
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Movies
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26 Chs

The Briefing

Natasha's eyes slowly opened and the bright labs lights blinds her, she quietly groaned and sat up in pain, holding her head.

'Hey, hey, take an easy Nat.' Clint said with concern.


'Yeah.' Her vision cleared up and she saw Clint sitting on a chair next to me with a really concerned look.

'What happened?'

'It seems like the assassin was mind controlling you.'

'Mind control?' Clint nodded, Nat looked around and saw nobody else in the room. 'Where's everyone else?'

'In the lounge room upstairs, like usual.'

'Am I holding them up?' Clint shook his head.

'They're just relaxing after the mission.' She got off the bed but she had trouble standing up and walking, Clint decided to help Nat walk to the elevator.


The elevator doors opened and we saw a quiet lounge room that was filled with a few mumbles.

'Hey Nat, how are you feeling?' Bruce mumbled with a worried look.

'Got a slight headache but otherwise no harm done. What's going on?' Romanoff sat on the large grey couch next to Clint with everyone else, an enormous holographic screen appeared.

'Bruce was about to do a briefing on the assassin.' Tony informed, Bruce stood up and walked over to the screen and faced everyone.

'Uhh - so. We found some information on the assassin that attempted to kill Bucky-'

'Take it away.' Tony said, completely off timing, Bruce cleared his throat nervously.

'Well, her full name is Estela Primrose Miller-'

'That's a pretty name.' I hummed.

'Stop interrupting Bruce, we need to know this.' Steve scolded.

'I took a blood test when she was unconscious and it turns out she's about 100 years old. She's from Italy but she has an English background, but the strange thing is that...there's a story about her.'

'A story?'

'Well, more like a myth that lived in the 1900's.' Bruce changed the screen to look like a bit of brown paper that had Italian words on it but it was roughly translated to english.

'We really have to read all of that?' Tony complained with a groan, Steve rolled his eyes and so did Bucky.

'Basically, what it says is that there was a family in the 1900's who's family had magic in their bloodline. There were two parents and one child and they used their magic to save the town from any threats no matter how big or small they were. But one night, their house suddenly blew up and the three of them died. But the strange part is only the parents bodies were found and not the kid's.'

'So what you're suggesting is-' Bucky began.

'That the little girl is Estela Miller and YOUR assassin.' Bruce finished, looking at Bucky. Everybody stayed silent, letting the information sink in.

'But how'd she survive for almost 100 years?' Peter asked.

'There's only one organisation that has been able to do that.' Natasha growled, everybody sighed.

'Do we know her powers?' Bucky questioned.

'Yeah but it turns out that she was born with them.' Bruce answered, knowing where the question was going.

'What are they?' Steve questioned calmly, Bruce pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and cleared his throat.

'Well, I have given all of them a name if they didn't have one already. Black magic - which is where she can places curses to do harm, pain, damage and suffering.'

'That's what she used on Clint and Bucky.' Wanda muttered.

'I called it Dark arts but I believe it's like a stronger version on every power or some shit like that. Mind control - self explanatory and she used it on Nat. Conjugation - which is where you can summon anything out of thin air no matter what it is and you can move it from place to place. Destruction spell - self explanatory. Necromancer - which is where you can bring dead people back to life as zombies. And Eldritch Magic - which is pretty much mind-bending and unfathomable powers that can warp reality and beyond.'

'Wow, so she's pretty much a destructive girl.' Tony snarled sarcastically.

'No wonder she's so angry.' Clint joked, Romanoff elbowed him hard in the side but he and Scott laughed.

'That was a horrible joke Clint.' Vision announces and everyone agreed, Clint shrugged causally.

'We need to help her.' Bucky demanded.


'Well, she should be out of Hydra's control by now. But she'll be afraid of everybody and won't be willing to talk, so we just have to tread lightly around her because she might lash out at any moment.' Bruce clarified.

'But she wouldn't do it without a reason...would she?' Peter observed with a confused tone.

'She'd do it because she's afraid.' Steve claimed.

'I'll go in.' Nat declared, standing up.

'No.' Tony grumbled stubbornly.


'I said no.' he growled. 'She's too dangerous.'

'Everybody can be dangerous Tony.' I insisted. 'Just give her a chance.'

'Well, she's not coming out of that cell!' Tony snapped, I sighed in defeat.

'She won't come out of the cell unless we all agree on it.' Steve assured calmly.

'She just needs someone to be there for her.' Wanda announced while standing up.

'Fine.' Tony hissed with anger. 'Romanoff and Maximoff will go in together because I don't trust her with somebody alone.' He clarified, Wanda and Nat nodded in agreement.