
We are destined.Let me pamper you

"Duh, Fine! What do you want me to do?" Xiu Mei gave up, and Feng Jianyu gave a mischievous grin. His eyes shone in expectation. "I want a kiss" he spurted out. After a good silence of one minute, she scoffed, "pfft… dream on…" "Fine, if you're not giving then I'm taking one myself," "W-What? No way. You already took one last night… No more" Feng Jianyu sneered, "You call it a kiss? That was just a small peck. And it was you who broke it… Now finish where you left. ---------------------------------------------- On the night of Xiu Mei’s 16th bday, she came to know the biggest truth of her life. Devastated by the betrayal of her family, she ran away from her so-called home, taking nothing but her precious invention, on which she had been working nonstop for the last 4 years. ___ Feng Jianyu was a devilishly handsome man, who was powerful, cold, and ruthless. As the current President of the Feng Corporation, his only goal was to take his company to the unachievable heights. But fate had some other plans for both of them, and their paths crossed. Intrigued by her intelligence and talents, he tested her and gave her an attractive offer. Finding the offer interesting, she accepted it and worked hard. However, something happened, and they both ended up offending each other. __________ After 7 years, the mysterious Xiu Mei was a genius woman living in a beautiful villa with the most advanced security system. Nobody knows the reason behind living in security. She was forced to live with a handsome man inside her villa for an indefinite period. Though she welcomed him hesitatingly, to her horror, he was none other than Feng Jianyu. They both recalled their past but none of them spoke about it. Will she ever trust him and tell her story? What happened to her precious invention? Will their hate relationship be turned in to a love relationship? Will she find out about the big secret of her life? -------------------------------------------------- Original novel By dream_ash Join me on discord https://discord.gg/RudqR3q I edit the cover, but the photo belongs to their respective owners. I have no right over this photo. All credits belong to the owner.

dream_ash · Urban
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522 Chs

Abide by my conditions


It's 6:00 in the morning.

Sun was warm and cozy, tempting people to sleep a little longer. Flowers emitted soothing fragrance in the air while birds chirp outside, asking people to wake up.

A beautiful villa was built on a mountain surrounded by lush green forest, basking in the beauty of nature.

A forlorn figure was sitting in the cold basement of the villa, typing some difficult codes at a speed of light on the computer as if these codes were saved inside her brain, and she was just copying them as if it was just a child's play for her.

The beautiful nature has nothing to do with her. Being too engrossed in her work she even forgot about the beautiful scenery.

Although the basement was cold, it was more like a high-tech science lab equipped with the latest technology computers and mechanical equipment, papers with complicated designs scattered on the table and a lot more crumbled into a ball, rolling on the floor.


Her concentration broke by the sound of her phone.

[Will arrive at 3:00 a.m.... Be prepared]

She frowned.

[Ok... I hope you will abide by my conditions]


The Reply came: [ Rest assured, everything will be at your terms]

She saw the message but didn't reply any further. Keeping the phone aside she went back to typing the codes, but after 15 minutes of trying hard, she let out a deep sigh.

'Argh.... Why the hell people disturb me while I'm at work?' she whined, 'my whole day is f*cked.'

She got up from her workstation and stretched her body to ease her tensed muscles. She walked outside the room towards the lobby to take the capsule lift that opens in her library.

From there she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and freshened up before she went to the back garden to practice Yoga.

While practicing yoga she sensed someone's presence behind her and turns around reflexively in a defensive posture but noticed it was her butler standing with a towel and a bottle of warm water in his hand. She let out a deep sigh, " Uncle Tom you scared me.." 

Butler Tom along with his wife has been serving for her for the last six years, taking care of her every need diligently and never slacked off from performing their duties.

Inside this magnificent modern style villa, only three of them lives and both husband and wife treat her like a daughter.

Hearing her complain butler Tom apologized, promising to announce his presence before handing over the towel and water to her.

"Miss. What would you like to have for breakfast?"

