
Chapter 45

Camila Sáez.

The door opened, I expected Salvatore to come in to take me to my family, but no, it was Adrian, but what was he doing here, how had he found my whereabouts.

Hello, Camila. - he mentioned, something in his look was different, to such an extent that I was terrified by the way he looked at me and the tone of his voice.

Adrian, what are you doing here? - I asked confused. - How did I get here? - I mentioned again.

I always knew where you were, Camila. You see, I wanted to take advantage of this time to fall in love with you like I never awkwardly did, but what do I find? That you are going to marry, mysteriously with that stupid Salvatore. - he mentioned, leaving me frozen. - What do you have against me? Don't I meet your expectations? Let me show you that I can fulfill every one of your fantasies. - he added, coming intimidatingly close to me.

I reflexively stepped back, but the wall of the room prevented me from doing it any further.