
01 Cat Fight

While Arin is writing some words on a book alone in the classroom after the classes ended, someone suddenly stood next right to Arin's desk

"Arin! What are you writing?" A girl asked with a cheerful tone.

Arin looked at the girl then he realized that it's none other than Mina. Ignoring her, he looked back at his book and started writing. Mina got angry at his actions. She suddenly take the book that Arin is holding.

"Don't ignore me!"

After Mina took the book, Arin is flabbergasted that his book is suddenly taken away from him!

"Hey! give that back!" while Arin is talking, Mina ignored him. Mina then opened the book and started reading.

"Wah! It's a story! you're a writer!"

Don't read it! Mina no! please! I'll treat you later!" Mina ignored Arin's words, Mina keep reading the contents of the book.

"Then Reynald Brandished the sword and leaving three afterimages. Wow you're writing fantasy action themed books?! Let me read more!" Mina keeps reading the book. Arin's faced is covered in red from embarassment.

"Mina stop! I'll do anything! just please stop reading it!"

"Do anyhing? be my boyfriend and I'll stop reading it!" Arin's face suddenly got even more red.

"I..." Arin can't say anything since he knows she's just kidding but he cant help but his raced turned beet red.

"You?... You accept?!"

Arin then stand up and flicked Mina's forehead.

"Ouch! you brute! Fine then, I'll keep reading!" Mina then stepped backwards then Mina suddenly tripped while walking backwards. Arin saw Mina falling, he ran over her then grabbed her and putted his hand in her back. Both of their faces suddenly turned beet red. Mina then stood up and straigthened her clothes.

"Uh... Thanks... Here's your book! bye!" Mina run out of the classroom and went to the comfort room. Mina then suddenly screamed while holding her mouth.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!! Why the hell he keeps getting hotter! He's no more than just a loner! Whyyy! Ever since he saved me from my near death situation, I can't help but think about him!"


The near death situation that Mina said is about a month ago, while she was running to the otner side of the road, a car keeps coming at her without stop. While Aren is waiting for the lights to turn green he saw Mina running to the road. He saw the car coming, he then pulled Mina's arm, pulling her whole body out of deaths's reach. the car keeps running even though, the driver almost hit Mina. Arin then got out of balanced and tripped over, while he is still holding Mina's arm, she too tripped, then Mina landed on top of Arin. Mina is surprised on the events that just happpened. She then stood up and tidied her clothes.

"Arin! Thank you for saving me! I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry! I'll treat you later!" Mina then ran back to the street. What the hell?! Why at that time Arin looked hot and cute for a second?! No! I must be under an illusion just because he saved me... Mina's face turned red while running.

Arin stood still at the place then he smiled.


"He saved me again! Why the hell he keeps making me feel this way! That damn Arin, if he is not introverted!" Mina felt something in the pocket of her jacket. "huh? what's this?" Mina pulled a bookmark from the pocket of her jacket, the bookmark is just a simple briwn with ni designs on it. Mina realised that the bookmark belongs to Arin, the reason why the bookmark is in her pocket is because she unconsciously put the bookmark in her pocket while reading the book Arin is writing on.

"I have to give this back to him." Mina walked back to the classroom, before she enter she leaned back at the wall and glanced back at the classroom, she saw Arin is packing his things. Mina then walked to the classroom.

"Uhm, Arin..." Arin then looked backed where Mina is standing.

"I accidentally took the bookmark from your book. here!" Mina then handed the bookmark to Arin. Arin walked to Mina and took the bookmark from her hand, Arin then smiled at her.

"No worries, thank you!" Arin walked back to his bag and putted the bookmark in the book. Mina's cheeks turned red when she saw Arin's smile.

someone then walked inside the classroom.

"Huh? you're both still here?" Arin and Mina looked to the door of the classroom where the sound originated. It was none other than Ronald, the class president.

Mina shifted her glance to ronald, with a slight surprised face. " Oh! Ron, what are you doing here?"

