
Way of the Knights

The Final Haven Kingdom. The last known habitable place for humans. Protected by it's faithful Knights, it's walls were destroyed and rebuilt over and over again, signifying it's strength and unwillingness to bow down before the forces of evil. Raven, a young man who's soul returned back in time with his memories intact, what are the changes that he will bring to prevent the kingdom's destruction? Join his adventures along with his family, friends and his lover to find out what is his own Way of being a Knight. *** Disclaimers: 1.) One chapter everyday, might change depending on the ratings and/or personal reasons. We'll see. 2.) English isn't my native language, there's bound to be some errors here and there. You have been warned. Enjoy.

Hateful_Fellow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
942 Chs

Wood Gate


Raven continued listening to the stories of the ent. Despite its language being somewhat old and confusing, he still managed to piece out details of what it is trying to say.

Basically, the Ent was just a regular Oak Tree before but somewhat special since it has a tiny consciousness inside. By his guesses, this might be because of exposure to wild and untamed energies of the Wilderness. This tiny consciousness longed to walk the planes and go to different places, however it is an Oak Tree, and trees can't walk. That's why even if it really wanted to go adventuring, it can't. As the Oak Tree aged and nearing the end of it's natural lifespan, it made an exclusive decision to take one step from it's position, it didn't care it will die after that one step since it's longing was that strong that it refuses to go without even trying.