
We're more related than you think - OC x Bucky Barnes

Estela Miller was forced to be a Hydra agent since 1922, but when she gets sent on a mission to kill James "Bucky" Barnes. She gets taken in and freed by the Avengers but she meets Bucky and Clint, Bucky helps Estela get used to a life and helps her get through the tough time she's in while Clint is trying to befriend her. But what happens when she starts falling for one of them? All rights go to Marvel and Stan Lee except for Estela Miller who is my character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N - Hello everyone! Another fan-fiction, you guys are probably sick of me making these marvel ones. This one is probably going to take a while to finish, but hopefully you enjoy it! Just remember that the events aren't exact and have been changed to fit this story *Warning* Coarse language, violence and mature themes.

Snarly01 · Movies
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26 Chs

Movie Night!

Parker and Thor were arguing between a sci-fi and an action movie, Estela went to the kitchen and started making some popcorn. She felt a light tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Clint standing behind her with a warm smile as the popcorn began popping in the microwave.

'So Estela, how has your stay been so far?'

'Apart from absolutely terrifying, then it's been....okay.'

'It's better than being terrible.' He said excitedly, Miller chuckled lightly as the popcorn finished in the microwave.

She grabbed it out of the microwave and poured all of it into a big silver bowl.

'I'll take that!' Clint said playfully, grabbing the bowl and slowly walking out of the enormous kitchen. 'If you want popcorn, you'll follow me to the couch and sit next to me.'

Estela shook her head and chuckled, knowing he was attempting to flirt with her. She followed him to the couch and sat next to him as he requested, he passed the popcorn to the others as they finally decided a movie genre and movie, so they played it.


It was about half way through the movie when Clint looked over at Estela and saw that she was fast asleep. A gentle smile spread across his face, he wrapped an arm around her and pull her closer to him.

Miller's head laid in Clint's lap and he began twirling her long blond hair in between his fingers. After a minute or two, Bucky looked over and began to feel a little jealous at what he was seeing. He grumbled and left the room, deciding it was time for him to go to bed.


It was midnight when Bucky suddenly woke up in cold sweats from a nightmare, he took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his silky brown hair, he remembered the sight from before he went to bed and wanted to move Estela away from the shithead.

So he got out of bed and got into the elevator, there was a ding and the elevator doors opened. Bucky went into the kitchen and got a glass of milk, he walked over to the couch and saw that she is on the opposite side of the couch from Barton which makes him smirk with pleasure.

But then he saw that Estela was shivering violently and covered in sweat, the smirk immediately was replaced but a worried one.

He kneeled down and lightly shook her, attempting to wake Estela up from her nightmare but it was failing. Bucky did it a little bit harder and it still didn't work. He sat on the couch and leaned Estela against him, Barnes wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her left arm soothingly.

'Hey, Estela.' Bucky whispered, she didn't wake up. 'Estela! Wake up!' He whispered a bit louder in her ear, her eyes snapped open but her eyes immediately filled with tears, she leaned forwards and put her head in her hands.

'Hey, it's going to be okay.' Bucky whispered. She looked up at him, Bucky could hear her breathing was fast and light. 'Are you okay?' He asked gently, she didn't respond.

'Yeah.' She said quietly, rubbing her eyes.

'Was it a nightmare?' She nodded, Bucky pulled her closer to him. 'I still have them.'

'You have these sort of nightmares? Painful memories?'

'Yeah. Hydra captured me years ago and made me their "Winter Solider" but then I was freed by Steve a couple of years ago, I used to have nightmares every night but now I only have them a couple of times a week.' Bucky hummed quietly, he looked at Estela who was looking at the floor. Bucky saw the colour of her eyes and studied them for a moment before smiling.

He took a sip of his milk.

'Would you like a glass of milk as well?' He offered, she didn't respond.

'Only if you're offering.' She mumbled, Bucky got up and made her a glass of milk before returning and handing it to her. They sit in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes while drinking their milk.

'Do you--uh--do you want to talk about it?' Estela stared at her cup before taking a deep breath.

'I--was being tortured, multiple times, endlessly. It wasn't necessarily "me, me" but the pain was-'

'Blood curling.' He finished for her, she nodded quietly. 'Do you want me to stay with you tonight?'

'Only if you want to.' She murmured tiredly, Bucky nodded.

'I think I will, just to keep you company and to keep that shithead away from you.' She chuckled with an exhausted tone, she leaned her head on Bucky's shoulder.

'Thank you.' She mumbled before falling asleep, Bucky smirked and closed my eyes. Happy that he was able to see this soft side of her, even if he hadn't known her for very long.

'Anything for you.' He muttered before falling asleep.