
Chapter 9

Camila Saez

A week later.

We met again in the square, it was beautiful, Leonardo had fallen short the first time he told me about this place, I guess he wasn't very expressive in that sense, or maybe he hadn't taken the time to pay attention to every detail of this site.

Last night we spent the night away from the house, we only arrived this morning to take a shower and change our clothes, Martha, Leonardo's mother, was very worried about us. The reason? Leonardo had a fight with his father because of me, he knew that this man didn't like him at all, but Leo insisted that it was the opposite.


Leonardo and I went down to dinner, it turns out that we have spent the whole afternoon in the room because we have been watching a trilogy of horror movies, so we had wasted time on that. Of course, in the mornings, Leo's father would take him to work at the company.

_ Until they appear. – Mentioned Leonardo's father, he supposed a few days ago that he wasn't very pleased to see me, and he already imagined why.

_ We were watching movies. – I answered timidly. The boy next to me took my hand and led me to a chair so I could sit next to him.

_ You don't have to give him explanations, Camila, he knows exactly what we were doing, he has everything under control here at home. – Leonardo mentioned, I didn't understand why he had said that.

_ Don't be disrespectful. – mentioned Luciano, Leonardo's father.

_ Until you finally do and say what you want, Leo. – He mentioned his brother, I always heard comments about him as the black sheep of the family, but he just wanted to have a life of his own and follow his convictions, that's not bad, I think.

_ You don't get involved, Leandro! Leo's father yelled, getting up abruptly from the table. I thought it was a family argument, after all, all families have them. – You shouldn't be here. - That man shouted again, he looked directly at me. – I don't know what you have done to my son who behaves that way.

_ Mister yo-o. – I mentioned stuttering. Leonardo got up angry this time.

_ You don't have to say those things to him, for the first time in my life I am happy and I am not under your absolute control, let me live in peace. Leonard mentioned.

_ She should never have come to this house, I don't know how the hell you found this opportunist. – Mentioned his father, I felt my eyes quickly began to fill with tears, but I didn't want him to see me cry because of his comment.

_ That's all, we're leaving. – Leonardo said, he took my hand and we went up to the room, he took out his documents and the keys of his car, I did the same with my bag and we left his house, I did not want the situation to reach these extremes, I did not want to see him fight with his father because of me.

_ Maybe I should go home, Leonardo, so you wouldn't have so many problems because of me. - I mentioned letting a tear fall down my cheek.

_ Don't say those things, Camila, you destroy me when you insinuate that you will leave me. - He mentioned parking the car where he could and turning to me to caress my cheek. – I love you as I have never loved anyone, I do not want you to go. – He mentioned again.

_ Sorry, I don't want you to have problems. - I whispered as I felt how her thumb brushed my lower lip and brought his face closer to mine to be able to kiss me, I needed to feel her lips with mine.

_ Love you. - He whispered smiling and drying a couple of tears that escaped me when our kiss ended. – Come on, I'll get a nice place so we can spend the night. – He mentioned, I raised an eyebrow.

_ We will not return home? – I asked, obviously not, but anyway I wanted to listen to him again to make sure of his decision.

_ No, I will not allow my father to try to insult you again. – He mentioned taking the car out of the park and then we followed the route that the GPS marked for him, he spent about an hour driving who knows where, I did not pay much attention to the streets where we were. - We arrived. – He mentioned smiling.

We got out of the car and entered the place that Leonardo had said, the man who was at the reception handed him some keys and then smiled when he saw me, I couldn't help but think that he had brought other women here, causing me to not feel comfortable at all with the situation, she just hoped she was wrong.

We entered the room, I still had that strange feeling, but I didn't want to say anything to Leonardo so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable too.

_ Something happens? - He asked sensing that I was not comfortable, but I shook my head.

_ I'm just tired, I think we have slacked others. – I mentioned smiling, trying not to notice.

_ I think you think otherwise, Camila. We've been together for almost a week, but I know you much better than you think. – She mentioned smiling. – Stay calm, I know that my past haunts you and makes you doubt some actions or decisions that I take, but this place is one that I only wanted to share with you. – She mentioned approaching me. – I love you and I said I would prove it to you. – She added.

_ Excuse my doubts, Leonardo, it's just that you've been with so many people and I've only had a formal relationship with you. – She replied. – Many times I do not know how to act and cope with this type of situation. - She added.

_ Don't apologize, Camila. She - she whispered approaching me with a smile on her face. - I want to kiss you. – She mentioned with the same smile on her face. She caressed my cheeks with her thumbs, the distance between us was evident when we were like this, face to face, my breath hitched out of nowhere, the nerves took over my body as if it were the first time she kissed me. – We won't do anything if you don't want it, Camila.

_ I love you Leonardo. Thanks for understanding. - I mentioned, I didn't know if he was going to get tired of me for always putting some impediment to not having sex with him, but I couldn't deny that his caresses lately burned on my skin as if my body wanted him in the same way in which he says he wants me.

_ I'll wait for you, Camila. But that does not mean that he wants to devour your lips. - He mentioned with that malicious smile that forms. Without my expecting it, he joined his lips with mine, his tongue seemed to want to win a battle against mine, I loved Leonardo with all my being, but I was afraid of wanting to show him the way he wanted.

Current time.

_ Hi ma'am, sorry about last night. – I mentioned as soon as I saw Martha, she seemed like she hadn't slept all night, she doesn't deserve to be done that to her. – If you wish, I will leave today. – I mentioned again.

_ Don't worry, my girl. – She mentioned. – Leonardo did the right thing, his father was behaving very recklessly with you and you don't deserve it. – She added smiling warmly. – It makes me happy to know that both are well. – He finished saying.

_ Mother. – Leonardo mentioned smiling at the woman who gave him life. – Is my father at home? – He asked looking at the stairs. The woman she denied.

_ I've talked to him, he said he wouldn't do it again, I just hope he really means it, you know how he is. – The woman replied kissing the forehead of her son.

_ Well, we'll go to the room. Leonard mentioned. – If she continues to behave in such a contemptuous way against Camila, I will go with her and we will start a life together, she and I. – She mentioned.

_ We don't have to rush that way, I don't want them to see me as the person who wants to get away from them. – I mentioned smiling shyly.

_ Calm down girl, if leaving will make my Leonardo happy I will understand, besides, I know you are a good woman, I wish you the best in your relationship. – Martha mentioned smiling and hugging us both.

We went up to Leonardo's room after that emotional moment with his mother, he locked up and put his wallet and the rest of his things in the drawer on his side of the bed, and yes, when I arrived he emptied one of the small furniture to accommodate my things.

_ Let's watch a movie? – Asked Leonardo kissing my neck, which made me shiver. I nodded and he placed the first one he found, we just wanted to be together and spend time as comfortable as possible.

_ Love you. - I whispered when I settled on his chest, I loved feeling his heart beat, it was one of the ways he had to calm my anxiety. – I never thought of loving someone as much as you, Leonardo. And that scares me. - I said smiling shyly.

I ended up falling asleep on his chest after several minutes watching that movie, and how could I not do it, if it gave me all the peace I needed.