
Way Back 2018

Kim Minseok distances himself to Kwang In-soo because he only wants to be friends with him. In-soo had feelings for Minseok but got pushed away when he confessed that night. After that, everything went back to 2018.

saragnayon_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

First Time

"Meet me at Lotteria, 8:00 PM," the direct message that I sent to In-soo for us to talk about it.

After what I saw in his bedroom, I never imagined that he had those back then. I think he really made his gender a secret to us back then, but we noticed him; he flushed and when he saw me at Ahrin's place without a top cloth. I understand him because I also like guys. We just let him be and if he wanted to tell us about it, we will accept him wholeheartedly.

I am currently on my bed, feeling exhausted of everything that is occurring. I just recalled, what is the date that night before things go crazy? Friday, September 13, 2020. I should mark this day first on my calendar.

Oh, what? The calendar already has a schedule for this day. The happenings for today are recorded and were set here. Tonight, it says here that I will have a dinner with In-soo. Hmm… So, something will happen later. I should know it ahead of time.

It's already 7:38 PM. I need to go there now.

As I opened my door, my phone vibrated. In front of me now is In-soo. It froze me and as if I'll never be thawed anymore. The sight is so mesmerizing. His deep brown eyes, being illuminated by the faint light coming from the phone's screen, is like an open door that is ready to welcome me.

"I-In-soo. You are here."

He never said a single word. He kept on staring at me like he knows me even though this is the first day we knew each other in this crappy turn-around of event.

I cracked the silence between us once more, "How did you know that I li-!"

He quickly pulled my back and put his hands at the back of my head. Without a warning, our lips met. I closed my eyes; cherishing the moment that I know will never happen again. I think my heart will escape my chest. This is different from that time when he kissed me back when I am still in 2019. His kiss makes my whole body feel so hot. I never knew my crush had this kind of affection to me.

He suddenly spoke when he stopped kissing me, "Do you still want to eat dinner?"

I don't know what the vibration has alerted. I don't have any clue if I should eat dinner with him at the time that I asked him to go. I got my right momentum already. I should follow my guts again.

"Let's have our dinner and stick to our agenda. I'll just lock the doors."

Frustration is written on his face. He's so cute. I love to see this always. By the way, I really wonder why he knows where I live. Let it be, my mind is in a disaster now by coping to this 'renewed life'.

"Do you know who I am," In-soo asked me abruptly while we are waking together heading to Lotteria. The question is a bit tricky.

"What do you mean?"

"It seems that when the first time you saw me, you were in shock. You also acted like you know me even though we barely talked to each other this day."

"Oh, I was shocked that time when the professor said you were a transferee. I also thought you were one of my friends from the other university, he seemed to look like you," I tried my best to make an excuse about that. He is still the same In-soo, remember that.

"Is that so? I wish I could see him in person."

He's so calm and relaxed right now, unlike back then where he seemed nervous and cautious when I'm with him. You could see that he is happy by how differently he smiles.

"We're here now."

Holy shit, I forgot what the calendar tells me to do. I'll check it first.

"Go ahead, I'll just call my mom first."

"Okay, I'll order for you."

Okay, dear calendar, what do you want me to do?

'1 unseen message': the message that showed up on my phone's screen. I thought it was the calendar. FUCK, I should have done it with In-soo already! In contrast, this is also good even though it is way better to be sharing the bed with him tonight. I got time for asking him about this.

"Minseok-nim, will you go here and eat with us?"

It was Bora who messaged me, I replied that I already had my dinner, might visit them tomorrow.

I already went inside, and the order is ready. Minseok already got a table. He chose the corner seat of the store, how nice of him, that's my favorite spot.

"What did you call about to your mother," he asked as soon as I sat down.

"Just told her if I gone missing tomorrow, it is your fault. HAHAHA!"

"How naïve your joke is."

"I want to ask you something before you ask me anything later," he continued.

"Well, spill it out."

