
Waves of Determination: A Water-Type Trainer's Odyssey

Embark on an epic journey with Kai, a devoted trainer whose unyielding spirit matches the relentless ebb and flow of the ocean. When his beloved sanctuary, Aqua Haven, faces the threat of development, Kai takes a stand, determined to safeguard the home he holds dear. With a handful of steadfast Pokémon allies, Kai sets his sights on the prestigious title of Galar Champion, knowing that only victory in the region's toughest battles can designate Aqua Haven as a protected landmark. As Kai and his companions traverse the diverse landscapes of Galar, from lush forests to rolling seas, they encounter challenges both on land and beneath the waves. Together, they forge a path through adversity, proving that the strongest bonds are forged in the face of adversity. Join Kai on a quest fueled by courage, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to protect the sanctuaries that shape our souls, in 'Waves of Determination.'

Aftodelse · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter four

As Kai approached the outskirts of Wedgehurst Town, he was greeted by a bustling marketplace, its colorful stalls adorned with a variety of goods. The air was filled with the fragrant aroma of fresh produce and the lively chatter of locals going about their day.

But despite the excitement of seeing a new place, Kai couldn't help feeling a sense of unease creeping in. He had never been outside Aqua Haven before, and he wasn't sure what to expect from the rest of the world.

As he made his way through the crowded streets, he spotted a group of teenagers huddled around a poster on a wall. Curious, Kai approached them, and his heart raised when he saw the contents of the poster: "Attention Trainers!" It read. "Do you have what it takes to become the next Champion? Sign up today at the Pokémon League Headquarters for your chance to win fame, fortune, and glory!"

"I knew it," Kai thought excitedly. "This is the only way to save Aqua Haven.his heart leapt when he saw the contents of the poster: "Attention Trainers!" But before he could write down the address, a booming voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, kid!" The voice called out. "Are you looking to become a Pokémon Trainer?"

Kai turned to see a man in a bright yellow jacket with a large grin on his face. "Um, yes," Kai responded hesitantly.

"Well you see here my son". He stopped a boy from hiding behind his back" He's a shy lad and I'd feel much more safe if he had someone with him".

Kai took a moment to examine the boy. He was the same age as him, with messy brown hair and dark jaded green eyes that looked like they'd rather be anywhere else than here. "My name is Kai and I'm going to sign up so come on". Kai said.

The boy was hesitant at first, but after some encouragement from his father, he eventually nodded and joined Kai.

"By the way what's your name?" Kai asked the boy while they were on the way.

Before the boy was able to respond Kai stopped and turned around to his dad " Do you know where the Pokémon League center is"?

"Ahh yes the Pokémon league center is located in the middle of town square. Just turn left once you leave this street."

"Thanks!" Kai said as he continued to walk.

"Hey wait up!" The boy ran towards him.

Kai stopped again " Oh right I forgot about you"

"Well you know my name now but do you have a name?"


"Cool, let's go!" Kai started walking again.

"Why did you leave your home"?

"Why did you leave your home"?

"My home was taken from me so I'm going to take back what's mine".

Collin seemed shocked by his response, Kai's reason made his sound stupid in comparison.

"So why are you becoming a trainer"?

"I just want to help my family, they need the money".

"I see."

They finally arrived at the Pokémon League mandated center and got to the front of the line.

"Hello, what can I help you two with"? The attendant asked.

"We would like to register as trainers".

"Okay, we will need both of your names, ages, hometowns and pokemon in your possession".

"My name is Kai, I'm 17 years old, and I'm from Aqua Haven".

The attendant raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. "Alright then. And what about you?"

Collin shifted nervously as he spoke. "I'm Collin. I'm 17, from Wedgehurst Town, and I only have a Salandit".

"Salandit? That's a poison type, right?" Kai asked.

Collin nodded. "Yeah, but she's pretty weak right now".

The attendant gave them a warm smile. "That's alright. Just make sure you train her properly so she can get stronger".

Collin nodded. "I will".

With the formalities out of the way, the attendant reached under the desk and pulled out two red and white books, which he handed to the boys. "These are your Pokedexes. They contain information on all the Pokémon in the region, as well as a map and a clock.

Kai was glad that this was over he took in a big sigh "Thank you!" He exclaimed, turning to leave the building.

"Hold on, you two!" The attendant called out to them. "You still need to register your Trainer ID numbers".

Kai and Collin turned back around to face the attendant, who was holding out a small device. "Place your hand on this scanner and it will register your ID number. It's the same as your Trainer ID."

What's the point of this? Collin seemed curious his eyes were focused on the attendant.

"Well," The attendant explained. "Trainers need their IDs in order to access certain areas, like Pokemon Centers and Pokemart. You also need your ID in order to enter gyms and participate in League sanctioned events."

Kai and Collin both placed their hands on the scanner, and it flashed with a bright light.

"Thank you! Your numbers are registered. Good luck on your journeys!" The attendant said as the boys left the building.

Kai looked down at the Pokebook in his hand. "Looks like we're officially Pokémon Trainers now. So, where do you want to go first?"

Collin shrugged. "I don't know. I've never really thought about it".

"Well, I think we should head over to the Route 2 entrance and you can catch some Pokémon. That's probably the best way to start".

