box and finds a sword and various weapons. A picture and a royal princess's dress are found in the box.

When he sees the picture of the princess, he gets soaked because of the girl in the picture. The same girl meets him every day in his dreams.

Jhon gets lost in his thoughts and suddenly he starts reading the book found in the box.

Jhon starts reading the book. The name of the place is written in the book is..


Pure Land is a small town in sokovia.

Pure land was enchanted by magic when it was created. The care of pure land has been handled by its king and queen for generations.

(hello frnds saty with me in this journey 2 chapter will be soon ) cya👋💋