
Chapter 25

Camila Sáez

Weeks ago, together with Leonardo we have had different opinions, today, on the other hand, we will completely get out of the doubts, I have not used any contraceptive method, and, although the sexual relations we have are not as constant as before, due to classes and so on, but I have not suffered any delay or scare, nothing.

We would go to the gynecologist, obviously I was afraid, I was afraid that they would tell me that I could not get pregnant again, a few days ago I did the studies, today were the exams, I felt tense, worried and scared. I know Leonardo's illusion of being a father, and I would not want to put an end to that spark that lights up his eyes.

Everything will be all right, Camila. Don't worry. - he commented smiling and kissing my forehead. - Soon we will be able to be parents and even if we have to wait years to be parents, we will wait for it. - he added.