
Chapter 2

"Hi how are you? – I asked, I was curious, his profile picture showed a quite attractive boy, but I didn't even know if he was real. I thought he wouldn't answer again… I mean, sometimes those things happen.

"Fine thanks and you?" – He replied after a few seconds. Adrián stared at me half worried, I guess it was because both he and I knew that my supposed boyfriend didn't speak to me more than in the morning and in the afternoon almost at night, he says good morning and leaves.

"Alright too, what are you doing?" – I asked again, full of curiosity why, in the first place, I had no idea who he was and in the second, I also didn't understand why he had spoken to me.

_ Who are you talking to? Adrian asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. – You were smiling looking at the screen. – He commented again.

I didn't know what to answer, because I hadn't even realized that I was smiling, but that wasn't the point, I didn't have to be smiling with a complete stranger… Or was I?

I stared at nothing, thinking about anything, I didn't understand why it was difficult for me to answer him, it must be because of the confession he had made to me, I had no idea what it could be, but I didn't care much either.

_ With a friend. – I answered without waiting for him to believe me, although it didn't matter much either.

_ Oh. - He commented smiling as if it were something bad.

I looked at him, but didn't say anything about it. Suddenly my phone began to vibrate again, surely it was that Leonardo guy, I checked it and, sure enough, it was him.

I did not respond to his message, but I was left with the intrigue of knowing what he wanted, on the other hand, my friends approached so that we could say goodbye, surely we would not see each other again or not as often as until now.

Our life was about to change and Adrián would still be close to me, I don't know how comfortable he would be now that he had made that confession to me that he saw me as more than just friends. I kept thinking about that, because the least I imagined in life.

My parents came up to me, they still had tears in their eyes, I didn't really trust them to be real, but I hugged them anyway. Our lives would take a hundred and eighty degree turn, but I didn't care, I think, I suppose that when children grow up these things happen and sometimes it hurts and others, like this, don't matter.

I've always had to pretend to be the good girl, the one who doesn't do anything wrong, leaving what I really like aside. My mind went back and forth, but I didn't want anyone to notice. I backed away a bit to try not to think about losing my friends and everything, to be exact.

"What are you doing?" – I decided to see the message of that Leonardo, I guess I would continue talking to him, he seemed interested in talking to me or something like that.

"In the university and you?". – He replied almost instantly. I figured that was good.

"In my bachelor's degree." - I replied. He kept asking me if he was right to reply to his messages or not, since he was a completely unknown man to me.

"That good". – He replied. I looked ahead, but I didn't know what to do or answer, I left my phone in my pocket and tried to approach my group of friends again, I smiled with them as if nothing had happened, Adrián had been gone for some time, I hoped he wasn't there mad at me forever but i told him the truth i will always see him and love him as a friend and i wished he would understand.

After having lunch with them and talking about our possible vacations, I headed to the place where my parents were waiting for me, I smiled out of nowhere when I checked my phone again, there was another message from Leonardo, but I didn't understand why my smile.

"What will you do now?". – It was the question he had asked me, I decided to answer, I didn't lose and it didn't influence me at all if he did.

"I guess it's good, now I'm on my way to my parents, I have to go home now." – I responded to his messages, I didn't know if I was going to respond quickly or not, so I decided to put my cell phone back in my pocket.

I walked and ran into several colleagues on the street, we said goodbye, after all I never got along badly with anyone, I just preferred to be with my friends, with the people I had more affinity with and with whom I felt inside my "bubble". ", so to speak.

My life has always been complicated, what do I want? I don't know, what do I want? I have no idea, but I can't fall asleep, life has taught me one way or another that if it catches you flying low it hits you where it hurts the most and I don't want to continue suffering from those things, I just like to think that I'm not weak, although Deep down, I'm still the same little girl.

I arrived with my parents, I assumed they were near the vehicle, so I went into the nearest restaurant and asked for them, we always ate there, so it was easy for them to recognize us, as I suspected they were there, I entered the place to sit down next to them, I did not eat, but I did drink a juice, I was thirsty.

I checked my phone to see if that boy had answered me again, I don't know why Leonardo intrigued me so much, I don't know him, I haven't even run into him, but it caused me a strange feeling that I couldn't describe, not completely.

"I understand, but it must still be difficult to leave your friends behind, but now you should think about a university, right?" he asked.

"Yes, in fact, I already have it covered, I'm just waiting for the registration date to arrive, I guess." - I replied. – "And you, what course are you in?". – I mentioned again.

"I have three semesters left to finish my university career, I ended up studying digital marketing." – He replied. I found it interesting, although it wasn't my style, or so I assumed, in fact, I wasn't even sure what I was good at or what I would like to study, after all, careers are never what we expect.

"Interesting". - I replied. - "It's very complicated?". I asked incredulously.

"Not so much, as in all races, there is a roguery, I also like it, so I learn it out of passion, I guess." – She mentioned. What a guy, I thought, I didn't know what to say, I think he had left me speechless.

"You're right, but sometimes it happens that we think we're good at something, or what, we like a career, in this case, but when we pursue it or study it, it's the opposite of what we expected." – I countered, I hoped that what I wanted to imply would be understood.

"Well, yes, but there are talks and vocational tests for that, so whoever does not choose well is because he did not investigate enough." - He replied, I'm surprised.

"You win". – I said implying that I was giving up on this conversation.

"I didn't know we were arguing." – She mentioned attaching smiley faces and the typical "Hahaha". I smiled at his answer, I didn't know what to do with this, I think I felt good talking to him, but I wasn't sure why.

"Yes, now, what are you doing?" – I replied smiling, my parents looked at me, who knows what they were thinking, but if they didn't ask me I wouldn't answer them.

They got up from the table and I did the same leaving my phone, again, in my pocket, we walked in the direction of the vehicle to go home, where my little sister was waiting for me and obviously, my unbearable older sister, she had already been through this, but unlike me, she decided to only get a technical career, which should not be less, but she saw it that way and that's why she hated me and blamed her decision.

Leonard Alvarez

As soon as I saw that profile picture I couldn't resist sending her a message, I didn't know if she would respond, but I decided to take a chance and it worked, I wanted to know more about her, meet her and make her feel good about me, I guess I would be the next victim of this chest, yes, I have a very high self-esteem and I know that no matter how difficult the goal I set for myself, because I will end up achieving it.

I was at university, I would soon go back to class and I don't know if I would take my mobile on with me, maybe I would leave it in my backpack to avoid interruptions.

I walked in the direction of the room where my class would start, in order not to be late, I have to maintain my role as an impeccable student, so the teachers and, especially my father, will not care what I do in my free time , someone crossed my path, I had no idea who, because I had not noticed it.

_ Sorry. – I mentioned while helping the man to get up, I soon realized who it was, Agustín, the man I avoided at all costs, because it would ruin my entire profile as a seducer.