
My Daughter

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji Monologue

I yawned.

I'm now on my way to meet my girlfriend in Class D-1st year. "Tsubasa Nanase," a first-year student, was her name. You're probably asking why we started dating in the first place. We've been together for over four months. Tsubasa began to develop feelings for me and an interest in me. That day, after confronting Yagami, she confessed to me.

This is where she started to confess, and my answer was yes, that I easily accepted her. A lot has happened since the conclusion of the final uninhabited island. The acting director and "Student Council President" a.k.a. Nagumo Miyabi (don't ask why I nicknamed him "EggHead")

To win, they both banded together and held the last special exam. However, following the occurrence, I realized that Nagumo, particularly Acting Director Tsukishiro, is readily read like a textbook. What a pain some, I used 10% of my strength to wrap this up.

I was able to track down the White Room Enforcer who was causing me so many problems and violence, and it was none other than "Yagami Takuya," who is one of the best white room pupils, even better than "5th Generation Ichika Amasawa The Devil Kohai."

But he is still not close to me because I am "The greatest MasterPieces" that man has ever created since I was 5 in the white room, Yagami has harbored a lot of hatred and jealousy towards me since we were still in the white room, I even defeated 5 Professional fighters from all over the world and every that was assigned to it, but I managed to overwhelm them of course even though I was only 7 years old. I was known as the "Fourth Demonic of Generation."


The two of us battled each other for Yagami to understand his mistake and what he was doing, and I decided to let go and play him a bit because he had caused me a lot of grief, and I defeated him and fractured his arm, particularly his elbow.

He falls to the ground after being beaten many times.

Yagami Takuya: 'Only a genius can do things his way; you, on the other hand, are not the Master Piece. I AM.' he shouted

I just stared at him, ignoring everything he said about me, and then I decided to speak so that this would all be done.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'Each of us has limitations. Almost no one completes theirs. You haven't, but I'm emotionless, therefore I don't feel pain or anything else.' I spoke this word

I rise as I listen to his remarks. I turned around, but before I left, I spoke these words to help him grow and, more importantly, to learn from his mistakes.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'There are two kinds of pain you will experience in life discipline pain and regret pain discipline weigh ounces, but regret weighs mountains.' I left him on the ground to deal with the agony I had caused him.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: ('Jealous people should never be despised. They are jealous because they feel you are better than them. If you've ever been the subject of hatred, you understand how distressing, terrifying, and emotional it can be. Because the total repercussions of hatred are so physically and emotionally damaging, we should consider hatred to be another form of "Hiroshima-Bomb.')

Flashback Ends!

After the special exam and coping with Yagami, the white room student enforcer, I also defeated Acting Director since he is one of the obstacles of quiet Life and that Man does everything to bring me back but fails over time.

I also challenged Nagumo and Kiriyama, two members of the Student Council who attempted to remove me from school by using various methods and enlisting bounty hunters against me, but they were unsuccessful.

As a result, I determined to humiliate them in front of everyone.

I also discovered that Nagumo violated several school regulations, such as violence, sexual harassment, and notably utilizing the authority of the student council. to believe he can expel me from school and figure out my actual secret, he made a major error challenging someone who was not supposed to be challenged.

I managed to expel them from school from "intruding into my life" I instructed them not to, but they went against my order.

But I'm relieved that he hasn't moved yet today, because 2nd Year moved today and my Class has achieved Class A, and to think I'd do it for my freedom since I was compelled to back then. But I chose to embrace it since it was my freedom that Matsuo gave to me after sacrificing himself for my freedom, and I promised myself that I would enjoy it until I graduated.

My points have increased to 390 million after the student council was removed for violating everyone. I asked the chairman and sensei whether I could receive the points because I had ejected them, and he quickly transferred them to me.

I talked with the chairman and requested that Ichinose Honami be the next student council president and Katsuragi be the Vice President; he agreed to my suggestion after hearing my account of my dispute with Manabu, the elder brother of Suzune, one of my classmates.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'Everything seems to have gone smoothly, and I'm currently enjoying my peace! Ha..... To think they'd wreak so much havoc since the tragedy. Everyone on campus is surely aware that I was holding back because of my grades, which I manipulated.' After saying those words, I yawned.

