

Training with Shikaku and Shikamaru in the morning, chakra control exercises in the afternoon and meditation for at least 3 hours in the evening. That's the schedule I've been going for months now. It's rather amazing, at how quickly time passes by when you go on a routine. 9 levels have come and gone.

It's a quite the tiring schedule, isn't it? Meh, even though I'm quite lazy, I still know when and how to set my priority which was to maximize my CCP (Chakra Control Percentage).

And yes! .... I finally maximized my Chakra Control after all these months of suffering, living like a Sage (With all those time in meditation).

I wasn't even surprised to see myself covered in various animals when I once meditated at the park and that was quite.... not a pleasant memory.


(The time I meditated at the park)

Chōji placed his offering (Bag of Chips) in front of me while I was deep in meditation as he clasped his hands in prayer and Shikamaru lit an incense for them both.

Some civilians joined in prayer (with big smiles on their faces) when they saw what Shikamaru and Chōji did. A large number of them were kids as they thought it was something fun.

All of them holding back their laughs as much as possible while clasping their shaking hands in prayer, all but with the exception of one, Hatake Kakashi, he had a very serious look in his face as he clasped his hands in prayer and saying something like 'I pray that the new Icha-Icha series releases next month' and also lit an incense.

'Why is it so noisy' I mentally thought as I opened my eyes being interrupted in my meditation and saw everything in front of my eyes.

They all laughed, they laughed so hard that 2 of the culprits found themselves soaked in lake water as something flung them to the water..... Hmm... I wonder what hit them.... must've been the wind...

It was at that moment I knew [Reputation] did its magic.



Konohagakure (Overall) - 3500/5000 (Amicable)

Nara Clan - 6000/7500 (Friendly)

-Nara Shikaku - 3000/5000 (Amicable)

-Nara Shikamaru - 7400/7500 (Friendly)

-Nara Mirai - 9000/10000 (Honored)

-Nara Shimonosuke - 1000/25000 (Exalted)

Akimichi Clan - 2000/5000 (Amicable)

-Akimichi Chōji - 5000/7500 (Friendly)

Yamanaka Clan - 600/2500 (Neutral)

Uchiha Clan - 10/2500 (Neutral)

Inozuka Clan - 100/2500 (Neutral)

Sarutobi Clan - 400/2500 (Neutral)

Civilians - 600/2500 (Neutral)


Well... apparently my father holds me in the highest regard according to what my reputation says. Which explains the time he went nuts when I was unconscious for 3 days.



This is where you will find information on your standing with assorted people you have encountered so far, whether positive or not, your reputation has an effect in your relations with people, some may hate you, while others may like you depending on your association with someone. The level of reputation you have with people can have an effect on what Quests will they assign.

Exalted - When you are exalted by someone, they will hold your safety above all the others, no matter what the cost. +100% in effectiveness to teamwork when working with those who hold you in [Exalted] status. You will have a chance to receive special quests from these people.

Honored - You are held in high regard. People with [Honored] reputation towards you looks out for you and always assist you when you need help. +80% in effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people.

Friendly - You are friends, and you will look out each other's backs in combat. +50% effectiveness to teamwork when working with those that have [Friendly] reputation.

Amicable - You are liked. People have good relations to you, but not to the point of being close. People with this reputations will more likely listed to what advises you give them. +25% effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people.

Neutral - They neither like or dislike you.

Disliked - You have annoyed somebody, they are more likely to not listen to you. -25% effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people.

Hated - These are the people who hated you for maybe something you've done and are more likely to stab you in the back. -50% effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people.

Rivaled - These are the people who oppose you on every action you do and take. They prefer to see you dead than alive. -75% effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people. There is a good chance they will attack you on sight unless on a neutral ground.

War - People who want you dead to the very core and fiber of their being. -100% effectiveness to teamwork when working with these people. They will attack you on sight unless on a neutral ground.


That aside.... I swore to never meditate in the park again.


Nothing noteworthy really is there to mention in these past months, aside from some reports of a certain young blonde doing minor pranks accompanied by a major one, which is painting the Hokage monument and also rumors began to spread that 'The Uchiha are planning something big" on a minor number of the populace.

Albeit I heard that Naruto already started going to the ninja academy even though he just turned 6 last month. I never really had any other encounters with him as I only go with Shikamaru and Chōji on my free time as all we do was either cloud watching, playing shogi and going to some Akimichi shops. It was even considered a miracle to me not encountering Naruto yet as I am mostly on the streets in my free time.

'But I guess that just depends on the timing. Perhaps my rest time was his busy time and vice-versa.' I mused as I made my way home after one of those hangouts with Shikamaru and Chōji although they weren't sick but they were acting a bit strangely as this hangout was one of the shortest hangouts we ever did.

'But I do feel like something's gonna happen today, I just can't get the gist of it' I thought as I opened the door by our house.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I placed my shoes at the usual perch.

'Oh? Mom's not here?' I mused as I didn't hear the usual welcoming reply from mom.

"Ah.... troublesome...mom even forgot to turn on the lights..." I said as I scratched my head as I made my way towards the dark kitchen while checking my status.


Name: Nara Shiro

Level: 14

EXP: 450/15000

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Title: Lazy Genius (+40% EXP bonus to all skills), Shrine of the Park (+10% bonus to Senjutsu skills)


HP(Health Points)-920/920

CR(Chakra Reserve)-1872/1872 (300 Base chakra * (300% 'Too much chakra perk bonus))

STR(Strength)- 30

INT(Intelligence)- 92

DEX(Dexterity)- 40

VIT(Vitality) -30

WIS(Wisdom)- 47

LUK(Luck)- 10

CCP(Chakra Control Percentage) - 100%

Available Stat points - 0


Then all of a sudden, the lights suddenly switched on, which alerted my senses as I immediately go into combat stance with my Kunai on hand as the other forming a one-handed seal in preparation for Replacement Jutsu.

"SURPRISE!!!!" 'boom''boom''boom''boom' (confetti noises)

I watched blankly as a huge scroll unfurl with the print of "HAPPY 6th Birthday Shiro-kun!" as my mother, father, Shikamaru, Chōji, and all other relatives we have greet me with huge smiles on their faces.

""""Happy Birthday Shiro!"""" all of them said as they present me with a sumptuous cake of which I presume to be made by an Akimichi. I mean... look at the size of that thing.

I smiled as I returned my kunai to my pouch and rubbed my eyes while hugging both my mother and father, whispering 'Thank you' by their ears.....damn invisible ninjas cutting onions!

Father patted my head with a gentle smile on his face and mother continued to hug me while maintaining that smile on her face. With both of them leading me to the others as we begin with this small yet sumptuous celebration.

Ah...it was a good day...

It was a good day to celebrate to the fullest as I know this type of happiness won't last forever. With all the crisis to come and etc.

"Ah.... troublesome" I said as I continue to wipe that irritation on my eyes while smiling towards the others.