
We Meet Again, Baby

"I finally found you, Honey." "Who are you?" "How can you not recognize me? I am ...."

7Mysterious_Human7 · Teen
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1 Chs

First Impression

Anna is getting ready to go to school. He put on his shoes and smoothed his uniform on the reflection of the glass, then went out of the room, then to the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom." Anna smiled as she pulled up one of the chairs and sat down.

Devi smiled sweetly. "Good morning too, Sweetheart." The forty-year-old woman was busy spreading bread.

When finished, Devi gave the bread that had been smeared on her only child.

"Thankyou, Mom." Anna smiled as she received the bread, then ate it.

"Are you sure you're going to school today, honey?" Devi asked. His eyes radiated anxiety.

Anna nodded. "Of course, Mom."

"But aren't you still sick?" Devi looked at her daughter worriedly.

"I'm fine, Mom. So you don't have to worry about me. "Anna smiled sweetly. "I can take care of myself."

"Are you sure? But, your face still looks pale, Honey." Devi noticed Anna's slightly pale face.

Anna smiled clumsily. "Ah, Anna's face is not pale, Anna only thickness using her powder." Anna reasoned.

"Since when do you wear powder when you go to school, Anna?" Devi chuckled. He also went back to eating his bread.

Anna blushed. Anna is not good at lying.

After breakfast, Anna got up, put the dishes, and then washed them in the sink.

"You don't have to wash the dishes, honey. Let Mama wash the dirty dishes. You better get to school before it's too late." Devi tried to take over Anna's plate.

Anna washed her foaming hands with water. "Thank You, Mother. Anna went to school first." Anna kissed Devi, then took her backpack on the chair.

"Be careful on the road, Honey. You should always remember when you cross, do not forget to look left and right first." Devi reminded.

Anna nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, Mom. Anna went to school first. Bye." Anna kissed Devi's hand.

"Bye ...." Devi smiled.


The School Bus that Anna was riding stopped in front of the Nusa Bangsa school gate.

"Thank you." Anna gave some money to the driver, then moved downstairs. The beautiful American Girl sprinted to her class, fearing that she would be late.

She is one of the most intelligent people in the class. In fact, she is the most successful student in his school.

"Anna!!!" Tika shouted while running towards the girl.

"What happened, Tika?" Anna asked frantically.

"Do you already know the news that many people in our school are talking about?" Tika immediately sat down next to Anna.

Anna shook her head. "What is that?"

"Our school will come a new student, a man! People say the young man is very handsome!" Tika exclaimed so enthusiastically that her saliva gushed into Anna's face.

Tika is the social media queen among the students at Sekolah Kesatuan Bangsa. With all the news that is going viral, indeed Tika will find out soon.

"Really?" Anna smiled a little enthusiastically, trying to appreciate Tika.

Anna was honestly not interested in asking more about the new student Tika was discussing.

Because Anna has a personality that doesn't really care about the circumstances around her. However, it is different with Tika. Anna's best friend could talk at length from Dawn to Dawn. Anna is willing to get her ears hot just listening to the ravings of her best friend.

"I can't wait to meet this young man! What about the figure, huh? The guy must be handsome like the Korean actors!" Tika exclaimed with delight.

"Hopefully." Anna smiled.

Tika frowned in surprise. "Aren't you curious at all about the figure of the new disciple? Even I was very curious."

"Of course, I am inquisitive." Anna dodged and lied.

Tika laughs. "I know you're lying, Anna! You do not lie Beach! You know that, right?" Tika scoffed.

Anna smiled shyly.

Treng... Treng ... Treng…

Their conversation stopped. The bell rang so loud that the students rushed back into their classrooms.

Anna and Tika sat neatly at their desks while waiting for the teacher to come. Anna and Tika sat next to each other.

"I can't wait to meet these new students." Tika whispered to Anna enthusiastically.

Anna only smiled in response to Tika.

"Good Morning, kids." Mr. Alex entered the room with a man.

"Good morning, Sir!" The students answered in unison.

Mr. Alex glanced at the new student standing next to him, then.

Mr. Alex glanced at the new students standing next to him, then looked at the students. "You will get a new partner …." Mr. Alex switched to his new protege. "Please introduce yourself."

The young man nodded, then looked at the other students disinterestedly.

"My name is Leonardo Edward." Leon said coldly and briefly.

"Now, you can sit down. Sit wherever you want. But do not sit on the floor!" Mr. Alex laughed softly.

The students laughed so hard that their voices thundered in class.

"Shut up! Who let you all laugh in my class?!"Sir glared at his students sharply.

