
We Are NOT The Same

Within the realm of ZACIA, two parallel tales unfold, each echoing the other with whispers of fate and interconnectedness. In one novel, we follow the journey of Dara, a young man burdened by illness and guilt, as he navigates the enigmatic realm. In the other, we delve into the perspective of Orlin, an individual whose path intertwines with Dara's, leading him on a transformative odyssey through ZACIA. As Dara and Orlin venture deeper into the mysterious realm, their experiences and revelations mirror one another, unraveling the secrets of their shared destiny. Through their unique perspectives, readers witness the trials, introspection, and growth of two souls traversing the ethereal landscapes of ZACIA. In 'We Are NOT The Same,' the dual narratives converge and diverge, revealing the delicate threads that bind the two protagonists. Themes of identity, resilience, and the power of interconnectedness weave through the intricate tapestry of their intertwined stories, illustrating the profound impact one's choices can have on the lives of others. As Dara and Orlin face their own inner demons and grapple with the enigmas of ZACIA, readers are invited to contemplate the echoes of their own lives and the ways in which our journeys intersect and shape one another. Will their paths converge, diverge, or ultimately converge once again, forever altered by the realm they both traverse? FOR DARA'S POV :— http://wbnv.in/a/92hknuN

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I am not dead......yet

In that unknown place, emotions ran high, but for Orlin, the experience was different. As a keen observer of human behavior, he found himself detached from the rollercoaster of emotions that consumed others.

Orlin, however, possessed a unique tool to navigate this intricate realm - his "Emotion Guide," a notebook where he meticulously documented the causes and actions prompted by different emotions.

At this particular point, the topic at hand was ANGER, a potent and pervasive emotion in human interactions. For your information, I'm a human too. It's just that I find it difficult to feel emotion.

Ok I know I'm repeating this , I found it quite weird where I talk about human emotion like I'm not a human myself. So I'm reminding you and me at the same the....that I'M A HUMAN.

Orlin's mind danced with curiosity as he delved into the depths of his observations.

— If somebody harms you without any reason.That leads to anger.

This was one of the point he remembered writing in his notebook.

"ugh I'm angry now.. "just before he could say more. Orlin remembered the chains of effects caused by anger.

He recalled the incident that happened just now and thought " hmm it can be misunderstanding... "

but ..

a thought appeared in his mind....

Was his understanding accurate? Were his insights valid? It was an intriguing puzzle he yearned to solve.

A surge of frustration coursed through him, propelling him into action. He fervently sought a specific girl, driven by an inexplicable urge to locate her.

"Where is she?" he muttered, his voice tinged with exasperation, as he weaved through the throng of people, his eyes darting from face to face.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Orlin came to an abrupt halt, realizing the need to regain composure. He inhaled deeply, allowing the air to fill his lungs, and closed his eyes. In that serene moment, he honed his senses, attuning his ears to capture every nuance of sound reverberating in his surroundings.

A symphony of noises enveloped him - the chatter of passersby, the clatter of footsteps. . Amidst this auditory tapestry, Orlin strained to discern the familiar voice he had been seeking.

"Na...na... Yes, that's her," Orlin whispered, his eyes fluttering open. His gaze sharpened, scanning the sea of faces with renewed determination.

Orlin's eyes fluttered open, his gaze sweeping across the crowd as he meticulously analyzed each face, searching for a resemblance to the elusive girl. Minutes turned into an eternity as he scoured the sea of individuals, only to be met with disappointment. His heart sank, confusion clouding his thoughts.

?! ?!

A sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. His surroundings were unfamiliar, a world distinctly different from his own. It dawned on him that he had traversed into a realm where diverse species coexisted alongside humans. The similarities he noticed were remnants of a shared essence between worlds.

"Species," he muttered, the word escaping his lips with a mix of astonishment and intrigue. His mind whirled with questions, contemplating the intricacies of this unfamiliar place. Yet, his exclamation did not go unnoticed. Heads turned, curious gazes locking onto Orlin, their eyes filled with wonder and suspicion.

Panic gripped Orlin's being as he felt the world spinning around him. His legs wavered, struggling to maintain his balance. Fear mingled with disorientation, threatening to overwhelm him.

"Damn it, I need to find a quiet place...somewhere I can gather my thoughts," he cried out, his voice filled with desperation.

Driven by an urgent need for solace, Orlin darted through the crowd, disregarding the bewildered stares that followed his every move. He darted forward, fueled by an instinctive pull towards a destination that promised respite. With each step, his surroundings blurred into a mere backdrop to his singular focus.

Finally, he arrived at his desired haven, a majestic tree that stood tall and proud. Its sprawling branches cast a comforting shade, shielding him from prying eyes.

"Finally... "

Orlin sank down against the sturdy trunk, its rough bark offering a sense of grounding.

In the tranquil embrace of the tree's shadow, Orlin found sanctuary. The gentle rustling of leaves and sporadic whispers of the wind soothed his restless mind. The sparse presence of people provided the solitude he desperately sought, enabling him to delve deep into his thoughts.

"Fuu...I had anticipated my energy being drained there," he mused aloud, a wry smile dancing upon his lips. The irony of his expectations juxtaposed against the reality of his current predicament did not escape him. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of curiosity sparked within him, fueling his determination to uncover the secrets of this strange world.


As Orlin lifted his head, a transformation washed over his countenance, morphing him into an entirely different person. His face took on an unsettling calmness, his eyes piercing and alert. He scanned his surroundings, his gaze slicing through the vibrant tapestry of greenery that enveloped him.

"A lively place," he mused after a few minutes of intense observation, his mind racing to decipher the enigma that lay before him. How could a place so brimming with life exist after death? It certainly wasn't the realm of demons, for they reveled in chaos and torment.

No, this realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—Orlin was not YET DEAD.

With this revelation, his focus shifted to unraveling the mystery of his current predicament. Where was he? What forces had conspired to bring him here? These questions gnawed at his mind, demanding answers.

Orlin's keen gaze shifted to the diverse array of individuals gathered before him. They hailed from different species, each bearing their own unique traits and cultures. It was a captivating tapestry of existence, intertwined in this peculiar realm.

"Different species...a convergence of diverse minds and abilities," Orlin mused, his thoughts dancing through the corridors of his imagination.

A realization flickered within him—a place where skills were revered and sought after. It became apparent that the motive behind this gathering was centered around the pursuit of prowess.

But who could be the orchestrator of such an elaborate scheme? Orlin pondered this, placing himself in the shoes of a mastermind behind this enigmatic realm.

His mind conjured images of luring lost souls, offering them a glimmer of hope, and presenting them with tasks and missions to embark upon. Yet, one piece of the puzzle eluded him—the underlying purpose behind this grand assembly.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Orlin delved deeper into his mental labyrinth, seeking an answer that remained just out of reach. "There must be a reason, a grand design," he murmured to himself.

"ugh whatever I will look after it later.. but I I think is if my deduction is correct then someone will come and introdu—"

However, before he could vocalize his musings, a thunderous voice reverberated through the air, echoing in the ears of all present.

" W E L C O M E


Z A C I A "