I am currently in front of Class D 1st year. after reminiscing and confronting acting and Nagumo, soon noticed numerous students talking to each other within the classroom, notably sensei, who was fiddling with her phone. Once all, it is their rest time after they have finished their exams.

Tsubasa is a very pleasant girl who speaks in a calm and courteous tone to everyone she is chatting to. After scanning each one of them, I swiftly gaze at her who is presently seated with her friends. She also has a confident side, as she states that she would never bow to violence, with a strong will in her eyes to me.

She is now chatting with a boy, and the girl instantly joins in on their chat. Tsubasa has light-blonde hair pulled up with a white ribbon, bangs that fall over her brow, blue eyes, and a beautiful well-endowed physique.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'Your wide-eyed, dazzling grin allows me to fall more completely in love with you than words can express. Not the sky or the clouds convey paradise to me, but your lovely grin paints a vivid picture of what heaven looks like.' He mumbled to himself

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'Sometimes it feels as though society expects you to be cheerful all of the time, and that expressing grief is a sign of weakness. This is far from accurate; if you kept all of your despair or fury within, you would burst. Everybody has good and terrible days. Nobody can be completely content all of the time; that is not human.' I said these things quietly to myself

After speaking to myself, someone spoke behind me, and it was none other than Tsubasa's buddy. Of course, there were my fan club, and the one who created it was Ichika Amasawa, who kept giving me needless attention and bragging about how much I liked her clothes and beauty.

One of the girls drew me into the classroom since I was gazing at them, Ha... This is going to be an issue. Right now, I'm drowsy after watching a movie with Tsubasa at night;

she invited me because she loves viewing frightening movies at night, and she wants me to watch as well because that's what couples do! right?

Everyone, especially the females and, of course, my adorable puppy with a flushed face and pigmented cheeks, looked at me with a startled expression after guiding me inside. One of the females inquires as to why I am here.

Girl 1: 'Is there anything we can give you, Ayanokouiji Senpai, or anything we can do for you?' she questioned

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'I'm here for my girlfriend since I forgot to gift her something, so I came here instead.' I responded to her.

after I respond, I look at everyone whose mouth has enlarged and begun to erupt and of course, Tsubasa, whose flustered face has taken on the appearance of Tomato's face.

Girl 2: 'Ne Ne Nanase-Chan is he your boyfriend? I've heard a lot about him since he's one of the greatest and most attractive Ikemen.

Girl 3: 'I also learned from him that he received a perfect mark on his exam and also he broke the world record swimming with a time of 15.30!' She is blushing right now.

Tsubasa: 'Y-Y-yes, he's my bo-boyfriend; we've been dating for fo-four months; please STOP teasing me! 'She is extremely embarrassed right now.'

Everyone is now bombarding Tsubasa! and teasing her is kinda very cute, looking at her enthusiastic, and especially she is now blushing in front of everyone when I am at the podium of the class seeing them questioning her.

I yawned:

I yawned so loudly since I'm very weary today, which is why I'm here for my adorable Puppy. Everyone looks at me after yawning, and the girls have a rosy tint to their cheeks.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 'Sorry, I didn't get much sleep after what we did last night, I'm shocked at how active you are today. since you were almost screaming until the end.' I decided to tease her much more.

Tsubasa Nanase: ''W-wha!?" while looking more blushing than ever."

Even the adviser's jaw expanded when she heard my reply. The Class, in particular, has surprising expressions.

But why are they embarrassed by it? It shouldn't worry them. Screaming when watching scary movies at night can't be normal.

Girl 2: "Did both of you do it?" one of Tsubasa's classmates asked, embarrassment on her face.

Tsubasa Nanase: "I-it's not like that," Nanase stumbled over it.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "What do you mean, Tsubasa? Despite the fact that you always moan in the end?". I also responded.

When they heard my remark, some of the students covered their eyes. While the females, in particular, peered at me with even more flushed cheeks.

They muttered a few of the lines I said, like, "Whine in the end."

Nanase Sensei spoke: "That implies you've had prior experience in that area, Kiyotaka!" Nanase seemed even more embarrassed as she answered

Tsubasa then turned around and glared at me with a pouty face.

Tsubasa Nanase: "'Kiyotaka-kun you idiot! Fool! Imbecile! Why did you say it so out of context? You better take responsibility for this!" Nanase reflected herself.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "I'm sorry, sensei, but it appears she won't let me." I immediately communicated with the sensei.

