
Chapter 18

Camila Saez

Leonardo has been very close to me since he discovered that I was pregnant, which I was grateful for, what's more, I loved having Leonardo so close to me again, that every night he hugged me and let me sleep on his chest or in his arms, the only thing What had changed is that we have not been able to have sexual relations, since he seems to be afraid of hurting the baby.

Tomorrow will finally be the ultrasound of our baby.

I was preparing dinner, Leonardo would not be long in coming, I had prepared his favorite food, lasagna, coincidentally I prepare it for him about three times a week, whenever he asks for it, I do not complain, he says it is delicious, although sometimes it's raw or burnt... I laugh with it, it's so funny, I guess sometimes I even lack seasonings, but every day I try to improve in the kitchen.