Hearing his purpose of the visit she didn't speak for some time.

Butler Tom realized that something was off about her for the past 3 days. It worried him that something was bothering her, causing her to skip her meals and rest.

She had been working relentlessly for the last 3 days and hasn't taken a nap for a single minute. It's just now that she finally stepped out after three days and practice daily routine.

 "Uncle... Ask Aunt Mary to make porridge for me at breakfast." Just when he was about to ask her if something was bothering her, he heard her say.

Butler Tom nodded his head in affirmation. "Anything else with it? You seem to be a little weak! How about a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice? It's your favorite. I just plucked some fresh oranges from the garden in the morning." He suggested.

"Good!" she replied shortly heading straight to her bedroom to freshen up.

After taking a bath, she blow-dried her silky long jet black hair, wear blue denim shorts with a white shirt, tieing a knot in the front and matching it with a pair of white sneakers. By the time she came down to eat breakfast, it was already 9:00 in the morning.

Butler Tom has just handed her a warm towel to wipe her hands when she heard a faint voice which seems like a huge fan cutting off in the air... That sound started getting louder and louder...

Butler Tom and Aunt Mary gave a questioning look to each other.

"It seems like the sound of a chopper!" Aunt Mary expressed her view looking towards her husband and her Young Miss.

They both turned their gaze towards the girl in unison only to find her heading towards the door to enter the front garden.

Shockingly, it would be the first time someone will enter her villa.

"Wait, little Miss… Don't go outside. There might be some danger. Let me go and....." before Butler Tom could complete his sentence he stopped when the girl lifted her eyes towards him and gave an assuring look.

Butler Tom nodded and backed off, but both husband and wife did not let their guards down and stood close to protect her.

She had just reached the threshold of the door when a flying chopper was preparing to land in the garden. The iconic intertwined three triangles logo surrounded by an orbital ring which signifies unity and diversification caught her attention.

It belongs to the famous "Feng group of companies." Every company in its cap carried this logo.

"Uncle Tom, we have some guests at home, prepare some snacks and tea for them," without turning her head she ordered.

"Yes Miss," he replied and bowed his head in courtesy, even though he knows she was not looking at him.

Since they are guests and known to their Young Miss, both let their guards down and went to prepare tea and snacks, and set the table.

The first person to disembark was the very handsome tall man, almost 6'3 in his fifties but looked like still swinging in late thirties.

Even at this age, his body was well-toned with not even a single extra fat.

The custom made three-piece suit in black with a blue tie, a pair of well-polished leather shoes, onyx cufflinks, and an expensive watch, everything about him was extraordinary.

Surely he must be an attractive man in his youth, who had swooned a lot of girls by his sexy looks.

But the most attractive thing about him was his temperament that seems to be proud, arrogant, non-approachable, calm like the sea, but if provoked can destroy the world, it was attractive in its own way.

He was the ex-president of Feng group of companies...Mr. Feng Dingxiong.

The second person to follow was a young man in his mid-twenties, equally handsome and attractive if compared to the first one. Tall body with perfect male model figure, sharp and proud nose with sharp features, wearing a hand-stitched channel suit that complemented his body completely.

His hair a little messy giving a charming look, and eyes were mischievous.

"Feng Junjie", The second son of Feng Dingxiong, the second young master of Feng family.

The third person to follow was in his late fifties, who was the personal assistant of Feng Dingxiong.

He is by Feng Dingxiong's side for the last 30 years and knows each and everything related to his boss, be it his company or his family.

"Yang Jun", famous for being a competent, intelligent and loyal assistant, but addressed as "Assistant Jun" in the corporate circle. 

Upon noticing that Feng Dingxiong was coming towards her, the girl took a step forward and bowed her head in courtesy, "Good morning Mr. Feng,"

hi friends,

i know i have just given you two chapters and its too early to ask for opinion but i just hope you will like it.

Another chapter i will update later after dinner...

edit- vamsik336

dream_ashcreators' thoughts