"Do you know me a long time ago?"

"You already asked me earlier about that. What's the big deal with it?"

"I got a hunch that you know me very well."

Reading between the lines, I think he already has a clue about me. Should I tell him.

My phone is ringing now. I thought I always put my phone on silent.

"Uhm, just wait, I'll answer this first. It will only take a minute."


Close call. Thank you, dear phone. I went to the restroom andas I checked my phone again, it was the calendar. It sent a distress alert. I guess it is right not to tell anyone first yet about what is happening.

"Have dinner with In-Soo, get close to him but make a distance."

What does this mean, be friends but don't give in to him? This is making me crazy again.

I went back to In-soo. I got to know more about his idea about me, he seems to know something.

"Answer me now, Minseok. Do you already know me?"

"Well, I guess sosince you are famous in Nstagram. I probably have liked a post of yours because we have the same company that handles our endorsement projects. I think I already bumped into you before."

Wait, did I just say that? I think this is some of the memories of the Minseok that I am in now. This life is a bit tweaked because I have Nstagram and I am a famous content creator.

"Bingo! You noticed me since then. HAHAHA! I thought you forgot this kind of face."

So that's the real reason why he is asking if I know him. I supposed that he knows what is happening.

"This is like a dream for me Minseok. I got to be noticed by one of the greatest content creators nowadays. I checked, you only follow close friends or the accounts of the companies you used to have endorsements."

I don't know what to say. I might make a fuzz if I answered in a different way.

"Oh, yeah. I only want my feed to be as quite as possible. I already get bunch of messages from other influencers and fans."

"I see. I made the right decision not to message you back then."

"What is the real reason why you transferred in our university," I change the topic, it gets me a bit uncomfortable telling all those.

"Oh, I got a project that will take almost 4 months. I decided to transfer here so I will not travel that far enough."

"I see. Uhm. About earlier, I…"

"What earlier, about the condoms and lubricant, or the kiss?"f

Oh my. I feel my ears and cheeks are burning now.

"It is about the condoms and lubricant. You like boys, right?"

"Yeah, but I haven't done it with anyone, I'm scared."

"Then, what are those for?"

"I use them when I use my toys and the playroom."

"You have a playroom? Why I don't know about that."

"What," In-soo's eyebrows met. Shit, I slipped. I should make an excuse.

"I mean, when I saw your house, I didn't notice you have a playroom."

"Oh, it was a hidden room. I always pick apartments that have those kind."

Close call again. I should change the topic again.

"Does any of your friends know about your gender?"

"You were the first," he gives a straight look at me, making his words more piercing and serious. "I kissed you for you to know that I like you since the first time I met you."

I couldn't reply anything to what he just said. The calendar told me that just be close to him and nothing more than that. I should brace myself to tell him that I am not interested yet.

"Minseok, sorry. I only expect that we will be friends first. About the kiss, I forgive you about it so don't feel sorry after this."

"Okay, if that's the case, I want to ask for your time."

"What for?"

"Give my 7 chances to date you, I want you to feel how is it to be with me."

I am really stunned. He asked me right away to be his date for 7 times. I need to think about it first. I should ask Ahrin about this, if ever, this will be my first time.

"Let me think about it. I am quite busy. I have a lot of work to be done."

"Okay, then. Let's go now," he gave me another warm smile. It is really fascinating to see how his eyes smile for me also.

We already went outside. "If ever you change your mind, just tell me."

I nodded. "I'll get going. See you next time."

"Okay. Good bye!"

We parted ways as soon as we said our farewells.

As soon as I got home, In-soo sent a DM.

"I hope you had a great day today. Thank you for being a friend to me. I'm looking forward on your answer to my proposal."

I hope the next day wouldn't be as crazy as this day. I went to my bed and closed my eyes. This is a chance to change the story of my life.

Here I am again! Support me by adding this to your library and spread the word. LOL.

Enjoy reading! XOXO

saragnayon_creators' thoughts