
Fox In The Sea (5)

The moment Hei Su stepped out of the dungeon, he already put the loathsome girl to the far back of his mind. Now that there was more time, he wouldn't hasten after the guard and deliberately slowed down his steps.

Like this he quietly observed his surroundings while he walked. The night was a deep black and a light rain had set in. The cool raindrops fell down on the moist soil and plants, a refreshing and pure smell filled the air.

Lu Manors prison hill was located to the far end of the manor and to reach the main hall, they had to walk through the entire place. From this far away, Hei Su could see the many lights that were lit in the different courtyards. High walls separated them from each other and only left a narrow passage that was lined with willows. The way, itself, was neatly paved and in regular distances, small trails led between the courtyards into the darkness.

"What does your Master want to talk about?" Hei Su actually knew but it couldn't hurt to ask.

"I don't know Masters intentions, I was just told to bring you over."

Hei Su and the guard didn't talk any more. The guard felt slightly awkward because he didn't know how to treat Hei Su. But Hei Su didn't care and enjoyed the peaceful silence.

The only light was the lantern that was held by the guard. They slowly approached the main hall without encountering a single soul.

The big building had clean, white walls and red roof tiles. All the frames on doors and the round windows were painted in a bloody red. On the outside were seemingly random patches of trees and bushes that hid statues of dragons and tigers in them. The sparse light that shone on them from the building gave it an ominous feeling as if being watched from the dark.

The guards in front of the entrance wore leather helmets and their eyes lay in total darkness.

When Hei Su crossed the red double doors, what greeted him were two ferocious lions which were about to pounce at him. Those statues to his left and right looked so real that a normal person would surely be intimidated the first time they entered. His gaze slowly shifted from the bloodthirsty beast to the people which stood inside the hall.

On the highest seat of the family head, sat a slender, middle-aged man. His eyes were cold but deep, his posture, dignified, with both hands placed on the armrest of his red sandalwood chair. His robe was a dark-blue and embroided with silver-threaded tigers. Hei Su was somewhat baffled. Based on what he had found out beforehand, Lu family were brutes that solved any kind of conflict with their fists, rather than intelligence. What puzzled him was, the man on the red sandalwood chair in front of him held the faint air of a scholar. Was this really the one to make all those decisions?

When he saw Hei Su enter, the middle-aged man ended his quiet talk with the Elder beside him and cast him a disdainful glance. But the moment his eyes met Hei Su's his expression became stunned and afterwards, somewhat complicated.

Hei Su chuckled inwards. He had already anticipated such a reaction.

Lu Haochen, as the family head, was a Spiritual Emperor at the Sixth Stage. He would naturally recognize a cultivator of the same stage as him. What amazed him the most was Hei Su's age. A Spiritual Emperor at the age of merely over twenty was somewhat astonishing. So Lu Haochen's behavior towards him instantly became a lot warmer.

"So you are the revered young Master, who saved my sons life? I truly have to give you my thanks." Lu Haochen's smile looked like a scheming wolf's to Hei Su. What an unpleasant person.

"All of us were in a dire situation back then. It is only natural to help each other."

"To talk and actually act on it are two different things. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask for it, take it as a gift of gratitude." As Lu Haochen said this he cast a disappointed glance to a corner of the hall. Only now did Hei Su notice little Lu Cheng who stood obviously tired, in the corner. When he noticed his father's glance, he lowered his head in shame.

Master Lu's way of thought was simple. On the outside, Hei Su seemed like a twenty-something year old Spiritual Emperor.

Who had the necessary assets to cultivate? For the most part, only nobility. So what did such a young Sixth Stage expert mean?

Besides talent, it meant astonishing wealth, so Lu Haochen simply assumed him to be a young Master of some high nobility or merchant family. Who wouldn't want to curry favor with a rising star like that? Normally he wouldn't give out presents for saving his idiot son, who couldn't even protect himself, to a total stranger with no background.

Hei Su on the other hand would probably amaze the entire continent in the future. It was better to build a good connection now, to reap benefits later.

Master Lu was already happily counting his chicken before they hatched ah.

Who was Hei Su? If he couldn't even guess Lu Haochen's obvious thoughts by looking at his face, how could he still call himself an immortal? At an angle no-one else could see, a crafty smile flashed through his eyes. Ah just when he was thinking that he was kind of short on money, see, such a nice, roasted duck decided to fly right in front of him ah.

In fact, Hei Su wasn't short on money at all. Who told him to only hoard mountains of gold coins! He noticed this when he tried to buy at a food stall before, most people couldn't give out change on a gold coin! So what he lacked the most right now was pocket change.

"Oh distinguished Master Lu, how could I take money for saving a life! It is what is expected of us with greater strength! See it as an act for our future friendship." Hei Su was the very picture of justice and honor.

Lu Haochen thought he had already hooked this rising star and could barely suppress a bright grin. Instead he put on a humble face. "Surely, what an honorable young man you are, indeed! But great deeds ought to be rewarded. My son's life is priceless, it would be a shame for Lu Manor if we wouldn't repay you generously!"

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite! Uncle, to be honest, I've run out of pocket money on my way here. Can't even buy food in the streets like this ah. Would Uncle mind to help me out on this dilemma?"