The entire class erupted in an outburst "EHHH!?"

Even sensei, who used to like the issue by making jokes about it, are embarrassed by it now.

Does this mean... Is sensei afraid of watching scary movies?

I mean, she acts childishly, so why am I surprised? In one case, they sought Tsubasa for explanations after my response. But why, exactly? They might join by simply watching along if they choose.

Boy: "Nanase-chan i-is that true?" One of the boys asked

Tsubasa Nanase: "Wait, no! It appears that you have misunderstood it. Yes, that's it! This idiot right here is talking about the horror movie we binge-watched last night." It's kind of lovely to gaze at her like that.

Boy: "I-I see..." As I observed several of the students lowering their hands, I felt more humiliated than embarrassed.

But I had a question for you. What were their initial thoughts after hearing my previous response?

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "I have a question: what did you realize Tsubasa and I were doing? I thought we were on the same page when I referred to it as "movies." I ask for information of them

The Class D-1 year had no solution to the question. But I'm genuinely interested in what they think.

Girl 2: "Well... Uhm... It's better if you don't know Ayanokouji-kun Senpai... but make sure to say your explanation carefully. " She responded to my question.

Girl 1: She's correct, Ayanokouji-kun Senpai. That is really embarrassing, and it made my mind explode. " She felt relieved when she heard the response.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Well, that makes us even then." I remarked back to Tsubasa, making her even more flustered.

Tsubasa Nanase: "W-why? " she questioned.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Tsubasa, you're always in my mind." I said with a little smile.

Tsubasa Nanase: "Fwueh!" Nanase has now fully matured to tomato, and she now resembled Mars to me.

The Class-D first year exploded, with some saying "diabetes" and clutching their hearts! This is my payback for what you did to me last night. As of now, everyone is erupting after I said those words to Tsubasa, who became quite flustered and very nostalgic. To think she'd be this cute and use her palm to protect her own face, she's currently gazing at me with a pouty facial reply.

I began heading toward her in order to calm her down, and when I arrived at her desk, I was in front of her. While she was looking down, who had a tomato facial expression?

I touched her head; it's so soft and smells wonderful! What kind of shampoo does she use? Let's simply ignore that portion. More significantly, she manages to calm down just by stroking her hair it's like caressing a puppy that has been harmed.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Do you have your phone, Tsubasa? Mind if I borrow it in a sec?" I ask, caressing her hair.

She only nodded, but the redness on her cheeks is still visible! She hastily grabs her phone from her skirt and passes it to me.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Thanks" I thanked her for lending me her phone.

As soon as she handed it to me, I grabbed it! I quickly switch on and then! I raised my brow just a slight bit. I was the lock screen on her phone!

I felt a bit warm and joyful on the inside since she made me her lock screen. I continued scrolling on her phone and saw her points totaled "229,990." I was grieved on the heart since I was the only student with a large number of points; it was as if I had bankrupted a bank!

What type of boyfriend am I? We've been dating for 4 months, and I now realized she barely has 200k points! As soon I scanned everything, especially her points I brought out my phone in my pocket so I can transfer the points to her since it is authorized by the "S-System" as long as we don't use any way that broke any restrictions.

I gave her half of my "190 million points," so now I only have "200,000,000 points"! I close the program and the others so she doesn't assume I'm a pervert.

I hurriedly said this term in her ear as soon as I closed her phone so I could rap this up before I left, while the other was observing us and the sweet pair. while the boys are envious!

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Tsubasa, I just wanted to tell you that no matter where I am or what happens, I'll always remember you and the time we spent together as the best moment of my life. If I had the chance, I'd do it all over again. There are no regrets! " I said these words

I hastily left her and departed the classroom, and who have eyes widened as she looked down. Is this what you mean when you say "love"? But can Tsubasa forgive me for lying to her about my three years of freedom? These are the questions that keep bothering me!

Tsubasa Nanase Monologue:

After kiyotaka-kun spoke those words to me, I felt something warm within me that made me happy from the inside. I wanted to tear but couldn't because I would embarrass kiyotaka-kun in front of everyone and people would think of me as a cry baby.