"Okay, let's do that then". Collin replied.


5:00 Pm

Route two Galar

Collin spoke up as they were deep in the Route a question sprouted in his mind. "What kind of Pokémon do you want to catch"?

Kai thought about it for a moment. "Well, since I'm a Water-types/ ice type specialist for now. I'll be on the lookout for an ice type but I'll most likely not find anything".

One thing stood out to Collin that he needed to ask " At Aqua haven did you also take care of ice types"?

"Well no i just liked how most ice types look their sleek design calls to me". Kai said with a smile.

"I see so you have no real interest in ice types other than how they look"?

Kai nodded. "ehh kinda i also like how powerful ice type moves can be".

"Makes sense".

"How about you"?


"What type of Pokemon do you want to catch"?

"Oh um.." Collin blushed slightly, embarrassed by the question. "I think poison types i always wanted to be a toxicologist.

"I see".


"Then why aren't you pursuing that"?

"My family can't afford my Tuition so I'm doing this to make some funds".

"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Just keep trying".

"Thanks". Collin smiled, appreciating the encouragement.

"No problem. But doesn't starting up in pokemon cost a lot of money or that's what i heard"?

"Yeah but I was able to get past that when one of my neighbors who came back from a trip from Alola decided to give me the pokemon he caught when he realized they didn't get along". Collin took a deep breath after that long speech.

"Wow that's nice of him".

"Yeah he's a good guy".


Next day

9:00 am

Wedgehurst: Collins house

Collin woke up in his room, the sun shining through his window. He stretched his arms and yawned before rolling out of bed.

He walked down the stairs, passing by his mother who was cooking breakfast. "Morning," he mumbled.

"Good morning, dear!" His mom greeted cheerfully as she flipped pancakes. "Did you sleep well?"

Collin nodded. "Yeah, I slept fine".

"That's good. How are your plans to become a Pokemon trainer coming along?"

"Good good me and my travel buddy went out to route two he's up stairs still sleeping".

"I'm glad to hear it. It's such a shame that you have to leave us, but I'm happy you're making the most of it".

Collin's mother hugged her son tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's okay, Mom," Collin said reassuringly. "I'll be fine".

"I know," his mother replied with a sad smile. "I just can't help worrying about you".

"I'll be fine, Mom," Collin reassured her. "I have Kai with me, and I'm sure he'll take good care of me".

His mother gave him a hug. "Just be careful out there," she whispered. "And make sure to call home once in a while".

"I will," Collin promised as he hugged his mom back.

Kai started to walk down stairs his hair was all over the place falling over his eyes


"Good morning".

"So are you ready to go"?

"No, I need breakfast, Shower and some other stuff before I'm ready to go.

"Oh right me too".


After breakfast Kai and Collin headed out to the train station where their destination was the wild area train station. They could always make the full trip to Motostoke. But it's a tradition to make it through the wild area surrounding any town or city before challenging their gym.

They waited around an hour before the train came in. Kai looked around and noticed that there were a lot of trainers waiting for the same train. "There sure are a lot of trainers here," he said.

"Yeah," Collin agreed. "It seems like everyone wants to go to Motostoke City to challenge the first Gym".

"Well to be fair it is the start of this circuit after all".


"Anyway let's get going".

"Yeah let's go".

The train was huge and was filled with trainers who were also heading to the wild area Station. It was hard to find a seat, but Kai managed to squeeze into one near the back of the train. Collin found a seat next to him, looking around the train excitedly.

The train slowly began to move, and soon they were off, heading towards the Station. The landscape flew by in a blur, and Kai stared out the window in awe at how fast they were traveling.

"Hey Collin look". Kai pointed to a pod of lapras swimming in the river below them.

"Wow, they're so beautiful!" Collin exclaimed.

Kai smiled at Collins' enthusiasm. "Yeah, they really are."

The train ride was long and tiring, but eventually they arrived at the Wild Area Station.

"I can't believe we finally made it," Collin said in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting," Kai replied. "So, where to go first?"

"I think we should explore the area a bit first," Collin suggested. "Get a feel for the place."

"Sounds good to me," Kai agreed. "Let's get started."

Collin and Kai entered the wild area, a large expanse of land dotted with mountains, lakes, and forests. There were countless Pokémon roaming about, from tiny Rattatas to giant onixes.

"Wow, this place is huge," Kai said in awe. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Me neither," Collin replied. "We should find a lake to sleep next to. It'll keep us from starving and dehydrating"

"Good idea."

Kai and Collin spent the day searching for a suitable camping spot. Eventually, they found a small lake surrounded by a lush forest.

"This looks perfect," Kai said excitedly. "Let's set up camp here."

Collin nodded in agreement. "I'll gather some firewood and food."

"Okay, I'll get the tents and sleeping bags ready."

As Kai and Collin finished setting up their camp, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. However, beneath the surface calm, an underlying tension lingered, unnoticed by the two boys. As they settled down for the night, their laughter echoed softly against the backdrop of the darkening forest.

Laying down on the ground, Kai's gaze drifted toward the lake's edge. The water, usually serene, now seemed to ripple with an unseen energy. In the distance, a pair of red glowing eyes pierced through the darkness, their intensity sending a shiver down Kai's spine.