
Way Back home

Hadeed wahdati is the student of business and he is the university's cold and handsome boy,his mother died when he was seven...... After the death of his mother he became districted from his father because he thinks his father was not a good husband,his father was a busy business man..... But now when he is 23 year old he received a news of his father's mysterious car accedent in which his father dies...now he had to find out who was behind this accedent and want to take revenge of his father merciless death bcz after all he was his father... Rayan shoraim who is the smart girl always try to avoid boys, is in the same university as Hadeed's and she is Hadeed's junior... Rayan's brother in law is cheating on her sister so she would try to take revenge on him... through this journey of revenge she will got to know who is Hadeed's father's murderer.... will she help Hadeed or not? bcz in her veiw all men are the same? And how will Hadeed find out about his father's murderer? Do they both will fall for each other or not because it is also a love story?

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2 Chs

chapter 2

When the class over and the professor walk out,the students gradually start packing their stuff and left the class one by one.She was on the last seat of the class,she was lost in thoughts.She attend the whole lecture with abscent mind.Her only friend Tia was abscent so she was there all alone.

She was thinking about last night,when her sister called her....

Last night....

She was about to go sleep after a very tiresome day when her phone start ringing.

She pick up her phone from the side table and saw "Maya calling"...she smile and attend the call.

"Yeah...sista what's going on,I bit we talked a whole hour this evening and you are already missing me again."

"Ra_Rayan!" she Heard her sister call her name while crying.

She straightened up and become serious

"Hey!are you crying"she crinckled her brows and stand up...and she heard from another side of the call,her sister start crying even more

"Maya my sister! tell me what's wrong?

Are you okay?where is Dede is he okay?"

She asked about his five year old nephew Hadi.

"Yeah he is okay,he is sleeping"

"Then what's wrong actually? please for God sake Mata just tell me already."

Rayan asked worriedly

"Rayan! Orhan is cheating on me."

She said this in one breath and start crying even more,Rayan get shocked,she didn't believe her ears,Her only brother_in_law who she Respect the most like an older brother is actually cheating on her very only dear sister.

"What...how?Maya what are you saying? sister!"

"Yes Rayan he is cheating on me,he is a big hypocrite,till now I was living with the person who was an Ediot and cheating on me with another women...or no! actually the big Ediot and stupid is me,who believed him...his behavior was so doubtful from so many days,his coming home late and all the excuses...Rayan! I am going crazy."

She was so much in pain and also angry

"But how you find out?did he tell you by his own?"

Rayan asked her,she was still in shock.

"No!that Ediot didn't told me,today he forget his phone at home and I just pick it up and open it..and I saw new notifications from a girl Ella..and their romantic chat and their photos on dates and what not Rayan."

She cry out at the end..

"Rayan! What should I do now,I can't even leave him now...we have a son,how will he live without his father."

"Listen Maya..."Rayan speak up after a sigh

"He don't deserve you, your love for him was pure but he didn't love you back the way you did..Now,just wait a few days...

Notice him thoughraly and first of all send me a vedio from his chat quickly so then we can have evidence and yeah you delete it from your phone after sending me so he won't find out."

She make a quick plan very cleverly, though she was still young but she was thoughtful,

(After his father died she control all the things at home so nicely and bravely.

She was the second child of her parents three children..Maya was elder then Rayan and then they have a thirteen year old brother Ali..)

"And yeah! please stop crying,be brave.you have a son and don't you dare to cry for that Ediot."

Maya stop crying she was feeling much good after talking to Rayan, that's how Rayan was,she knew how to consule some or how to co-op with situations.

"And yeah don't tell anyone at home,mom will get worried,her condition is not so good already."

Maya said like an elder..she was a kind girl,she would never want her family to be worried about her.

Then they both said good night to each other and hung up...

After a while Rayan received a vedio from Maya..she click on vedio and play it..Maya was so nervous so she accidentally open two three chats of her husband and then finally a chat with Ella in which his husband had said Soo much Ill of him also their very dirty chats and everything..

After watching that rayan's head was busting she controled herself,turned off the phone and lie on bed,turned off the lights and start thinking what to do next...


The whole class get empty...she also start packing her things slowly,pick up her bag and walk out from the class..

She was wearing a lose black shirt over black pants,hair in low ponytail,some lose stands of hair from front was on her face.

She had a beautiful pair of hypnotic eyes,a small nose and full lips..she was so pretty but so simple,she didn't like to put on much makeup which make her unique.

Bag on the right shoulder and hands in pockets she walked out from business department,it was her second last semester.

The ground was full with students,she walk slowly toward an empty bench and set on it and put her bag aside.

The weather was so cloudy and cold..

She was blankly looking at the people going here and there, talking and having fun...some couples were having their romantic conversations,some group of friends were chatting loudly..the whole area was crowded with students and she was there all alone lost in thoughts what will happen to her sister..

She was lost in her thoughts when three girls came and stand a few steps away from her looking at the direction of two boys,one boys was leaning against the wall with arrogant cold looks and the other was sittting on the bench next to him..when the one girl said;

"Ahh..this man is so handsome,I wish he could just look at me once."

The girls were actually talking about Hadeed who was their senior,when the other girl said

"Ahh...poor him his father died in an accident."

"But someone was saying it was a murder and that they are so rich,so someone killed his father."

The short girl said when the other girl shut her off

"You better shut up if he heard you saying this,the you are dead...you know his temper...he is handsome but not a bit kind at all."

And then the girls walked away...

Rayan was still looking at Hadeed lost in thoughts when Hadeed noticed her..

Their eyes met and suddenly Rayan waked up from her world of thoughts,she straightened up and pick up her bag and start walking toward the gate,but she can feel his gaze on her back

"Ahhh dang it...he must be thinking I was lost in him..ahh damnit..I am stupid,Ssoo Soo stupid."

She was cursing herself and walked out of the main gate...

Hadeed keep looking at her until she disappear from his gaze..then he smiled

Because he knew Rayan,she was the only girl who didn't give him any attention and she was kinda introvert, also she was a topper so Hadeed knew her..

Zain who was looking down looked up at him and found him smiling.his eyes widen with a shock

"Oh my...Oh my! What i am seeing with my eyes oh God,how?why were you smiling and..."

Then he look at the direction he was smiling at "to whom?"

Hadeed confused himself and crinckled his brows

"You misunderstood I wasn't smiling"

And then start walking toward parking lot

Zain also followed him

"Hey! You better tell me or..."

Zain was talking recklessly but then suddenly stoped when Hadeed turn around and give him a serious look

"Oh okay!okay don't tell me... alright."

Zain make a face and walk after him.