
We Are The Vikings

Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause. The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there. Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent. For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other. Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy. How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face... Read my story to find out. ( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination. And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )

SPECTER_BRO · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 18

A mother is a female parent of a child. A simple dictionary search can get you its definition.

But was that it? To Tor his mother was something more than that, his mother is she who brought him to this world, the one to taught him what the warmth of love is, the one who smiled and praised his every small and great achievement, the one who taught him how to be human when it was stripped away from him. The one who understood his every emotion despite the emotionless mask that was deeply engraved on his face.

To Tor his mother was everything, she wasn't just a female parent, she was his loving mother. He was called many evil names during his time in the war, but those, he could not care less. He didn't care what nickname he was called no matter how derogatory it was... But the moment anyone dares to bring any form of harm to his mother, they will feel his wrath, for they will all know why he was called the Son of the Draugr.

And for Ozpin, this was quite a predicament, females were treasured by all Vikings, They were more than just baby makers, they are gifts created by their Gods. Mothers and virgins especially are the most prestigious titles a woman can have, they were very much treasured, but none treasured them more like Tor's clan. And calling his mother a Lady of the night was the biggest mistake Alfred could ever make.

It had been two hours since Tor has switched his camera, and he had also ordered his teammates to do the same.

Ever since they had all seen that nightmarish smile, they had already accepted the fact that Alfred Taurus was dead. There was silence in the room, Qrow was already out of alcohol, Ironwood was impatiently tapping the table with his metallic hand. Winter was still silently sitting near her superior, and Glynda was putting her focus on her scroll.

" Professor, they have arrived. " Glynda informed as she received a message from her scroll. " And they have brought something with them. "

" Tell them to come here. " Ozpin then turned to Ironwood who seemed to have a question for him.

" Ozpin, Can you tell me exactly at what level you would think their strength is? because I don't think this academy can teach them anything regarding combat. " Ironwood cannot comprehend how children like them can possess such combat power at such age, especially that Tor fellow.

Just from looking at them, they don't look like the teens that they should be, the presence of facial hair was a very big indicator of that.

" Regarding Olaf and Ragnar, they would be slightly below Qrow's level. " Ozpin began, " Havard would be at the same with Qrow. " Now that alarmed everyone, Qrow was the most vocal about it.

" Wha! That Claymore-wielding psycho is at the same level as me? " Who would not be surprised, he was an experienced and very qualified Huntsman/combatant, hearing that an eighteen-year-old kid was as strong as him was very concerning.

" What about Tor? "

" Even without his Semblance, he could overpower Qrow. " That was very very concerning. " And I fear what would happen if he used his Semblance. "

Not long after that, the door opened revealing a very bloodied Tor with his teammates behind him who were looking very uncomfortable in the presence of their leader.

In his left hand was a bloodied cloth that was wrapping something they feared that it was not what they believed it was.

" I apologise for my actions during the mission. " Tor said in his usual emotionless voice. " But I have brought proof that the mission is done. " He turned his head to face Ironwood who was very creeped out by his bloodied appearance, which did not go unnoticed by Tor.

" I also apologise for my unsanitary disturbing attire. But, as I said to you before the start of the mission, I present to you... Alfred Taurus. "

He uncovered the cloth to reveal the decapitated head of the bull Faunus. He placed it on the table, and they saw fear and dread in the dead face of the Faunus. On close inspection, the head had no signs that it was decapitated by a sharp blade. Tor simply just pulled it apart using his bare hands. That was why he was the only one drenched in blood.

" I would also like to apologise to professor Ozpin for not being able to fulfil his wishes, you can punish me as you see fit. "

" We will do that tomorrow, please get yourself clean and retire to your dorms, you have classes tomorrow. You are now dismissed. "

" Yes, Professor. And before we leave, I want to tell you that the rest of the Faunus at the warehouse are tied up and you can take care of them. " They immediately left leaving the room, leaving the decapitated head on the table that was still leaking blood.

" Professor I hope you are not making a mistake here. " Ironwood said, " Because these are very dangerous people you are residing in your academy. They are like wild rabid wolves and chains must be kept on them, before they start attacking the students here. "

" I will see to that General. " Ozpin assured him, ' I hope we don't come to that. "

This night was finally over, and the sun rose from the horizon indicating the start of a new day and the start of the first classes for the new students.

The morning was very peaceful, students were coming out from their dorm rooms, dressed in their school uniforms and were heading to the cafeteria to sate their hunger.

But this peace would not last long as a loud whistle came from Team RWBY's room.