

Sia.... Unfortunately, no work is left for you to do.

Lana.... What? But mrs Sia, i really need approval from this firm to become a cop.

Sia.... Everyone comes here for approval, your not special so dont go around telling people that crap.

Lana.... Am sorry mrs Sia. 

Sia... Yuri, am leaving her to you.

Sia walked away. 

Yuri.... Sorry about her Lana, she is often rude to people who are prettier than her. 

Lana.... Thanks for saying that, am feeling better now. 

Yuri.... Anyway, your going to sit next to me and help me with typing some cases and documents. 

Lana.... That would be a piece of cake. 

Yuri... Okay girl, let's get to work now. 

They worked together and Yuri was good to her, in the evening, they were finished. 

Yuri.... Its departure time girl, i will drop you off. 

Lana.... No thanks, my boyfriend will pick me up.

Yuri.... Good for you, see ya. 

As Lana was getting her bag to leave, Sia approached her. 

Sia.... Go and get me dinner at the restaurant across the street, dont even think about bailing, hurry up because am starving. 

Lana.... Ok... okay. 

She rushed to the restaurant Sia told her but there was a long line to get inside. 

Lana.... (Fuck this woman! She is doing this on purpose because she knew that there will be a long line, UGH!) 

She waited and waited but the line was moving slowly. 

Mario.... A royal lady like yourself shouldnt be suffering like this, right Lana? 

Lana.... Hey, i saw you somewhere, do you know me? 

Mario.... We met at a birthday party, am Mario once again. 

Lana.... Ok.. okay, i see. 

Mario.... Am a regular here, come with me, they will let us through easily. 

She had no choice but to go with him, they were let inside on seeing them, Lana got the food and they left. 

Lana.... I really dont know how to thank you mister,. 

Mario.... Its Mario. 

Lana.... Thanks alot Mario, hope i can return the favor. 

Mario.... You will someday, bye. 

Lana.... Thanks again. 

She went back to the firm and gave Sia her food then left, Rio was waiting for her and they went to a restaurant for dinner then headed home. 

A week passed when she was working but Sia kept mistreating her, her friend was only Yuri. 

Yuri.... You look sad, is it because of Sia again? 

Lana... No, not her, its my boyfriend. Can i ask you something? 

Yuri.... Go on. 

Lana.... Why do you think my boyfriend.... doesnt wanna get intimate with me? 

Yuri.... For real? Is he dumb or what? 

Lana.... I dont know thats why am asking. 

Yuri.... Maybe you dont attract him enough, these men are easy creatures to seduce. 

Lana.... So, what do i do? 

Yuri.... Wear for him something sexy that will blow his mind, he will have no choice but to follow your lead, trust me. 

Lana.... Thanks Yuri, i should really make an effort indeed. 

In the evening after work, Rio picked her up as usual and they went home, be went in the study. 

Lana.... Now is my time to seduce him, aint no way his escaping me today. 

She wore a lingerie and waited for him for hours, he didnt come and she fell asleep. He finished what he was doing late at night and went in his bedroom, he saw Lana sleeping in her lingerie. 

Rio.... Hahaha... whats this? Was she trying to seduce me to get intimate with her? She is so innocent, obviously she read this silly thing on the internet.Just her breathing seduces me, but i will wait for our time, for now sweet angel, your a forbidden fruit. 

He covered her with the blanket and showered then laid next to her. In the morning, he drove her to work as usual and left. 

Yuri.... So, how did it go? 

Lana.... He was busy and i fell asleep in my lingerie. 

Yuri.... Oh, thats not good. 

Lana.... I will try again today by interferring his work.

Yuri.... Good idea. 

Sia.... You have alot to talk about as if you have no work to do. Lana, go and clean my office, its dusty and after get me coffee with my favourite snack. 

Lana.... But am not a cleaner. 

Sia.... Are you talking back? Your an intern so you ought to do everything i tell you to. 

Lana.... Why do you resent me this much? I do everything you tell me to do but you never seem to appreciate. 

Sia.... Instead of talking, go and do as i told you. 

Lana.... No, i wont. 

Sia.... Come again. 

Lana.... I said no. 

Sia.... Oh really? This internship is over, your fired little missy, now get out of my sight this instant. 

Lana grabbed her bav with tears flowing from her eyes and went to a park, she sat there crying in silence. As for Rio, he bought flowers, scented candles and red petals. 

Woman.... She will surely be happy, but we also offer outside designing at your place if you dont know how to do it. 

Rio.... For real? Then lets go and you help me out. 

Rio took the woman home and she organised their bed and their dinning table. 

Rio.... Wow! Your indeed a Professional mrs. Here, let me try this and you judge me. 

Woman.... Okay sir, no problem. 

Rio knelt down on knees. 

Rio.... Mrs pretty, will you be mine forever? 

Lana.... I see, good for you that you couldn't wait anylonger to bring your mistress home. 

Lana had opened the door but they didnt hear her coming inside, she found Rio getting down on his knees and heard everything. 

Rio.... Lana, no... no... no, its not what you think, i swear. 

Lana.... No, i've had enough Rio. 

She left her shoes and ran outside barefooted, it was dark already and it suddenly started raining. Lana ran in the rain like she had gone crazy while crying bitterly, a car parked infront of her and Mario came out from it.