
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Movies
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26 Chs

The rest of the bath

Wanda gasped and covered her mouth while Nat just stared at me with a shocked look, Estela didn't try and move from her position in the bath.


*Half an hour later*

'Done! You're hair is now clean!' Romanoff exclaimed proudly, Estela narrowed her eyes at Nat threateningly.

'It has been at least half an hour.' Estela growled but Wanda giggled.

'Do you like bathes now, Estela?'

'No, I still despise them.' There was a knock on the bathroom door, the door opened as Estela grabbed a large amount of bubbles and put them in front of her.

'What do you need Bucky?' Wanda asked, in her usual nice calm voice.

'Uh--I was just seeing how you were doing because it's been at least half an hour.' Bucky's gaze landed on Estela and he only saw her head as everything is either covered in bubbles or underwater. 'You managed to get her in a bath?' Wanda and Nat scratched the back of their necks.

'It--uh--it took a while.' Nat admitted, Bucky chuckled.

'You not going to change my mind about water.'

'And why not?' Bucky said, crouching in front of the bath to meet Estela's eye level, Estela glared at him.


'Because Hydra used it as a torture method.' Wanda blurted but then covered her mouth, Bucky gave Estela a concerned look.

'Goddammit Wanda!' Estela snapped angrily, she quietly apologised and Bucky stood up.

'I'll go get you some casual clothes,' Nat said. 'So you don't have to wear those smelly leather ones again.'

'What's wrong with them?!' Estela protested, Nat gives her a scolding look.

'No! You are not going to wear them as long as I'm around.' She left and so did Bucky, Wanda laughed out loud.

'What's so funny?'

'Nat's like a mother.'

'I can't blame her.' Estela admitted, Nat came in five minutes later with a long black turtle neck; long dark blue tracksuit pants, white socks, a bra, underwear and a long-sleeve black hoodie. Surprisingly, she brought Estela a nice towel as well.

'We'll leave you to get dressed.' And they left.


A couple of minutes later, Estela was fully dressed and out of the bathroom with the water drained out of the bathtub. She left the room and saw Wanda on the couch, so Estela joined her after putting her towel in her room.

'Hey, wanna watch something with me?'


'How about . . . a Disney movie?'

'What's "a Disney" ?' Estela asked, Wanda gasped.

'You've never heard of Disney?' Estela shook her head. 'I must show you the originals! They are the best!' Wanda chose "101 Dalmatians" and they begin watching it.