
Chapter 31

They called me from work, it was a matter of life and death, as they had explained to me on the phone. I left Camila in charge of the nanny, Amalia.

When I arrived at the company, I realized that someone was waiting in my office, I entered it, to my misfortune, it was Ana.

What are you doing here? Didn't it become clear to you that I'm not interested in being by your side? I don't even want to remember that I know you. - I mentioned seriously.

Wrong answer, dear Leonardo. - she said smiling like a psychotic. - I'll let you start again and maybe I'll think about forgiving your little wife. - she mentioned waving her fingers at the last word.

What are you talking about? I don't have to take back what I said. - I mentioned. - My life is by Camila's side, I don't have to deceive her, much less give you false hopes, because what is between us never was and never will be possible. - I added again.