"I have to get my bag over there!" Ronald pointed his finger to the chair 2 seats behind Arin's seat.

Arin and Mina both glanced over to where Ronald pointed his finger. "Why haven't I seen that?" Mina and Arin said it together. Ronald then walked to where his bag is. "Anyways, I'll leave you two lovebirds together! Cya!" When Mina and Arin heard that their faces turned red and also a hint of deadly stare went to Ronald. "Okay geez! you can't take a joke?" If looks could kill then he might've died several times over. Ronald walked out of the door then suddenly a girl blocked the path where Ronald is going. "Oh! Q, you surprised me!" the girl who blocked Ruden is Quela, Quela is Ruden's girlfried, Q and Ruden have been together since a month after the school year started, Quela is the type of person who easily get jealous and goes berserk when she saw a woman alone with Ruden, knowing that, Quela then gazed over Mina, when she saw Mina, Quela then walked to Mina.

"What are you doing alone with my boyfriend?" When Mina heard this she then got surprised. " What are you talking about?" Mina replied with a confused look, since she's not even alone because Arin is there, the reason why she didn't count Arin is because Arin almost never talk to people, he have such a little presence that Quela didn't notice him there.

"You're clearly flirting with Ruden!" Mina then got irritated, when she heard what Quela said. "What are you even talking about?! are you that insecure with Ruden? What you think that I'll steal Ruden from you? Just because you're ex left you for someone else, you'll get vigilant for that?" Quela's blood then boiled, after hearing what Mina said, Quela then took a step forward and slapped Mina on her left cheek.

Arin and Ruden are suddenly shocked when they saw what Quela did, both of them were even more shocked what Mina said to Quela, Mina then stood up. "you bitch!" Mina then walked to Quela then pulled Quela's hair, after that Quela then too pulled Mina's hair, starting a cat fight. When Ruden and Arin saw this, Ruden rushed over Quela and is trying to pull her, "Quela Stop!" Ruden kept talking at Quela, but Quela is gripping hard at Mina's hair, Quela is also strong enough that he can't pull her out, "Mina, whatbare you doing?! Stop this!" Arin too tried to stop, but it is also desame for Arin when he tried to pull Mina out, she too have a strong grip and is also strong enough that he too can't pull her out.

Two Teachers who are walking together discussing something, that are just walking and passed over the classroom, they heard someone shouting, like someone is fighting, both of them looked over the classroom where the shoutig came from, and when they saw Mina and Quela are fighting, with Arin and Ruden trying to pull them. "Oh my God! let's stop them!" a teacher then immediately ran over there and started pulling over Quela. When the teacher who's trying to help and pull Quela, saw Ruden pulling her, he then asked "What's happening here Den?" Ruden then looked over the teacher "Brother?! both of them were arguing, then Quela slapped Mina, and Mina started pullig Quela's hair!" After hearing Ruden's words, the teacher tried pulling harder, but the teacher too can't stop Quela. After the teacher ran, the other teacher then stood at the middle and she is pushing both of their heads. the teacher at ths middle of the fight is screaming at the top of her lumgs "What the hell are you two doing! Stop this immediately!" but both of their actions are for naught, as both of them are still fighting, and can barely hear her say something, as Quela and Mina's scream are too loud. The teacher who is trying to pull Quela is Ronald, Ruden's older brother. On the other hand the teacher who stood at the middle is Stella, the class advisor.

A shake on the ground suddenly started a while they're still fighting. when all of them felt the shake Quela and Mina then stopped, "An Earthquake! Everyone under the desks!" Ronald then shouted when the earthquake is getting stronger.

All of them heard what Ronald said, they then go under random desks and closed their eyes praying that it will stop soon.

After a full minute passed, the eathquake suddenly stopped. When everyone felt that the earthquake stopped all of them opened their eyes.

While inside a classroom, chirping of the birds and water falling are heard from distance.