

In the midst of a certain forest the sounds of metals clanging resounds.

A forest that seems whimsical filled with green scenery was actually filled with demonic beasts.

Deep within the forest the figure of a young man's shadow could be seen clashing swords with the so called beasts

A tall green skinned giant with a muscular build and a facial structure of a pig a so called "Orc"

Not just a single Orc but the young man was up against a total of 7. A horde of them could be seen and among them one stood out with a body twice the normal size of an average Orc.

A Chief Orc one of the strongest type of Orcs.

Despite facing against such situations the young man was clearly not fazed at all.

Not even a single sign of fear nor hesitation was seen on this lad's face.

Gaining his distance from a far the man wore leather armor suited for quick movements fingerless gloves and a sturdy boots. He was wielding a bow and 2 sharp blades within his left hip and back.

"Long Range Shoot."

Saying this while pulling his bow and arrow, the arrow could be clearly seen glowing. As he lets go of the arrow shooting from a far the arrow disappeared.

As soon as this happened he quickly puts his bow at his back and drew out his blade from the left hip

"Enhance Speed."

As soon as he muttered those words in a flash he followed through his arrows path while dragging his blade on the ground and easily went pass it.

Before even blinking an eye he was already in front of the horde.

Due to the friction and intense speed his blade can be seen brightly red easily slashing through the immense body of an Orc.

Splitting in half due to the intense heat emitting from his blade the Orc's body did not even shed a single drop of blood, as soon as the blade pass through the heat was already frying the insides of an Orc and easily covers the wound.

This all happened before one could blink or think of what just happened.

After killing this one he quickly and easily killed the remaining 5 Orcs.

The Chief was in daze after blinking just once all of his followers were dead in an instant.

And then...*THUD* A loud kicking Thud was heard the Chief was shocked as of what happened before he could even understood that he was kicked in front of the Chief's was an arrow coming straight at him after feeling a bit of pain due to the kick the Chief received

*SPLAT* The arrow pierced through his head instantly and painlessly killing him.


"So this was the horde that has been disrupting  this town for awhile now huh?"

After saying so the young man came near the Chief and cut off its head.

"This should be proof enough that i subjugated the horde."

He place the head of the Chief Orc in a bag and looted everything that seems valuable to him

"Well for now i should be heading back"

Saying that the young man silently disappeared

-Prologue End-