
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Movies
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26 Chs

The fight

Estela charged at the man and kicked him in the stomach, he barely groaned in pain but he kept standing and didn't move from him spot. Estela jumped of all of the walls and continuously punched the stranger, but he wasn't fighting back.

'Stop, I'm harm--oof.' Miller had punched him right in the jaw mid-sentence, she grabbed out a knife from the leg-pocket and started swinging it at the man but he kept taking steps backwards.

'Enough!' The man swiped Estela's arm away from him roughly and the knife flew in to the wall and stayed there, the stranger pinned Estela to the wall. She attempted to get out of his grip but she couldn't.

'Stop, look at me.' Estela avoided his eye contact by staring at the ground, the man let go of Estela's left hand and used his right hand to force Estela to look at him in the eyes but then kept holding Estela's wrist once she was looking into his eyes.'I know you're scared, I know the feeling but you have nothing to be terrified about.' He said calmly, looking at Estela in the eyes. Estela shut her eyes and shook her head, she looked away once she opened them again.

'You're lying.' She hissed, she kicked the man in the stomach with both legs and he instantly let go because of the pain. She ran and grabbed the knife and launched at the man, stabbing him in the shoulder, he hissed in pain but then yanked the knife out of his shoulder and Estela's hand, he swiped the knife and it cut under her right eye, about the 3cm.

She clenched her jaw and then feels sudden pain in her stomach, she froze, realising what it was. The man gasped at what he had done, Estela lay down on the ground while warm blood was slowly making a pool around her.

The man got on his knees and slowly moved towards Estela who was now having a difficult time breathing, Estela saw the man moved towards her and was about the strike him when he stops her.

'Stop, it's going to make it worse.' He whispered with a broken voice, clearly shattered by what he had done. He was about to pull the knife out when Estela shook her head.

'It'll only make it worse, I'd bleed out.' She mumbled, looking at the roof.

'STEVE!?' The man cried out, but he got no response. 'STEVE!? F.R.I.D.A.Y-'

'Mr Rogers is already on his way, Mr Barnes.' F.R.I.D.A.Y informed, the door swung open and revealed Steve. He gasped at the sight and kneeled down next to the stranger.

'B-Bucky, what happened?' He asked, he slowly moved his hand towards Estela but she growled with warning, so he pulled it back. The blood pool had gotten larger and was now touching Bucky's hands, he lifted them up and took a shakey breath.

Another person entered the room with a medical kit and began working on Estela immediately, Steve stood up and took Bucky with him, leaving Estela in a life or death situation.