
We are Jedi

I will no longer be writing this story. I have put this story timeline into my other Star Wars fan fiction story. So if you want to see what Maddie and Jose go through, you’ll need to read “Wrath of a Saber” but I will be keeping the chapters up so you can’t read what I have left. No need to add to your library. Thank you my JD Fam❤️

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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Chapter three

Another day in this place. Day in and day out. I sit having my lunch, watching the full moons as the sound of metal being touched or moved to make noise in the background.

"Ready for the day to be done? Haven't ya?" I hear. I turn.

Jax comes walking up. His sandwich in hand with about three more in the other. A big dude, had to eat a lot.

"Inspection is today. Apparently, the sighting of a Jedi was spotted. Poly decides to go and snitch on the person. No evidence the Jedi is here." He sits with a grunt.

"I wonder who the Jedi could be. The milky way hasn't seen any since the purge. I mean, I'm trained to be one, but it's too dangerous, too..." I stop talking. Jax takes a big bite of his sandwich as the wind blows both of our hair wildly.

"Can I join?" José sits on the other side of me with his sandwich.

"Getting paid tomorrow. I can finally buy pieces for that Jedi Hunter, make it into a troop hunter," Jose says.

He sounds so excited. Ever since we found that Jedi Hunter drips deep in the mountains, he hasn't stopped talking about it since. "Ahh!" Jax reaches over me, pushing Jose who nearly fell. "No such thing!" Jax says.

In the cloudy skies, we could see spaceships flying. Droids, moons, planets. This truly was a beautiful place when you look at it.

"A piece of the shit world," Jose says.

Jose nudges me on the arm a little, leaning in. "Inspection. I think I have a plan on where we're gonna go." Jose asked. I make sure Jax was still distracted my his sandwich before turning to Jose. "You're the damn person who uses the force in front of Poly? You sickening dick! This inspection could get us killed! What if they find out?" I worry.

Jose shakes his head, looking around. He then reaches into his jacket, pulling out his, our lightsaber.

Handing it to me, he whispers.

"Listen. This inspection is dangerous. Father Blood is the one doing it. He's the only one known to use lightsabers besides his two fucking sisters. Sister one and sister two. We do this, we stand no chance against them. We will sneak out through the back. I work near there, we will climb to the top and find our way off of this damn planet, ya hear?" Jose looks back into the distance.

I slowly grab the lightsaber, hooking it into my belt loop in such a way no one could notice unless you lift my jacket up.

"This has better work, Jose," I say.

Jax smiles.

"Ah look!" He points into the sky.

"Father Blood is early!" He says. My heart sinks. Jose and I make eye contact before standing. The sound of metal stops and muttering begins as I watch as the big, black spaceship zoomed through the sky.

Three more ships follow it.

I assume they're heading towards the Great Hall. A long hallway where we work. A place all workers hold a meeting.

Looks more of a junkyard but had a pretty good space despite the wires and metal walls.

Jose grabs me.

"Come on, we have to leave!" He says.

I pull my arm away from him. The wind gets stronger as Father Blood lands. "No!! It'll only make us more suspicious! If this is an inspection, then they'll have the names of everyone that works here. Wait until they're done!" I reply. Jose's eyes were red.

I could tell he was nervous. The door of the spaceship opens.

As we watch, about twenty troopers step out. Each armed. They mean business. Highly skilled at what they do.

My coworkers begin to line up.

Stepping out of the ship was Father Blood. His black and white mask on his head. His long robe stands out from rest. Jose and I watch as the place goes silent.

The troopers surround us, blocking us from going anywhere if we tried.

"Stupid Jedi could get us killed," Jax says.

Father Blood begins to speak. His voice changing mask made it echo through the great hall. As he speaks, troopers look each of us up and down, hesitating to walk past Jose and I. We were nearly the only humans that worked here. The origin of the Jedi Order.

"I'll give you one minute, Jedi. To show yourself. Or everyone is dead." Father Blood got straight to the point.

Gun aimed at us as Jose began to shake nervously. I couldn't do anything.

I shouldn't go out there! I couldn't! I'd die! Jose would die! My heart pounds as Father Blood scans the area. My coworkers look at each other, crying in such fear.

I slowly lift my hand to my waist, ready to pounce if those damn troopers began to shoot.

My lightsaber was rusty. The end was broken and wrapped in this dirty cloth. I called my lightsaber, our lightsaber due to Jose and our master taking his away when he was young. Messing around, he cut my cheek open, leaving me to bleed out. Nearly killed me.

"Master Zhou took away. Never gave it back. Jose refuses to use a lightsaber after that. And I haven't turned one on in years.

Jose grabs my hand.