The mood suddenly calmed down. They were silent for a moment.

"Why are you still standing here? Do you want to teach with me?!" Mr. Alex asked irritably.

Leon shook his head.

"Sit down!"

"All right."Leon walked to the back of the bench and sat down.

"Oh my goodness! He's so handsome! Like a Korean artist!" Exclaimed Tika enthusiastically.

Anna just smiled a little.


Treeng... Treeng...

The break bell rang loudly. All the students immediately scattered outside the classroom and flocked to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Anna." Tika patted Anna's arm gently.

"Yes," answered Anna, focused on writing.

"Come on, Anna! You must accompany me to get acquainted with the new disciple!" Tika pulled Anna's hand enthusiastically.

Anna looked up in surprise. "Are you crazy? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious!" Tika exclaimed loudly. "Come accompany me!" The girl whined like a child.

Anna sighed wearily. However, Anna had no other choice. "All right. But just for a moment, okay?"

Tika nodded quickly. "Of course! I promise!" Tika hugged Anna so tightly as a sign of gratitude. "Thank you very much, Ann! You are my best friend!"

Anna and Tika went out, leaving the classroom. When the two of them had just reached the threshold, Tika accidentally saw Leon walking towards the cafeteria.

"That's it, Ann! Come on!"Tika spontaneously pulled Anna's hand.

"Hey, Tika! Don't pull my hand so hard! That hurts!"Anna protested while running and staggered behind Tika.

"Hey, Leon! Wait!" Tika exclaimed loudly as she ran towards Leon.

Leon immediately looked back. Leon's thick eyebrows instantly frowned in amazement.

"What going on?" Leon asked dryly.

"I am ..." Tika looked down shyly in front of Leon.

"What is it?"Leon repeated his question, a little annoyed.

"Nothing. I just wanted to get you acquainted." Tika smiles broadly. "Introduce ... my name is Tika! We're in the same class!" The Asian beauty smiled as she extended her hand to Leon.

Leon just rolls his lazy eyes. Didn't he introduce himself in class?

Leon turned around and continued on his way.

Rika's eyes widened perfectly. "Hey! Why did you leave?! You haven't answered my question!"Tika went after Leon.

Leon reluctantly responded to Tika. The handsome young man focused on looking ahead while keeping his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Hey! Wait! Why didn't you answer my question?! Don't you know some manners, huh?!" said Tika briefly.

Leon still hasn't answered a word.

Anna, who has only been standing next to Tika ever since feels bad for Leon because of her best friend's attitude.

Anna pulled Tika's hand to take her back to class. "Let's go back to class, Tika. The school bell will ring soon!"

"NO WAY!!" Tika flatly refused.

Tika looked at Leon intently. "It's no use being handsome, but arrogant!" Tika cursed Leon.

After cursing the new student, Tika ran toward the class. Anna rushed after her best friend.

"Tika! Wait!" Anna screeched.

Tika neither turned nor stopped.

Arriving at class, Tika immediately sat on the bench, buried his face in the folds of his hands while crying a sigh.

Anna is sad to see Tika crying painfully because of Leon's actions. With a cautious step, Anna walked over to Tika and sat beside her.

"Tika, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Anna stroked Tika's shoulder to calm her down.

Tika remained sobbing.

"Stop crying, Tika. You are a beautiful and kind girl, there are still many men who want to be friends with you." Anna comforted Tika in a gentle voice.

Tika lifted her head and wiped away her tears. "How arrogant that new disciple is! As if he was the most handsome in the world!!" Tika is upset.

"Please don't cry, Tika. It's no use crying over a cocky guy like Leon. Aren't there many other guys?" Anna smiled.

Tika nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right, Ann!"

Leon coincided into the classroom; Tika immediately stopped talking and focused on looking at the guy. Tika's anger suddenly flared up violently.


Leon pretended not to hear the innuendo of the chatty girl. Leon walked on his stool without looking at the two girls.

Anna swallowed hard, and her body suddenly stiffened. Tika's words must have offended Leon.

Leon sat down and took out his cell phone to play an online game.

Tika looked annoyed. Leon really didn't seem to feel guilty after hurting her heart.

"You Parasite!" Tika curses Leon blatantly with annoyance.

"Come on, Tika. Don't mess with Leon's attitude anymore." Anna smiled, trying to drown out Tika's irritation.

Anna didn't want Leon's arrogant attitude to be a problem in class. Because Anna is very familiar with Tika's character, who likes to be a fuss.

Tika nodded slowly. "Thank you, Ann."

Anna smiled. "No problem."