
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Movies
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26 Chs

The Saber-toothed Nymph

The creature snarled at Estela, showing off it's enormous white fangs that could kill someone in seconds.

The creature had a panther-like body that was all black with enormous bird-like wings that was jointed on the shoulder, it also had a two-meter-long leopard tail and had dark silver spots all over its body. So basically it was a panther except for the wings and dark silver spots.

It's sharp claws began digging into Estela's skin and releasing her warm blood, but it still held Estela still.

'You can't be real! You're a myth!' Miller snapped but this only made the Nymph angrier. 'You're just an illusion! Nothing but an Italian myth!' Estela continued to say, struggling to get out of it's grip.

'Just like you're a myth?' It snarled in a deep male voice, Estela froze. The beast chuckled. 'It hurts, doesn't it? Humans believing that you're not real, just something told to make children behave.'

Estela looked at the ground, letting the creature's words sink in.

'But myths are based of real things-'

'Humans don't know that. They think we're just stories, stories that someone made up. Miller, wake up and face reality. The world isn't what it was 100 years ago, you should know that by now.'

The animal was right, Estela had just been hoping that the world was the same but it was only getting more uncivilised every passing day. That's what kept her moving every day, even if she knew it was a lie.

'Yeah.' She said quietly, the Nymph released his claws from Estela's right arm and gently wiped the blood away from her eye. 'May I get up now?'

'Oop, yeah. Sorry.' He apologised, quickly releasing his other claws and getting off Estela.

'It's fine, you're not the only one to have injured me the past couple of weeks.' She mumbled while getting up, she walked to the kitchen and got a paper towel and wiped the blood off, even if the cuts were still bleeding.

'My name is Loshak, incase you wanted to know.' The panther mumbled, holding his paw out for a handshake.

'Loshak, interesting.' Miller said, accepting the handshake. 'Loshak, why are you here?'

'To warn you.'