Everyone has returned to normal after Kiyotaka embarrassed me in front of everyone, BAKA! BAKA! BAKA!.. kiyo! You pay for this, it appears to me that he is enjoying this period, however, I was completely filled with tomato face as my buddies tease me.

As soon as he left my classroom, I unlocked my phone and after he scanned it, I checked my points, which were presently "190 million points"!

Tsubasa Nanase: "EHHHHHHH!" I immediately yelled, which was, of course, heard by everyone else.

I was embarrassed, and as they looked at me, I blushed slightly and returned to my seat.

Tsubasa Nanase: "Why would Kiyotaka-kun transfer this many points to me? Perhaps he was surprised after examining my previous points that only I have "200k," which made him uncomfortable."I murmured so no one could hear me.

I can't think where I'd be if it weren't for your love, wisdom, patience, and care. Thank you for being a source of comfort when I needed it most.

Because you make me happy, you are the reason for the wonderful smiles you receive. There is a certain warmth that I experience when I am with you. You brighten my day. You don't always have to go out of your way to make me pleased. Simple acts of kindness from you make me happy.

Nobody makes life as enjoyable to live as you do. Thank you for brightening my life. I adore you. The happiness you see in me is all due to you. I can't keep my emotions hidden any longer. You brighten my day, Kiyotaka. I used to grumble about how unfair life was until you came along. You brought joy into my life. You brighten my day.

Tsubasa Nanase: "If I could stop time, I'd like to keep this sensation forever. Enjoy the joys of life with you. You brighten my day." I murmured so no one could hear me

Tsubasa Nanase: ("You remind me of who I am, even when I forget, and you inspire me to think positively in whatever scenario or challenge we may be facing. How lucky I am to have someone like you in my life so that I do not have to face my sorrows alone. Thank you for always being there for me Kiyotaka-Kun.") Those are the words that sprang to me as I stated them.

Back to Kiyotaka Scene:

I sigh

I'm on my way to the grocery store to get some goods since I use a lot of the ingredients that I prepare for Tsubasa, especially Ichika.

Ichika is a glutton in my eyes since she loves to eat, especially meat that I prepare for her, which is why I call her a carnivore. But something disturbs me, and this question troubles me every time!

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "What happens to her food when she consumes it? I thought food went to the stomach!" I have worries about myself.

Let's simply overlook that portion; it's probably usual for her! right?

But then someone stumbled over my legs; it was a small girl wandering across campus; she has straight hip-length blonde hair with a black ribbon on the top left, square bangs flowing over her forehead, chest-length hair strands hanging on each side, and Ocean blue eyes.

After examining her, I immediately assisted her after she bumped with me, and I asked her who she was.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "Are you okay, young girl? " I asked her if she was okay, though I'm afraid since she's a small girl."

She merely nodded and responded to my question.

???: "I'm okay, sorry for not looking," she says as she sweeps the dust off her skirt but she keeps apologizing to met

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: It's okay, it was me who should have been looking, not you, and you don't have to keep apologizing." I, too, respond.

I'm not sure why she looked at me with surprise as soon as I said this.

She rushes over to me and hugs me!

???: " PAPA!" But it's a good thing no one is here, she said loudly, or else it'll give me more problems.

After hearing the last word "Papa?" my mind went blank and my brain suddenly stopped functioning. Why did she call me papa all of a sudden! What is her name? and where did she come! Let us simply ask her who she is.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "ahhh... Could you mind telling me your name, young girl, and also why you keep calling me "Papa?" I asked this question to her.

She gave me an angry look with a pouty face, that was cute, especially her eyes.

???: ""Hmmp you meanie you're my papa of course!" she added a pouty expression

She seemed to be about to cry; I can't let that happen otherwise Tsubasa would think I'm the worst husband or boyfriend ever!

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "I'm very sorry, little girl; I'm just having an issue right now!" I chose to lie in order for her to tell me her name

She instantly laughed, but it was a charming sight; she reminded me of a Persian cat. As soon as she finished laughing, she stood up and.

Juliet Ayanokouji: "My name is Juliet Ayanokouji, I'm your daughter, and you're my father!" She talked calmly yet firmly.

My mind went blanked again

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: "My daughter?" I questioned once again.

Learn more about Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's approach to the issue in the next Chapter, "Is this what they called a heart - warming and crying?"