"Get ready to duck," he says. Father Blood begins to walk over to a trooper. He takes his gun, forcing everyone to cry. "Ahh man," Jax says. I shake my head as Father Blood points the gun to Jax.

"You first." With one direction, a red beam was shot.

Something me, something stupid happens. I couldn't help. Not even a millisecond before the beam touches Jax, I take my lightsaber out. A bright orange pole shooting out from the lightsaber.

Hitting the beam away, all my coworkers duck down.

Troopers begin shooting as I hit each beam back at them, either killing them or knocking them out. My stance was perfect.

Fear in my eyes as I turn at Father Blood and his sisters. Screams and cries as he chuckles a little. "Oh look... a Jedi. So impressive you managed to hide this long." Father Blood begins to walk around slowly.

I face him. Teeth grinding together as I hold my lightsaber with both hands. The two sisters begin to float a little. They had maximum Force. Allowing them to float off of the ground for a short period of time.

"I'd never give my lightsaber up to someone like you," I reply.

"Hahahaha! Who said I wanted your lightsaber?"


The two sisters walk around me. Both having this... this metal suit on. Helmets nearly the same as their brother. I still could hear cries from my coworkers. Jax could be heard praying.

Right then, I duck down, barely dodging a slash Sister one gave me. Our lightsabers clash together, creating noise that was oddly satisfying.

I could barely keep up. She was so strong. Her lightsaber turns into two. I could barely hold off one as we both go head to head. Sister two jumps in, I let go of Sister one's lightsaber, dodging an instant slash before colliding with Sister two. This went on before I manage to get them off a little, using the Force to push Sister one away. I flip, doing the matrix as Sister two's lightsaber barely grazes my chin.

I kick her lightsaber into the air before flipping and kicking her away.

As I land, I use my force, throwing her lightsaber at Father Blood. He uses the force too, stopping it just as it touches his helmet.

"Weak!" He says.

He launches it back at me. So fast I barely had time to react. Just as it reaches me, Jax stands, taking the lightsaber through the chest.

My heart drops as Sister two throws herself at me. Jose screams, running and tackling Father Blood to the ground. "YOU BITCH!" Jose screams. I barely dodge her slashes.

The noise was so close to my face that I could feel my skin burn as it barely touches me.

My arm was at stake before I block a slash with my own. She leans in on me as we hold our lightsabers together. I begin to fall to my knees. She was so heavy, so strong. It felt as if I were trying to stop two metal doors from closing on each other. Sweat begins to drip as I got down to one knee.

I slowly take my hand from my lightsaber, using the force to push her away.

That's when I was jerked back, dropping my lightsaber that turned off in the process. Sister one grabs my shirt, tossing me across the hall and into the wall, forcing me to hit my back on the wires and metal poles.

She grabs my lightsaber, throwing it at me as fast as Father Blood used his Force. I dodge my own lightsaber, grabbing it. Not even five seconds I was clashing with Sister one and Two again.

Jose managed to get Father Blood's lightsaber away; using it against him.

I couldn't believe what I was doing. Dodging and blocking as if I were a master Jedi. I wasn't. Barely knew my own power.

Kicking Sister two away, I slash at her stomach, knocking her out before blocking a slash from Sister one and kicking her in the chest. I quickly turn, throwing my lightsaber as Father Blood in which it scrapes his helmet, forcing him to stop fighting due to the burning.

I sprint, grabbing Jose by the arm.

"Run!!" I yell. He throws Father Blood's lightsaber as far as he could. We squeezed through a crack. Rushing.

I could hear nose breathing as we get outside. A long pathway as bullets began to be shot at us. "RUN FASTER, MADDIE!" Jose screams.

Our voices are barely able to be heard over the strong winds of the troopers spaceships that's surrounded us.

The bullets were shaking the ground. My hair blows wildly as I use the force to shoot some of their billets back at them. Jose surpasses me as we get down.

A few close Republic commandos stand there. Ready for us and in front of the spaceship. That's when I had to.

Just as guns were being shot at us, I take my lightsaber out, kicking Jose to the side before hitting the most simple bullet in such a way it impales the ship's core.

It began breaking down, crashing into the other three. I fall to the ground.

The wind was so cold. I crawl to Jose as the spaceship we needed and the trooper's spaceship explodes into pieces.

We get back up, running off to the right. Met with Sister one who used the force to lift Jose off of the ground. I use my force too, using all I could to get him back to the ground. Like playing pull with our Force.

I couldn't hold him much longer. I let go slinging Jose towards her who kicked on his way there. She flies back. We both run, taking off towards the cliff and before jumping off.

Water under us, we just fall.

Sorry for the late update.

JD_Labscreators' thoughts