
We Bloom in December

daily new chapters at midday ||| It wasn't supposed to happen. But it happened so naturally none of them could have even realized they were falling, they just did. All because of an email with a typo when they were young, which made them become pen pals in secret. Maybe it was the magic of never meeting in person, maybe it was the charm of the unknown, but they fell, and they fell hard through the years. But were they really strangers in real life as they believed while keeping their identities a secret? ||| It's a fast paced age gap romance, there will be smut, the initial stage of the story is focused on them being pen pals, each chapter is an email in the first part. So, they will be quick paced and short in the beginning, and when they meet in person it'll get longer. It won't be a long story, the romance when it happens physically, will be fast paced. English is not my first language. It's original by me.

NastyRaven888 · Urban
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38 Chs

XXI ||| December 25th of 2017 (V)

From: A.LF

<alf.weeknd@gmail.com >

To: P.BG

<pbg.prada@gmail.com >

Sent: Monday, 25 Dec 2017, 00:19

Subject: I'm amazing

Thanks for the free laughter, P.

Yes, I can cook, I'm really great at it since I was toddler. More than anything, I love making desserts. My sister, on the other hand, is a disaster at it, and so is my mom, I got it from dad and his side of the family. So, I usually cook for mom and my sister.

I guess it's not against the rules, since I said it first, so let's be even on that. My paternal family also isn't from the UK, so I guess both our maternal families are from there. And thank God they are, and we were both raised there, or we wouldn't even accidentally meet like we did. I guess fate was on our side.

So, we are an older brother and an younger sister. Quite the contrast, don't you think? I always wanted to have older siblings, but I'm fine with being the oldest, it's just that sometimes it's too much responsibilities, and I would like to have someone to count on as well. Maybe this thing about always having been the oldest, made me like older girls, I can't think of myself ever being with someone younger than me, and I don't even have mommy issues. I like mature girls, the older ones always are.

They know what they want, that's what I want.

So, you're being humble not to make your boyfriend eat dust, since you'd probably win whatever game he's playing with them? Sorry, I laughed out loud with that, it's just amusing, and cute. Though if it was me, I would rather have you being competitive, because I am extremely competitive, and I love competition, I wouldn't want you to go easy on me.

Now, the part I've been postponing to say it, 😮‍💨.

Mom's birthday is a month after Valentine's Day, so me and my sister had the idea of making a surprise party for her at home, and we invited all of our family that is in England, plus friends, and everyone who has a close link with mom. It was everything alright, everything amazing, until the day of the birthday party.

I have a maternal uncle who's slightly younger than my mother, and who is a womanizer since ever if the stories I heard are to be believed, and he's is a pretty guy, he lives in London and he's a model, and he's really just gorgeous. So, we left him to wander around the house, and while I was enjoying the birthday with my mother, he was in my room.

I went up stairs to go to the toilet, and when I got to my room, I found my girlfriend riding my uncle's cock in my bed, she was calling him daddy and saying she's been waiting for him to come around, and that his cock was better than mine because I was too big, and everything. He wasn't with a condom, and he came inside her.

Moral of the story: she's currently pregnant of him, and will have his baby next month. She moved in with him to London, and when mom's family defended him and blamed me for not being good enough to her, as he's their youngest of the past generation, she cut ties with them, and it was a chaotic mess.

I was heartbroken. Not because I loved her, as I didn't, but because of the betrayal of my favorite uncle and my girlfriend, two people I trusted. Two people who didn't think twice before backstabbing me like that.

It's been months, so I'm better now, but it stings.

- A