'Who's you damn uncle, kid!' Lu Haochen was instantly angered by Hei Su's overly familiar tone but he nevertheless managed to maintain that friendly smile on his face. "Not at all! Young man, my Lu Manor shall pay for your upcoming travel expenses. We will also bestow you some pills, so you will get home without suffering any injury, how about that?"

"Lu Haochen!!"

Finally, one of the three Elders that had been watching from the sidelines couldn't stand it anymore and stepped in. They couldn't understand what happened. Why would the family head want to spoil that brat?!

Hei Su on the other hand was inwardly rolling on the floor laughing. What 'air of a scholar'?! That man is straight out an idiot! Until now he hadn't said even one word about his background and Lu Haochen had already assumed him to be of what a great identity! To even bestow him pills and letting Hei Su call him 'Uncle'!

Outside, Hei Su had the appearance of an abandoned puppy. His facial expression was truly pitiful ah. His lips were even pulled into a light pout like a spoilt child.

"Uncle, you are so kind but Elder is right ah. To already pay for my expenses and then still giving me precious pills how could this child accept? Let's just settle on a letter of credit and some pocket money, alright?"

What would he need Lu family's lousy pills for, when he could refine any pill he wanted for himself? Hei Su snorted disdainfully to himself.

"No, that won't do. I can't have you go back without anything to protect your life. You shall get some intermediary-grade pills as well as a good horse. It is good to challenge oneself but you shouldn't be reckless."

For Lu Haochen, this was a question of his honor as well as his future benefits. How could he, the stately master of the Lu family, let this child go back home like this, what if something killed that brat off?

He didn't care about money at all but power and position!

"Lu Haochen! If it's just some money, fine! But we are talking about pills here! Pills can only be refined by Alchemists and you, yourself, know just how rare that occupation is nowadays! Let alone an Intermediary Alchemist, even an Elementary Alchemist is hard to come by! What about our disciples? We only have a few, how do you plan to replace them?!"

The Elder who stepped forward to reproach Lu Haochen had a red face from anger. He was extremely mad. How could you, as the family head, give away the families treasures to an outsider?!

While the elder was steaming, Hei Su had heard an interesting news. Alchemists were a rare occupation nowadays? That was quite the news for him as Alchemists were always uncommon but never "rare". Back in the days, there was at least one alchemist for every two-thousand people. In a city like Piaoliu were bound to be a few. Wonder how the ratio is now---?

"And you!"

Apparently the elder was still ranting while Hei Su's mind drifted away. The old man with the red head now had his finger pointed at him, seemingly wanting to directly poke a hole through his chest.

"Don't think we forgot that you were arrested for slanting the name of the Lu family! You think you got yourself out of this trouble just because you saved one useless boy? Dream on!"


Master Lu could accept the Elder ranting at him but he couldn't let him do the same with his precious future benefits. This matter with the accusation was something deeply embarrassing for him and he was already grateful to the boy for not mentioning it.

"That child was wrongly accused, it was Lu Cheng's mistake and now I don't want to hear a word about this anymore!"

The Elder, finger still pointed at Hei Su, started to lightly tremble from anger, his face changed its color to white as his rage deepened. Just when did the younger generation get so audacious?!

Lu Haocheng sighed. "This matter--, it is already so late and we are all tired, how about we discuss it tomorrow? Young man, please stay the night and be my guest, Lu Manor will not treat you unfairly."

Hei Su almost looked at him like he would at an idiot but managed to hold back at the last moment. Who would want to stay here tonight?! Up and go it is!

"I'm sorry Uncle but I should really hurry home. I still have such a long way ahead of me. I don't want my poor mother to worry about me, should I arrive late. Let's just settle this matter with some pocket money, an unlimited letter of credit, the horse and some provisions for a few days. I really appreciate that you want to give me pills but such a treasure should stay within your family."

Right now he was the very image of a filial son and a good boy. Lu Haocheng didn't think much about it and instantly agreed. He left a good impression on the boy that was all that counted. He waved his hand and instructed the servants to get everything ready for him.

The elders face had changed color once more from white to black. He had exactly heard what Hei Su had done but just as he opened his mouth to retaliate, he was once again shot down by the family head. Leaving him with a green face from disgust as he watched Hei Su's leaving back.

Because that old man didn't seem like an easy character, Hei Su thought to take note of him. Due to his unknown name however, the dignified Elder was childishly named 'Mister Rainbow' because of his ever changing face color.

This nickname would make the old man suffer a lot in the future.

When Hei Su left it was still the middle of the night.

Inside the hall, the four people remained. Lu Haochen was pretty pleased with himself and the Elder who stepped forward was still fuming with rage. He wouldn't let that audacious brat off that easily!

Suddenly, hurried footsteps could be heard. A servant, drenched from the rain outside, ran inside the hall and came to a stop in front of the big sandalwood chair. He deeply bowed in front of Master Lu and his Elders.

Afterwards he hurriedly handed Lu Haochen a dirty and almost torn letter. Lu Haochen tucked slightly on his dark blue robe and took the letter with a slight disgust on his face. But soon after his face changed color to match that of his elder.

"What is the meaning of this?!"